Second Amendment Militia Myth

All Really Means Some

Second Amendment Given by God Some Say
Historically It Only Applied to the Franchised

One of the most hotly debated topics today is gun control: For or Against. American Constitution’s Second Amendment Militia Myth has caused its detractors to resort to their own myths. In reality, this discussion has simply become a battle of myths supported by propaganda cliches that block discussion and detract from the true goal: Evangelization.

Social Contract vs Natural Rights

Hobbes: Author of Social Contract of Government
Locke: Author of Natural Rights of People

The term rights has different identities to different groups. This has been an ongoing debate since the Enlightenment. Thomas Hobbes philosophized that people are dangerous, self-centered and need control to prevent complete breakdown of society {Thomas Hobbes vs Jock Locke: Social Contract vs Natural Rights. Arslan Batyrovich}. John Locke had extensive knowledge of the Bible but not of the Truth of the Bible. John Locke became known as the Father of Deism or Christian rationalism. Though he acknowledged the so-called laws of God, he transformed them into a concept apart from God which he labeled, natural law. According to his theory, all people had innate natural rights which flowed from simply being human. Though he did not believe man was innately good, he did believe that man was born as a blank slate upon which life experiences determined one’s character. Thomas Jefferson was an disciple on John Locke as apparent in his writings, especially the Declaration of Independence of America. Thomas Hobbes was actually more congruent with the Bible in describing the character of man (Ro 3:23; 6:23). Hobbes theorized that man’s relationship with government was a social contract in which people exchange liberty for security; thus, government defines what are rights and is the distributor of such rights are deemed necessary for the safety of the governed. People make the mistake of assuming these two positions are mutually exclusive when in fact they are simply two divergent lines of thought from the same source: Lost mind (Ro 1:18-32).

Fear Mongering

Hobbes Would Agree with the Left
Locke Would Agree with the Right

America’s problem is the split mind of its Founders and its germinal documents. Declaration of Independence more reflects Locke’s philosophy while the Constitution contains Hobbes social contract view which was mitigated by the Lockean Bill of Rights. Hobbes is more correct in that God allowed government to control man’s sinful rebelliousness and out of control tendencies and promote the latter five tenets of the Ten Words (Ex 20:13-17; Ro 13:1-7). I further maintain that Cain actually developed the first government when he founded the first urban settlement. People cannot live in close proximity without some agreed upon morality and system of enforcement (Ge 4:16-17). This government survived the Cataclysm through Noah and his sons. Nimrod was the first Postdiluvian tyranny via the consent of the people and anti-God basis of morality which promoted man as the measure of all (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-9). God’s action at Babel instilled different world views which caused the people to self-divide as sin hates differences. Satan has been attempting to learn how to reunite people back into a single social entity ever since.

These two viewpoints are extant today influencing gun ownership. Hobbes would probably side with gun control advocates. Social Contract requires the control and limitation of weapons to fulfill government’s responsibility of security. Second Amendment advocates maintain Lockean view of weapon ownership As a natural right and beyond the kin of government to regulate. Every person has the right of self-protection, especially from government. This discussion is unique to America because of its Second Amendment protection. Weapons historically have been restricted to governments. Medieval Europe also kept weapons out of the hands of the populace to prevent rebellions. Since armies are inherently expensive, governments frequently rented their armies to others or bands of soldiers would rent themselves as mercenaries; rarely would the average citizen have a weapon or receive training to use such devices.

America’s Revolutionary War relied on a core trained army supplemented by citizen soldiers or militias. However, while the trained soldiers were reliable, the militias were generally unreliable. George Washington hated the militias during the war and attributed the loss of New York City and Long Island directly to undisciplined militias {George Washington Complains About His Militia. History Channel. This Day in History}. The militia was only reliable when hidden behind fixed positions such as at Bunker Hill and Battle of Saratoga. The myth that the militia won this war was just that: myth. So, why did the Constitution contain a provision for arming the militia? Probably because they had come to believe the myth and there was opposition to the government having a large standing army. George Washington’s last act of generalship was to lead a militia force into Pennsylvania to enforce a government whiskey tax fueling the very fears many had about a standing army.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) came into being after the Civil War. It’s primary aim was to insure people retain familiarization with firearms in event of another war on American soil. The Federal armies did poorly during the War because the use of firearms had died out amongst the populace who were becoming urban dwellers and factory workers with little need for such tools. The rural South had maintain proficiency and its early victories showed their expertise. The NRA wanted to preserve and pass down to subsequent generations this hard won expertise. It exists today as the premier organization defending the Lockean view of natural rights and government. Does the Bible offer any guidance on this issue?

Gun Control Failure-Success

Criminals, by definition, disobey Laws
Gun Free Zones mean Free Killing Zones

Christ clearly told Peter, “…all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Mt 26:52). Another thread running throughout Scripture is the utter sinfulness of rebellion, one of the foundation characteristics of sin (1Sa 15:23). This destroys one the foundational tenets of Second Amendment advocates; use of private weapons to remove a tyrannical government; I.e., rebellion which Paul clearly condemned as did Christ (Lk 20:22-25). It is also true that since Nimrod, if not Cain, government’s primary goal has been absolute control over its citizens to enforce its morality which comes from its own religion of man as god or secular humanism. Satan has been seeking to implement this global socialistic government from the beginning of Adam’s fall. However, no one can prevent that which God has allowed. God has allowed Satan space just as He allows lost people who want to live without Him to do so (Ro 1:18-25). The Great Tribulation is that period in which man and Satan compete to build themselves governments apart from God despite being unable to control the uncontrollable consequences of sin: violence, degradation and death based on the lie (2Th 2:3-12).

Yes, I do own several weapons. I do not own these to fight against government for that would pit me against God. How can I, one saved by the death of the Son of God who gave Himself for me, turn and fight against God? This would make me an enemy of one Who loved and gave Himself for me (Ro 5:6-11)! I own the weapons to protect those who are under my protection; my family which is one of my responsibilities as husband and father. I do this not against government but against the rebellious elements of society that seek to prey upon others for their own fleshly appetites. I am simply matching the weapons of those who would hurt those I must protect. Government, should it confiscate my weapons, would leave me powerless against these elements to increase its own power. This is the way of governments. I still would not be counted an enemy of God and know that to leave this life is to be with Him forever (2Co 5:6-10). Thus will I, and everyone, give an account of all done in the body in this life.

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