Frankenstein to Transhumanism to Posthumanism

Shelly Foretold Goal of Science in Fiction

Arguably the First Science-Fiction
Foretold the True Goal of Science

In 1818, Mary Shelly published her novel, Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, which I believed foretold the goal of what was to become science: from Frankenstein to Transhumanism to Posthumanism. In the novel, man seeks to creates life from lifelessness; however, this pits man’s creation against man. Man dies from exhaustion while man’s creation drifts away into the arctic mists. Frankenstein never dies; today he has reappeared in a different form, a form which is known as Transhumanism.

Rockefeller's Prometheus Defined his Goal

Rockefeller’s Prometheus Mirrors
Shelly’s Alt Title: Modern Prometheus

Mary Shelly’s alternative title was a foreshadowing of the dream of science, to bring life to those who live under the shadow of death; in other words, to free mankind from the consequences of sin apart from salvation in Christ’s finished work (Ro 3:23; He 9:27-28). Science, though limited by the technology, constantly strives to improve the longevity of people even while scientisms were used to control people within the boundaries set forth by the elite few. Prometheus brought hope to man in Greek philosophy via the metaphor of fire. The Rockefellers’ goal is to encourage hope through science to attain the goal of life without death for those who are deserving; to those who desire to be greater than human: Transhuman.

DaVinci's Triumph; Man's Demise

Renaissance: Science over God
Hope of Transhumanism over Sin

Da Vinci’s dream of improving humanity via technology not only had its roots in Greek philosophy, it would guide man’s knowledge apart from biblical morality which it viewed as antagonistic to its goals. Julius Huxley, grandson of T. H. Huxley, known as Darwin’s Bulldog and who coined the term agnosticism, coined the term, transhumanism. To understand his philosophy one only need to read UNESCO’s founding document which he authored, UNESCO Its Purpose and its Philosophy. He envisioned this science arm of the United Nations to be distinct from national governmental forms, economic philosophies and all religious moralities; i.e., a force unto itself guided only by its evolutionary goal of improving the human condition apart from evolution’s randomness. Man will use directed knowledge to merge technology with biology to create the better man, Nietzsche’s uber man. His brother, Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, also envisioned a world wherein people were controlled via brain chemicals or neurotransmitters using today’s parlance. While the early forms of direct intervention were known as eugenics, this term was dropped after World War Two in favor of population control, publicly, or transhumanism, privately. But, the dream was never renounced; it only changed labels as it continued on multiple fronts.

Aldous Huxley realized the shortcomings of chemical control in a lecture given at Berkley, The Ultimate Revolution. The so-called medicines of psychiatry which claimed to control behavior by neurotransmitters have failed miserably as evidenced by their fingerprint in nearly every mass shooting since their uncontrolled widespread usage. Aldous Huxley had already looked to electronic means of control which he discussed in his speech. If devices could be implanted to activate pleasure and pain centers, people could be rewarded for approved behavior and punished for unapproved actions; a concept in Star Trek’s, Menagerie. It worked in rodents in the 1960’s but again, it had to wait for technology to catch up with philosophy but the goal was never abandoned.

Goal to Avoid Sin's Punishment

Stated Goal of Transhumanism
Destroy Death: It’s a Lie, for Man

Scientists have already been working on merging technology and biology as detailed in the 2002 documentary, Building Gods. One of the scientists interviewed discussed having an implanted chip to improve himself. Scientists have decided that biological limits cannot be easily improved though genetic material from different women have been merged into one fertilized cell to produce a better human in 2001, Corbett Report – Transhumanism and You. This was accomplished not through government labs, which are somewhat accountable; but through private labs supported by private foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates, Rockefeller, etc. Thus, it is not surprising that the largest supported of World Health Organization-United Nations (WHO) is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with its emphasis on population control via abortions, birth control and human tagging via mandatory universal vaccines. But, these scientists realize that this will create divisions in humanity rather than unity; divisions they call GenRich and GenPoor, Genetic Modification May Widen the Gap Between the Rich and the Poor.

Current Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates people’s consent to central control in exchange for supposed security. This means globalization is not an ends but simply a means to institute global acceptance of implantable controls as they are developed. These devices will become available to the very wealthy, once perfected on the very poor. This will create a need amongst the mass which will be obliged with certain capabilities according to loyalty. These implantable devices will be tied into nets to control spending, no cash, buying, access to healthcare, transportation and even information (One Generation is All They Need. The Star.).

The use of DNA technology to track people and solve crimes has trained people to voluntarily give their DNA to learn their ancestry. The successful adaption of person mobile technology has also successfully tracked people, even to solving crimes. The dream of implantable nanotechnology merges these streams which the people will beg to have to facilitate their lives. Popular media has fostered this merger helping people dream of using technology to improve themselves; i.e., Iron Man, Matrix, etc. However, I see it more as Star Trek’s Borg which seeks to add, and control, your distinctiveness to the collective. Notice how the Borg were evil but some became good which mirrors the privacy concerns of some to become the desires of the many. But transhumanism is not the goal, it’s a means to the original goal.

Transhumanism Path to Posthumanism

Man is Simply the Vehicle
Satan, Demons, the Drivers

Fabian Society, Club of Rome, and the various Foundations believe themselves in control; but, there are themselves deceived. They believe they are preparing for their own immortality when, in fact, they are being prepared as vehicles for others. Direct demonic control in the Gospel was disastrous. People were uncontrollable, self-destructive. Christ rescued some showing the dramatic change whence saved (Mk 5:1-19). Over the centuries Satan has sought to control people for his own ends, to avoid his ultimate judgment and because he is also created he can only copy God. God made man in this flesh for this creation but not for eternity; man with God in new earth will have a new body (1Co 15:35-49). God can create this; Satan cannot. Satan seeks to extend the use of our flesh, married to technology, to realize his dream to be as god. He cannot be god in the Lake of Fire nor if he is alone (Pr 14:28; Re 20:10). But man, being made in the image of God, is not easily controlled. Satan has been striving patiently to prepare a body for himself as God prepared a body for Christ (He 10:5-7). His promise to Woman, and Man, to be as gods was a lie as he can be the only god (Ge 3:5).

God works all things to His good, even the evil plans of Satan (Ro 8:28-35). Knowledge and science are used to further the truth of God even as Satan develops them for his own ends. This post is an overview that I hope to further develop in the coming weeks. The issue is not the next election, not a form of government; the issue is total slavery to Satan and sin which is already the reality (Ro 6:16-18). God would save us from this fate but the deluded will either seek to rebel or embrace this fate as that Day approaches (1Sa 15:23; 2Th 2:3-12). This was path Satan spoke of through Mary Shelly’s story and which he and mankind has been straining toward ever since; a utopia of hell but for God’s mercy and grace.

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