Kafka Trap of Socialistic Reflexivity

Popular Movies Promote Kafka Trap

Kafka Traps are Fertile Fallacies
Supporting Socialistic Reflexivities

Kafka Trap of Socialism Reflexivity comes from Franz Kafka and his writings of the early 20th century. Franz Kafka was a Zionistic atheistic Jew who was ill at ease in his Austrian-Hungarian society and in his father dominated family. Mr. Kafka sought to explain his alienation through his writings with his most known works published posthumously against his wishes. In his novel, The Trial, a bank clerk is accused of some unspecified crime; the more he denies the crime the more his guilt is assumed until he is executed by a omnipotent legal system. The Kafka Trap has become a popular argumentative device today which this post will briefly explore.

In the popular Harry Potter series, Order of the Phoenix, a character, Delores Umbridge, demonstrates the Kafka Trap. She makes unspecified claims about the school’s culture. She assumes teachers and students are guilty. Anyone who denies her assertions are considered guilty and cruelly punished. The students’ world becomes chaotic because of her Kafka assertions and techniques. This mirrors one of the major themes of Mr. Kafka’s writings; he portrays man’s fear, isolation, and bewilderment in a nightmarish dehumanized world (Free Dictionary).

Current usage of the Kafka Trap promotes ideas of White Racism and White Supremacy. One of the elements of the Kafka Trap is undefined and unprovable assertions. This illogic device assumes “facts not in evidence,” to borrow a Perry Mason term. This deliberately violates the Law of Identity. Logic is viewed as non sequitur because it destroys the illogic of the Kafka Trap. The more one denies being a White Racist, the more one is assumed guilty of White Racism; same holds true for White Privilege. There is never any attempt to define nor prove the specifics of these assertions. Attempts to have the person define these terms proves YOU are guilty; attempts to offer refuting claims proves YOU are guilty; in fact, YOU are guilty simply by existing and having the genetic unchangeable quality of significantly reduced melanin in your outer epithelial cells. Black Lives Matter (BLM) uses this same tactic. When BLM rioters deliberately murder black lives its detractors are labeled as racist or they would not have accused BLM of not being for ALL black lives. The Kafka Trap allows anyone to make any assertion without evidence or logic and judges everyone as guilty who disputes the assertion. Truth, logic or facts are not only irreverent, they are proof of one’s guilt of the assertion! This should sound very familiar to those who have read previous posts.

Reflexivity’s Circular Argument

Reflexivity’s Circular Reasoning
Legitimizes the Kafka Trap

Reflexivity is the legitimizing of circular reasoning in which the conclusion influences the premise which defines the conclusion ad nauseam (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate). Developed by Dr. Soros, and used effectively to break the Bank of England, reflexivity legitimizes lies which become self-fulfilling when people believe in and act upon these falsehoods. Fertile Fallacies are supporting devices, lies, which appear to prove the assertion as valid. Kafka Traps are simply another means of legitimizing both Fertile Fallacies and Reflexive statements by attacking those who question the assertion, the conclusion and/or the entire methodology. In practice most medical research is based on Reflexivity and Kafka Traps. Big Pharma, or Big Medical Device Companies, fund research to prove their drug(s), product(s), are safe and effective. The research, not surprisingly, proves the assertion and the government allows marketing of the drug(s), product(s), at considerable markup without competition for a certain number of years. Practitioners who challenge such research usually find their own research defunded and themselves labeled as quacks or reported to their licensing boards for disciplinary action. In fact, Reflexivity with its supporting Fertile Fallacies and Kafka Traps are the main arguments used against those who challenge popular disciplinary assertions. These devices are also used exclusively to promote international socialism or globalization. But, there is another dirty little secret about those who originated and promote globalization.

Fixed Pie Fallacy

Socialism in ALL Forms Relies on
Fixed Pie Fallacy of Government Equality

Reflexivity, Kafka Trap and Fertile Fallacies legitimize the lie of the fixed pie analogy which forms the core of all socialisms. Government, another name for force or power, determines who gets what of the fixed pie by some criteria which it labels as equality or fairness. The main reason socialism is atheistic is because the Bible proves the fallacy of the fixed pie. All good gifts come from the infinite God who gives to everyone as He determines (Mt 5:44-45; Ja 1:16-17). As man learns to use the resources of the earth, wealth is created which lifts all participants out of poverty. Those who refuse to participate are allowed to remove themselves but they do not receive what they have not earned (2Th 3:10-11). Socialism, government, promises to give to those who have not earned from those who have earned in exchange for their loyalty to socialism’s agenda of lies (Jn 8:44).

Since only God knows how much of each resource is available in the earth or what resources will be used for future products as yet undiscovered, man must artificially create shortages to deceive people, lies, using the moniker of resource scarcity; another form of fixed pie. Those who reject this ideology are guilty of hating mankind and their denial or refutations prove their guilt; i.e., Kafka Trap. The Green Earth along with Climate Change philosophies go hand-in-hand with the international socialistic agenda. They rely on Reflexivity, Kafka Traps and Fertile Fallacies to defeat those who use logic and facts which clearly disprove these assertions.

The educational systems have been captured by the Frankfurt School, Club of Rome, Open Society Foundation and Fabian Society, just to name a few organizations, that have used Gramsci’s methodology to train Western societies to reject facts and logic. These now adults embrace socialism based on lies as truth because they have been trained to do so. It benefited government power to allow the propagation of lies; yet, national governments were deceived as international socialism seeks to increase its power at the expense of national governments. Thus, the mass murderer Stalin becomes a saint because of Communism, international socialism. But, Hitler, becomes the devil incarnate because of his national socialism. Each of these governments killed millions were deemed different, inferior and less fit to share in the fixed pie of their day.

The Bible is the only effective refutation of these lies, and yes they are of Satan. Reliance on the Bible does not mean these people will repent of their lies for they have accepted the delusion of the Devil (2Th 2:3-12). Christians will be condemned for rejection of these lies and techniques as God’s faithful have always been rejected since Cain killed Abel (Ge 4:3-10). The rejection of these techniques will be at the heart of the fiery trials to come on all believers (1Pe 4:12-17). For the true mark of both God and Beast is not a physical marking; it is the embracing of the belief system that rules over one’s mind and determines one’s actions. For the Christian, their mark is the Gospel as taught by the Bible and the indwelling Spirit (De 6:4-8). For the lost their mark will be the love of their ungodliness, rejection of God, which causes them to willingly follow the leaders who promulgate the lies; this is their true worship (Re 13:13-15; 14:9-11). This is why, as Christians, we look to a city which is to come, a Heavenly city, like Abraham (He 11:15-16).

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