Modern Society’s Idols

Evolution Root of Lies

Modern Society’s Idols Root Cause
Biological Evolution to Erase God

Modern Society’s Idols are built upon the foundation of biological evolution’s foundation that seeks to explain man without God. Though rejected at the time, it remained germinal until the Progressive Era when it blossomed fully formed into the violence and destruction known as the 20th century. It is based on a false premise rejected over 2,000 years ago in the Bible that all processes are only Uniformitarianism (2Pe 3:3-7). Even observations, science, discredit this fundamental aspect of evolution and must be actively ignored in order to propagate the delusion which has grown into every aspect of modern society {Debunking Evolution}. This post will show that the evolutionary delusion does indeed pervade every aspect of modern society. forming its own modern idolatry; i.e., religion.

Physics Embraces Deception

Astrophysics is the Queen of Science
Pseudosciences Emulate for Legitimacy

Early Postdiluvian societies sought to explain their worldviews apart from God based on the heavens. Modern man has been no difference. Though the Enlightenment was supposedly based on the orderliness of God, in fact, the deist view was that God created then became disinterested in the Universe. Since God was orderly, the universe would be orderly and discoverable by man. This was an anti-Bible view which morphed into uniformitarianism to support biological evolution. The so-called laws of physics developed by Newton were partially successful. Man developed an appreciation of the expanse of the universe but replaced God with a corrected heliocentric view of the solar system {Bible never specified the earth as the physical center; this was man’s error that was used as a “straw man argument to refute the Bible}. Some modern scholars are debunking the myths of modern astrophysics such as Sky Scholar, Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille. Dr. Robitaille, a Nobel Prize winner in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, uses physics to show how modern astrophysicists ignore their own rules to form a view of the universe of their making; i.e., the Big Bang and Black Hole fallacies. Since his arguments are sound, his detractors use ad hominem attacks to discredit his views. If their logic is tainted by their beliefs then they are no longer scientists but religionists propagating their religion onto the masses.

Climate Change is Galactic Weather

If Astrophysics is an Idol
Then Climate is Another Idol

For generations man believed that earth’s weather was generated solely by earthly processes. However, this erroneous view ignored, ignorantly at first but now deliberately, the fact that space is filled with forces that impact earth in many ways. Suspicious Observers, brainchild of Ben Davidson, uses research, observations and applied physics to show how volcanoes, earthquakes and many aspects of weather are influenced by galactic and solar winds impacting earth’s magnetic shield and being conducted to and into the earth’s surface. His daily YouTube casts documents these correlations supported by satellite recordings that are interpreted differently by those in this discipline; though some have begun to agree with his assertions. Thus, climate change cannot be controlled by hardly any means on earth since the majority of energy inputs are beyond the scope of earth and man to influence. Not only does astrophysics reduce the scope of man to insignificance; space weather effects demonstrate the insignificance of man to control even his physical climate environment. This makes man totally dependent on God or chance random forces which would then no longer be orderly nor predictable.

Economics Child Understands

Economics: Control of Society
So Simple Children can Teach It

Economics is the life blood of a society. Throughout man’s history, man has sought to control economics to reserve power to the few. Bible gives detailed lessons in how to accomplish socialism, Joseph in Egypt, and how God can break an economy to reverse socialism (Ge 41; Ex 3). Code of Hammurabi was first an economic wage-price control code; common to most of the Bronze Age empires. These eventually succumbed to a systematic collapse culminating in a Bronze Dark Age of several hundred years. The Iron Age empire of Rome, doubled-down on government economic control until it also collapsed from within and its empire, especially Europe, entered a Dark Age for 1,000 years. Even lost deists understood that government control of economics increased the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty; i.e., keeping people enslaved to the state or socialism. Principles of Austrian Economics supported the Industrial Revolution and rolled back both general poverty and slavery around the world. Yet, today governments seek to return to socialism, government wage-price controls, to increase their power over the people and with the consent of the people! Every major modern economic collapse was under state controlled economic systems!

Medicine Ignores Root Cause

Nothing is so precious as a person’s body
Or so misguided as Modern Medicine

Doctors had no real tools throughout history until the mid-19th century. With the advent of modern chemistry doctors could cure or mitigate diseases and conditions that had plagued man since Adam’s fall. However, with this power also came the sin to increase one’s power at the expense of other’s health. This has been a violation of a sacred trust based solely on money and power. Ivor Cummins, and many others, have scoured the scientific literature, made observations and determined that modern medicine is happy treating symptoms rather than healing from diseases. Most medical research is either severely biased for out-right erroneous to benefit a few. Yet, control of access to actual healing medicines and treatments are tightly controlled by the medical community that continues to ignore their own ignorance. Modern medicine and government health-nutrition guidance has created the obesity-diabetic-autoimmune crises. Yet, the blame is always on the patient for failure.

Psych Drugs Kill

Modern Man Claims to Cure the Mind
Modern Man’s Drugs Kill the Soul

The disease and chemical imbalance theories of mental illness have been the mechanisms for the largest uncontrolled drug trial in the world’s history. Since there is no God, per lost man, all mental conditions must be defined as controlled by people via behaviors and chemicals. This has resulted in the vast majority of mass-murders, apart from wars, in history. People become addicted to these drugs and violence has escalated along with their usage. This has become one of the greatest mechanisms for controlling people today which is the actual purpose of psychology and psychiatry. The father, Edward Bernays, of modern propaganda, advertising taught governments how to manipulate their citizens based on the erroneous teachings of his uncle, Sigmund Freud. This married nicely with Antonio Gramsci‘s modern socialistic methodologies to enslave entire societies with their consent.
From outer space to inner space all that modern man believes as truths are actually lies aim to foster a delusion to embrace one’s own slavery to government, Satan and sin (2Th 2:3-12). The products of sin, violence and degradation, are rampant in societies today pitting group against group to confuse and obfuscate the truth and promote the lie. Those who dissent are being harassed and censored even by non-government means of communications. Evolution started by destroying faith in God; when there is no hope in God, or His Bible, then man has no hope but in the tender mercies of the Father of Lies and Murder: The Devil and his disciples (Jn 8:44). He is the object of worship of all idolaters (De 32:17; 1Co 10:20).

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