Incongruency of Pantheistic Gnosticism (Luciferianism)

Luciferianism Underlies Pantheism

Incongruency of Pantheistic Gnosticism (Luciferianism)
Rejects Christ’s Gospel Which Exposes Its Deception

For some time I have witnessed a shift of modern people from factual to conceptual thinking in my discussions. People’s perceptions are governed by Critical Theory at the expense of Four Laws of Logic {includes Law of Logic Inferences}. Before any meaningful discussion can occur, we must agree upon the meaning of terms; i.e., Law of Identity. Not only do people struggle to succinctly define their terms, they often reject the historical definitions even when confronted with the definition provided by the originator of the term! Continue reading “Incongruency of Pantheistic Gnosticism (Luciferianism)”