Modern Society’s Idols

Evolution Root of Lies

Modern Society’s Idols Root Cause
Biological Evolution to Erase God

Modern Society’s Idols are built upon the foundation of biological evolution’s foundation that seeks to explain man without God. Though rejected at the time, it remained germinal until the Progressive Era when it blossomed fully formed into the violence and destruction known as the 20th century. It is based on a false premise rejected over 2,000 years ago in the Bible that all processes are only Uniformitarianism (2Pe 3:3-7). Even observations, science, discredit this fundamental aspect of evolution and must be actively ignored in order to propagate the delusion which has grown into every aspect of modern society {Debunking Evolution}. This post will show that the evolutionary delusion does indeed pervade every aspect of modern society. forming its own modern idolatry; i.e., religion.

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Worshipping the Sun on Easter

Christians Annually Worship Paganism
Ignorantly Claiming to Worship Christ

I allowed myself to be talked into attending an Easter sunrise service this year. It was pretty much as I expected. Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) praising each other for praising Jesus, attendance cards to gather more people into the mega-church holding the function and a sermon designed to bring converts into the church via a simplistic, feel-good message of salvation. Since it was a cloudless day I received an added bonus: sun shining directly into my eyes so I could not see very much. Though I was blinded by the sun, it saddened me to think how many people were being blinded by the service into thinking they were worshiping the risen Christ when in fact they were actually worship Satan (1Co 10:19-22). Continue reading “Worshipping the Sun on Easter”