Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate

Mr. Soros coined the term Reflexivity to Legitimize
Using false info to achieve the goal-Globalization

Building on our last post (Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians) Dr. Popper {London School of Economics} gained a disciple, Mr. George Soros, who added to Dr. Popper’s theories by developing his Theory of Reflexivity. This theory became another major tool to achieve the goal of Open Societies otherwise known as globalization. At its most fundamental this theory legitimizes the use of false information to influence and achieve one’s goal; i.e., lying is okay if it helps you to reach the goal. Obviously this directly violates the Ninth Word {Commandment} against lying (Ex 20:16).While Mr. Soros may have put this forward as a legitimate theory it is clearly a violation of the foundational aspect of human relationships – trust. Trust is the essence of all relationships because if one cannot trust what one is told then relationships become fragmented until they splinter. On one hand this is the work of Lucifer to build distrust between God and man, which he successfully instituted as a result of sin (Ge 3:4-5). Lucifer caused woman to doubt God’s intentions using falsehood thereby shattering her trust in God. She then trusted in her own judgment relying on Lucifer’s false information to obtain the forbidden knowledge only to discover that she had become the evil; Man clearly saw the change and followed suit to become joined to woman and thereby insuring that all offspring would carry the taint of a fallen dead sin nature (Col 2:13). Believe it or not, Lucifer was using Reflexivity to achieve his goal of proving that God can only create creatures susceptible to sin and therefore cannot condemn anyone to Hell {Universalism}.

This Gobbledygook Simply Means
The Ends Justifies the Means Indefinitely

Mr. Soros is a philosopher first, an economist second but always he is pushing forward the goal of Open Societies; in fact, he is the founder of the Open Society Foundation whose siren song lures many toward his destructive goal of globalization. His theory of Reflexivity says that all input is legitimate to achieve incremental goals which then return to become input itself that amplifies in a continuous feedback loop growing ever stronger. This is known as a positive feedback loop that keeps feeding on itself until it cannot be contained. You probably have heard a positive feedback loop when you put a microphone in front of speakers to obtain the loud screech that only stops when the loop is interrupted. Well, how destructive is this technique? Mr. Soros broke the Bank of England in 1992 using this technique earning himself billions. He also used this technique against Thailand throwing that entire society in near financial collapse, again earning himself billions. He starts a false rumor that influences other investors who influence other investors who influence media outlets who influence many investors until nearly everyone believes the rumor and sells their shares thereby earning him a substantial reward of shorting his stock. This is how he earned his wealth to finance his ultimate goal of global socialization.

Mr. Soros makes no attempt to hide the
purpose of Reflexivity: Manipulation

The reason Christians need to study these techniques is so we can discern what is occurring, why it is occurring and remain steadfast to the Scriptures rather than be driven about by ever changing winds of doctrine (Mt 10:16; Ep 4:11-14). As we studied in earlier posts the Fabian School seeks to implement globalism gradual so as to avoid violent disruptions that tend to prevent change rather than promote the desired goal. Reflexivity promotes gradualism via manipulation until the amplification becomes so strong that the architects then strike and strike hard {The motto of the Fabian School}! While this theory is openly affixed to economic and social theories it is also applied covertly to education and media information systems to influence not just special groups but entire societies. This ministry’s dedication is to assist the Christian to discern life events in light of Scripture (He 5:14). Along the way I have come to the conclusion that most history taught in American schools is sheer propaganda legitimizing and increasing the power of the state at the expense of personal liberties. Media outlets, influenced through their college education, have been taught that responsible journalism is to help create a society built own social justice and equality neither of which are either defined or explained why society is unjust and unequal. This is their idea of free speech. Thus, they collude in the manipulation of society becoming more open in their manipulation of their viewers, hearers, and readers. For instance, the Pledge of Allegiance was written by an American national socialist, Francis Bellamy, to influence school to promote the central power of the state over individuality. Today, one is considered unpatriotic if one does not agree with this Pledge! This is how Reflexivity uses false information to manipulate the unsuspecting to enlist in its cause to achieve its incremental goals. Once society became use to being governed by a national socialist government the move was afoot to promote international socialism as is occurring today in nearly all Western cultures; I.e., self-fulfilling prophecy.

Pygmalion, Greek who made a woman statute
Fell in love with it until it was brought to life

One of the founding members of the Fabian Society was George Bernard Shaw, philosopher and playwright who wrote the play Pygmalion but which you probably know as the movie My Fair Lady. The plot was about a man who remakes a common woman. who does little {Ms Dolittle}, into a presentable woman of cultured society and falls in love with her. This is purpose of the Fabian Society and its major philosophers, Dr. Popper and Mr. Soros along with their respective techniques. They seek to gradually remake society into a single global society they believe it should have been all along {Babel}. By using the Tolerance Paradox and Reflexivity to manipulate people to accept their view of a proper progressive society on a global scale; i.e., the pygmalion effect. Once a critical mass of adherents is obtained the clamor for international socialization will be  from below and the elite few at the top will step in to comply with the will of the people {democratic illusion}; their goal all along. National sovereignties will be forced to relinquish some {much} of their sovereignty to an overarching government that will use central control to insure all receive social justice and equality, whatever that might mean. The definitions for these terms are quite elastic and change with the needs of the moment; in other words, to the needs of reflexivity goal.

Fertile Fallacies per Mr. Soros are concepts that
appear true until stretched beyond their limits


The Bible does not call Christians to arms to prevent what is obviously occurring. Christ clearly stated that His kingdom was not of this world, yet (2Th 2:9-12). What God is allowing we should not futilely oppose. However, we should be ever aware so that we are caught up in the lie and find ourselves in opposition to God. There are many Christians and thus many churches who have changed their beliefs to accommodate societal norms. The truth is Open Societies must turn against God and His people so that the central government takes the place of God in planning the lives of its citizens; i.e., extending its own power at the expense of those it swears it seeks to protect and serve. If our faith is misplaced then our resolve will quickly fade and many will succumb to the lie of Lucifer and find themselves standing against Christ at His coming.

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