Incongruency of Pantheistic Gnosticism (Luciferianism)

Luciferianism Underlies Pantheism

Incongruency of Pantheistic Gnosticism (Luciferianism)
Rejects Christ’s Gospel Which Exposes Its Deception

For some time I have witnessed a shift of modern people from factual to conceptual thinking in my discussions. People’s perceptions are governed by Critical Theory at the expense of Four Laws of Logic {includes Law of Logic Inferences}. Before any meaningful discussion can occur, we must agree upon the meaning of terms; i.e., Law of Identity. Not only do people struggle to succinctly define their terms, they often reject the historical definitions even when confronted with the definition provided by the originator of the term!

One person expressed herself thusly, “If I agree with your {not actually mine} definitions I cannot embrace my conceptual understanding!” In other words, it was more important for her to hide within her preconceived worldview than use logic to explore truth. This is at the heart of Critical Theory and governs the propaganda spewing from all informational outlets. In our recent posts I have discussed Transhumanism, Luciferianism and Gnosticism under the guise of science {Frankenstein to Transhumanism to Posthumanism}. This post will discuss the incongruency, illogic, of Pantheism: unity with Nature is ultimate god of man.

Gnosticism: Pantheism Repackaged for Modern Man
Goal of Posthumanism: Eternal Unification with Nature

Pantheism preaches the unification of man and nature as the highest rung of evolutionary attainment. Modern science is the defilement of that aspiration; scientism seeks to unite science with pantheism along Critical Theory conceptual lines of thought with the rejection of the Laws of Logic, which forceĀ  adherence to disciplined thinking. While this is an ancient approach to ignoring God, it appears new to modern man who was chained to logic for a short time during the Enlightenment – Modern periods (Ro 1:18-28). One result of this marriage of Critical Theory to Pantheism is the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement {Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion}. BLM tacitly admitted their philosophical beliefs were incongruent when they removed their, “This is What We Believe,” web page to hide the true intents of the movement; archived web page found here. These are standard tactics employed by pantheistic groups to hide their true intentions from the public until they have been properly conditioned to accept their conceptual goals in spite of their illogic and degrading quality of life goals for the masses.

Just as George Washington attained god status;
Posthumanism promises this for each Elitist Believer

Scientific Pantheism claims to use logic to, “…is a modern form of pantheism that deeply reveres the universe and nature and joyfully accepts and embraces life, the body and earth, but does not believe in any supernatural deities, entities or powers.” However, science and logic adhere to absolutes while scientific pantheism limits itself to the universe being the arena for man to reach god-status via unification; much as depicted in the Apotheosis of Washington {Above graphic}. Yet, this also is a deception designed to appease modern sensibilities on the path to gnostic pantheism. This has become the foundational belief system of various movements: environmentalism; climate change; transhumanism {evolution}; etc. These all preach the same mantra: each person must do with less physically in order to expand spiritually and join with the oneness of the cosmos. However, the elites of government and especially of those behind the scenes squander the very resources they demand the masses give up; again, displaying the incongruence of their gospel.

As True Christians, we are nailed to the Bible. It is the mind of absolute God who has given us absolute truth (2Ti 3:16-17; 2Pe 1:20-21). Though the Heavens declared the glory and existence of God; lost people have changed this into something that is used to deny the truth of God (Ps 19:1-3; Ro 1:18-20). The truth isĀ  man began in unity with all creation but gave it up to be as god only to discover he, and she, was the evil God warned them to avoid (Ge 2:16-17; 1Ti 2:13-14; He 5:11-14). When Adam sinned, he sundered his unity with nature and Cain compounded this disruption with murder; now, all creation, nature, groans under the weight of sin (Ge 3:17-19; 4:10-12; Ro 8:19-22). All are born in sin and those who reject God’s salvation remain in sin as enemies against God and worship creation as their god (Ro 1:21-23; 3:23; 5:6-11; 6:23). They reject God’s truth that their flesh cannot enter the new Heavens and earth which is made only for the saved (1Co 15:50-55; 2Pe 3:9-13; Re 21:1-3). This leaves them only one option: Lake of Fire for eternity which they, including Lucifer/Satan, refuse to believe and accept (Re 20:7-15; 21:8; 22:3, 14-17). Satan and the Fallen Angels know this fate but continue in their rebellion even to the sworn destruction of sinners via False Teachers who deliberately lead many astray for gratification of fleshly lusts (Mt 8:28-29; Ja 2:19; 1Jo 4:1; Jude 10-11).

Thus, their entire philosophy, really their religions, are attempts to redefine man’s position in this creation as permanent even though it was always a temporary abode to separate the wheat from the tares, saved from the lost (Mt 13:24-30). They promise eternal life but only by augmenting this perishable flesh with nanotechnology to keep the mind alive to avoid judgment which will be revealed at death (Lk 16:19-31). Then it will be too late to embrace the truth and receive salvation.

Truth of the Character of ALL Sinners
They Choose to Live as Animals; Rejecting Humanity

Sinners, spiritual and physical, are depicted spiritually as animals. Satan is depicted throughout the Bible as a Dragon and sinners tossed into the Lake of Fire are worms. Christ on the stauros is depicted as a worm since He who knew no sin became sin for us so we may have eternal life in Him (Ge 3:1; Ps 22:6-8; Mk 9:47-48; Lk 23:35; Re 12:9). With salvation one gains a new nature, a truly human nature made in the image of Christ (2Co 4:4-6; 5:17; Col 1:27). Even Christians who are enticed back into the world system are depicted as returning to their former animalistic state (Ps 73:16-22; 2Pe 2:17-22).

The Lost, with their governments, depict themselves as wise, powerful, majestic while they promise a glorious future for all who join them in their quest for nanotech posthumanism; this was Roddenbury‘s promise in Star Trek. The old lie of pantheism repackaged for modern consumption. Man rejected unity with this creation with the first sin. Man rejects unity with Christ in salvation which will provide unity in and with the coming new creation. Instead, man what man promises via Luciferianism, pantheistic gnosticism, is a delusional lie designed to keep people trapped in their lost state (2Th 2:3-12). Do you doubt? Look at the current results of the BLM movement; i.e., riots, violence and death! These are the products of sin and Satan (Ez 28:14-17; Jn 8:44). This is the future as God allows sinners to realize their utopian dreams of nightmarish destruction (Mk 13:6-8; Ro 1:28-32; 2Ti 3:12-13). Their ideals of pantheistic unification will come crashing in upon them during the Great Tribulation as Christ prepares the world for His Millennial Kingdom (Re 6:12-17; 19). Yet, even Christ ruling visibly on the earth will not convert the great mass of lost people who will again rise up and thinking to destroy God only find themselves in eternal judgment; such is the delusion of sinful unification (Re 20:7-10).

Do NOT be Deceived by Pantheistic Gnosticism
One’s Inner Sinfulness Will be Revealed at Death

Do not be deceived by the lies of Luciferianism under the guise of pantheism, gnosticism, evolution, postmodernism, etc. It is appointed for all people to die and then stand the judgment. Saved will stand before Christ and give an account of their lives, remaining saved. Lost will stand before Christ and their lives will condemn them to the Second Death for eternity (2Co 5:10; Ga 6:7-9; He 9:27; Re 20:11-15). Pray that God open your eyes so you may cry out to Him, “Abba, Daddy,” (Ga 4:3-7).

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