Evolution of Prometheus

Rockefeller's Prometheus Defined his Goal

Prometheus Brought Man Fire
Fire of Knowledge of Sin; Not Life

Our last post, Frankenstein to Transhumanism, several topics were elucidates explaining the goals of Satan; this post will focus on the Evolution of Prometheus. Prometheus was the Greek mythic figure who brought fire to man. Prometheus, meaning forethought, is the embodiment of science, culture and metalwork as well as being a trickster.  For bringing man fire, he was chained to a mountain and a vulture daily ate his liver as punishment for trying to make man equal to the gods. This early story shows the struggle sinful people have juxtaposing religion and knowledge.  The knowledge that Prometheus brought, and for which man strives to obtain today, is to go beyond the boundaries of flesh: it is to incorporate technology with flesh to create the Übermensch, superman, of the future.

Since Darwin, or more specifically since the revival of Darwinism, man has used evolution to explain the creation and development of everything from the universe to microbes in order to reject God as Creator. What is evolution? According to the Free Dictionary, evolution is “…gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.” Interestingly, though evolution is considered a modern concept its core concept is recognized and rejected in the Bible more than 2,000 years ago (2Pe 3:3-7). Man used natural processes to eliminate God’s active interaction with His creation. Man’s intentions were clear, they scoffed, used sarcasm, at the existence of God by substituting general observable processes. Paul declares that lost people, all who are born, naturally reject God and seek any explanation apart from God even drawing from nature itself (Ro 1:18-25). Evolution is used to explain how the present world, and its inhabitants, came into being as observed today; i.e., it is looking to the past to explain the present.

Darwin sought to explain how life came to be without God and why the white race was superior to all others as disclosed in the original title of his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. Whereas Darwin was quiet and non-confrontational, Huxley was argumentative and willing to take on doubters of evolution. He coined the term, agnostic, meaning “one cannot know” demonstrating that knowledge of God was beyond the ken of science and thus, unknowable. Huxley adopted a type of social Darwinism in his socialistic work, The Struggle for Existence in Human Society, that would characterized the Progressive Era as would eugenics and socialism. Huxley wrote toward the end of his life, “Society grows as we curb these “anti-social” animal instincts—it advances through the selection of individuals who are ethically the best, rather than physically the fittest (Brittanica. Thomas Henry Huxley).” He defined the very essence of the eugenics movement which remains today at the heart of the Transhumanism movement today.

Evolution Defies Logic

Evolution Punishes Those Who
Dare Think Apart from Doctrine

In essence, evolution has become another religion all the while denying the existence of religion; especially of God. Yet, it requires more faith to believe in evolution than the God of the Bible. Evolution rests on the statistical impossibility of random mutations promoting positive or beneficial changes. Remember our earlier definition? Evolution results in beneficial changes but how do these changes occur? David Holden, The Mathematical Impossibility of the Theory of Evolution, gives us an inkling into the statistical improbability of evolution processes resulting in any positive changes. Information science demands that there be a source of information. Information does not randomly occur. Randomly forming words from letters is not information; the understanding and communication of relevant data forms information. Genetic coding occurring randomly cannot form new information as it is not integrated with present information. This is the idea of irreducible complexity. The human body’s thirteen step clotting process had to spring into being completely formed to include all underlying processes and organs to prevent the death of the organism. To simply say, “we are alive therefore it must have occurred,” is the height of an ad absurdum argument.

There have been no transitional fossils or organisms discovered which even Darwin admitted was the weakness of his theory; at least he made an attempt at intellectual honesty. Several transitional humanoid fossils have been debunked as fabricated or hoaxes; again, showing the weaknesses of this so-called theory. Whereas evolutionists scoff at Christians for using the God of the gaps fallacy; they have fallen up the same problem: asteroids or meteorites of the gaps to explain their shortcomings. Since the Scope’s Monkey Trial, public educational systems have used the force of government to insure that evolution is the only theory of creation taught in school due to the weaknesses of their foundations and arguments. However, I am not here to discuss evolution as a science to explain the past.

Ouroboros of Satan and Knowledge

Quintessential Ouroboros Devouring
Knowledge to One’s Own Destruction

I  propose that evolution was simply a device to condition the non-elites to accept the eugenical fiction that some are more better than others (Animal Farm). People cannot wait on the fictional millions or billions of years supposedly required for beneficial evolutionary change to come to the masses. However, medical, think surgical, technology in the form of nanotechnology can be implanted today to give poor humans an advantage over everyone else; i.e., transhumanism. This differs from eugenics of the early to mid-20th century which relied on force and death to eliminate the unwanted; much as socialism relied on violence to its on destruction. The Transhumanism movement, like the Gramsci socialistic movements, rely on the consent of the people to be the guinea pigs in testing this modern evolutionary, technological improvements in human development. This evolutionary approach will have people begging to be in on the ground floor of untried genetic manipulations. This is the basis of the modern vaccine movement despite the nasty anti-vaxxers trying to keep people from being improved.

The tree of knowledge encircled by the ouroboros snake of man also encircled by the ouroboros dragon of Satan are engaged in self-deceptive, self-destructive pursuits of knowledge to improve one’s self apart from God’s creation but without God’s creative abilities. What will emerge is an evolutionary abomination of metal and flesh redefining beneficial changes as Terminator type add-ons. Attempts to improve people chemically and surgically have limited successes but many failures. the use of universally controlled implantable devices will keep the masses happy, and limited, while enabling the elites to indulge their fantasies of becoming ÜbermenschAll who wish to live in their utopia, on their terms, will have to accept these conditions or die. After all, the world’s population has to be kept to a strict level so as to not deplete the supposedly dwindling, scarce resources. Equality will be defined as equal with bio-mechanical devices of certain levels depending on one’s usefulness to the elites.

Bio-Mechanical Disintegration

Face of the New Evolution of People
Centrally Exploited Usefulness

God gives His saved a new nature now (2Co 5:17). He promises Christians a new body later (1Co 15:42-56). Then, there will be a new earth and heaven (Re 21:1-4). Only those who are saved in Christ receive these gifts. Satan and the lost eschew these gifts; instead, they opt for artificial implants, as so-called improvements, in an earth of their making. Their utopia is ultimately founded on death by eliminating all who are different from them: the ultimate inequality. This is their fire of Prometheus which they define as the future of mankind. The true future of evolution; a nightmare of forced equality under rigid socialism enforced by centralized control of pleasure and pain which will be the subject of our next post.

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