Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin

Athens School of Philosophical Tyranny

Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin;
Reality Does Not Fit the Myth of Western Freedom

I would like to tell you a fairytale of Freedom’s beginnings and growth from ancient Greece down to the Enlightenment Era, Age of Reason, in Europe; however, you have already been told this fairytale from birth through schooling and into adulthood. Nothing is more pervasive than in Western culture; yet, nothing is more erroneous. Instead, building upon several previous posts I must take on the arduous and unpopular task of revealing Greco-Roman’s tyranny and its perpetuation into our modern era via the Age of Reason or so-called Enlightenment {Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}.}. Continue reading “Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin”

Father of the Never Ending Revolution

Rousseau Government's Truth

Father of the Never Ending Revolution;
Blood His Writings Shed Greatest in History

Jean Jacques Rousseau is embraced as the Father of the French Revolution; in truth, he is the Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Much of my material comes from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and a discussion between Tom Woods and Professor Jared Casey who authored, Freedom’s Progress? {The Totalitarian Jean Jacques Rousseau. Tom Woods Show.}. The vast changes occurring in Western cultures, especially America, are not random but flow directly from Rousseau’s disjointed and confused ramblings embraced as philosophy. Within eleven years of his death the French Revolution occurred based primarily upon his ramblings and it has never ended though it has hidden away only to arise in various forms from time to time: Soviet or Lenin’s Revolution, Marcuse’s Liberation Movement philosophy and Postmodernism. Today we know it as Social Justice but its slogans come from Rousseau’s confused writings. Continue reading “Father of the Never Ending Revolution”

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda

NASA Climate Propaganda

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda;
Control Information: Control Obedience

Recently I became aware of NASA’s Global Climate Change blog. I grew up in the early days of space exploration with NASA being the epitome of science: pure and applied. However, we should not and cannot forget that NASA is a government agency and that for the greater portion of the 20th century government has been slowly Controlling scientific research via funding. This means that government only funds those projects that it believes will support its agenda. The Space Race was not about putting people on the Moon; that was for public consumption and support. The Space Race was about weaponizing space for intelligence and war since the days of Sputnik {How Did Sputnik Affect the Cold War? Find Any Answer.}. NASA was born in those early days and its basic agenda has not changed: Intelligence and War. This is the reality of government and Space and Science: Control. Continue reading “NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda”

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control

Government Purpose

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control: Exemplified by Jefferson

Americans hold dear the delusion that they have the ultimate form of government: of, by and for the people; no delusion could be further from God’s truth (2Th 2:9-12). Governments have always been against God since formed by the first murderer who rejected God for rejecting his rule as messiah, anointed, over all mankind: Cain (Ge 4:1-17). This was apparent in the Wilderness when the Hebrews, freed from slavery by God’s intervention, rebelled against God to set up their own government around the Golden Calf (Ex 32:1-9). Religion cannot be separated from government as it is the basis for government’s control: Control of morality (2Th 2:9-10). God warned Man as to the purpose of governments and it holds as true today as then (1Sa 8:9-20). Continue reading “Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control”

Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism

Ubermensch Nietzsche

Ubermensch Reborn in BLM
Ancient Concept Inherent in Sin

While I have discussed Nietzsche’s Ubermensch in previous posts, I will show that Nietzsche did not develop this concept himself and it is still alive today with Black Lives Matter (BLM) simply being the fastest iteration {Evolution of Prometheus.}. In the linked article discussing Ubermensch, notice that Nietzsche believed that Napoleon was an Ubermensch; in fact, this linked Nietzsche to Hegel in that both admired Napoleon who was a product of the French (Socialist) Revolution. While I wanted to show the philosophical concepts that resulted in the French Revolution and our modern society; I believe it best to discuss how this is relevant to today’s headlines. Continue reading “Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism”

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa

Black Panther's Fist of Racism

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa;
Began with Black Panthers Violence of 1968

Philosophy, held in contempt by most Americans, has actual and far reaching ramifications that are not readily apparent. The modern Antifa riots during President Trump’s presidency is a direct lineage of the Black Panther Violence of 1968 and onward; even the symbols are similar. Hegelian philosophy interpreted by Herbert Marcuse and introduced into black culture by his student, Angela Davis have arisen in our day as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the violent arm of liberal change. While Americans danced to their music, played their games, followed their sports and generally majored in minutia; socialism worked behind the scenes to control a political party, elect a president and re-educate American children. While Americans slept, the socialists worked tirelessly to prepare for their revolution. They did not hide in the shadows but basked in the limelight of fame. This is their America becoming Satan’s tool for international socialism; i.e., Control. Continue reading “Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

Deceit of Nationalism

Deceit of Nationalism: Take Your Pick;
Nationalism or Socialism are Both Evil

In my last post, Zionism: Control Staff of Satan, Zionism was defined purely from a socialistic viewpoint. However, this ignored the inherent contradiction of Zionism as a nationalistic movement until today it is viewed strictly as a nationalism force against socialism and aligned with America, the bastion of nationalism in the world; especially under President Trump. As I investigated this seeming contradiction I discovered that, “…we have all of us been deceived!” {Apologies to JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.} Zionism is not the force of linkage between Socialism and Nationalism; it is the quintessential example of the similarities between these two concepts. This linkage can be seen even in America which is the great example for Zionism’s masquerade. Continue reading “Deceit of Nationalism”

Zionism: Control Staff of Satan

Zionism is NOT Judaism

Zionism: Control Staff of Satan;
Insulated Behind False Charges of Racism

When entering any discussion one must determine the beginning point and the definition of terms to succeed. History is a continuum so any starting point will be nearly arbitrary just to make any discussion manageable. One must also be able to control the definition of the terms to frame one’s viewpoint in a positive manner so even evil intentions appear justified. Though this sounds like postmodernism, it is in fact a classic tactic of Satan {Luciferianism} since the Garden (Ge 3:1-8). Zionism has controlled both of these issues so completely that any opposing discussion of Zionism is labeled racism, antisemitism, and immediately dismissed with the distractor vilified as racist! However, I will choose the starting point and definitions Zionism chose to illustrate their ongoing complicity in today’s ongoing Middle East terrorism and America’s duplicity in protracting the ongoing destruction in lives and social fabric even in America! Continue reading “Zionism: Control Staff of Satan”

Socialism: Control of False Judaism

False Judaism is Socialism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism;
Socialism: Triumph of False Judaism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism, has been well documented during the preceding two centuries and just as carefully tucked away through the auspices of public education systems of every modern nation. False Jews are those who reject Christ as Messiah; those whose hearts have not been changed as defined by Paul (Ro 2:28-29). Paul was referring to an inward change wrought by the New Covenant based on the sacrifice of Christ (Je 31:31-34; Ac 2:1-41; 2Co 5:17; He 10:12-14). True Jews are those, like Paul, who accepted Christ’s sacrifice; however, there remains a remnant of Jews yet to be called forth during the coming Great Tribulation to embrace Christ and evangelize the world despite opposition from the False Jews and the Antichrist (Ro 11:25-31). But, the False Jews and their Judaism has not been idle and today we are seeing their efforts coming to fruition in the form of socialism, or globalization.
Continue reading “Socialism: Control of False Judaism”