What is Your Truth Source?

Asebeia Truth (Lie)

Asebeia Life Truth
Navigating Life

What is Your Truth Source? I do not ask this from a Postmodern perspective your truth is right only for you. This answer is meaningless as a basis for discussing any truth among people and it is not honest. Events of the past twenty years have shown that people must have the right truth or be rejected from society; basis of today’s cancel culture. The question rings down through history since Adam but specifically from Pilate’s discussion with Christ (Jn 18:37-38). This question is vital in everyone’s life to understand the one choice that lasts throughout eternity: salvation.

People do not think much about truth; they assume that truth is. One’s truth is based upon one’s culture. Governments, agents spreading cultural truth internally and externally, use force to enforce cultural truths. This requires a legitimizing source which forms the basis of moral values for government to define right and wrong with penalties for rejecting cultural truths which defines norms. The major mechanism through which these truths are transmitted is public, and private, education.

Schematic of Government/Society
Formal/Informal Truth Sources

Very simply, societal cultural truths flow from both a moral source codified into moral laws, morality, which are formally and informally enforced by bureaucracy which is supported by economics, industry, and force, military and police systems. Since leaders need people to lead, or they are not leaders {kings, emperors, presidents, etc.}, there is always a mechanism to inform, persuade, the people to embrace cultural norms (Pr 14:28). This is more obvious in modern republics and democracies; it nevertheless is also true of tyrannies and dictatorships or there would be little need of secret police and propaganda agencies. The problem is not accepting truth; the problem is embracing a different truth.

Modern people, being very scientific, demand that one prove one’s truth. This demonstrates ignorance of science. Science is the measurability and repeatability or empirical observations. As much as psychology and education want to justify their doctrines under the guise of science they deal with non-empirical material; non-scientific. The forcing of the scientific method on non-scientific concepts is scientism, at best, or lies at worst. Much of modern truths are actually based upon scientisms {Modern Society’s Idols}. Science and Truth follow the Four Laws of Logic: Law of Identity, Law of Excluded Middle, Law of Non-Contradiction and Law of Logical Inferences.  Scientism cannot follow these laws therefore those who define their truths based on scientism reject the Four Laws of Logic.

Thus, Critical Theory at its heart rejects this logic and those philosophies that flow from it embrace the lies of Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies to advance their agenda. Facts do not matter because facts in context expose the incoherence of their thinking. Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC) is an either-or logic. One is either empirical or non-empirical, there cannot be empirical and non-empirical simultaneously. The light is either on or it is off; it cannot be both off and on. Yet, modern Western philosophy postulates using a both-and logic in which two mutually opposing conditions can exist simultaneously; i.e., black holes which are supposed to suck in all energies can be detected by escaping energy or by the fact that there are areas of blackness. This requires the rejection that areas may simply be devoid of any matter and thus have nothing to detect. Critical Theory disciples also reject Law of Excluded Middle (LEM). The light is either on or off; there is no third condition. The logic fallacy of the false dilemma excludes differing explanations of fact and is often confused with LEM. Modern people through education have been taught to blindly accept truths that violate the Laws of Logic putting them in the unenviable position of ignoring or rejecting facts that differ from or demonstrate the fallacy of their truths.

Kafkatrapping Example
Old “Damned if you do or don’t”

Truth cannot be proved. Truth can only be accepted by logical inferences: all truths. This is because the basis of one’s truth is non-empirical which means it cannot be proved, especially via science. Scientism ignores these facts and uses both-and indoctrination to propagate its myths. Black Lives Matters (BLM) rejects facts, it does not protect all black lives, in lieu of its goal of propagating an international socialist doctrine. It conflates black racism with socialism but in its own statement it promotes feminism which empowers sexism. Since it cannot define its stance logically, it falls back to kafkatrapping. This technique is best exemplified by white privilege. White people are by their definition racist and the denial of racism proves their inherent racism. This illogical harkens back to the witch trials; if you were innocent you drowned but if you floated you were guilty and burned alive. One cannot be cured of racism and those who appear to be black in skin tone are also racists if they do not espouse the same Marxist goals. Facts are rejected as they show the incoherence of these philosophies. These philosophies can only be accepted by faith and those who refuse to accept them are labeled and eliminated, peacefully at this stage, via cancel culture.

I use this as an example but history is replete with such examples. Trying using the Law of Identity, identifying terms, and one will be accused of manipulation; yet, if terms are not clearly, accurately defined then concepts become conflated to mean whatever is the speaker’s position. The attempt to be clear is challenged as anti-norm. This demonstrates that truth sources are not empirical, cannot be empirically proved, but must be faith-based; i.e., a religion. 

Truer Words Were Never Penned
A Person’s Truth is the Mind

Though Truth and its source are faith-based, this does not mean they are separated from the Laws of Logic. Bible defines its terms, clarifies contradictions supporting LNC and claims people are either saved or lost in sin; LEM, there is no third option. Man is invited to study the Bible as absolute truth from God by which one can not only find salvation but also eliminate cultural truths which contradict the Bible. All are born with a fallen, sinful nature (Ps 51:5; Ro 3:23). Thus, all people have an ungodly mind, asebeia (Gk) which actively rejects anything, everything of God (Ro 1:18-32). Inherently each person’s source of truth is self. Listen, people tell you that they define what is true by their experiences; yet, their experiences are filtered through their worldview which is biased against God and based on learned knowledge advanced by public education designed to make people compliant citizens of the state. In the past this meant national socialism; in the present day this means international socialism.

Lost people’s basis for truth is limited to creation, the empirical. However, that which is empirical is based on the non-empirical (He 11:3). It is based on the false-premise of universalism of processes (2Pe 3:3-7). They place the facts into an evolutionary context, denying God’s Bible, though it is incoherent with the facts and then pass laws declaring this to be the only truth allowed to be taught! Those who believe differently, saved or lost, suffer ad hominem attacks, professional stigmatization or worse.

Your truth can only be the Bible if you have a new nature which embraces God’s truth despite the world’s persecution (2Co 5:17; Ga 2:20). This is salvation which flows from repentance (Ac 17:29-31; Ro 10:9-10). However, this also means your source of truth changes. This means you will be rejected when you speak because the world hates the truth and will suppress the truth, even violently (1Pe 4:12-17). There is no other source of truth. Those who claim otherwise hide the fact that their truths are lies and they are false teachers ushering in damnable heresies (2Pe 2:1-3). We are to simply live and teach the truth until Christ’s return. So, What is your truth?

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