Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control

Government Purpose

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control: Exemplified by Jefferson

Americans hold dear the delusion that they have the ultimate form of government: of, by and for the people; no delusion could be further from God’s truth (2Th 2:9-12). Governments have always been against God since formed by the first murderer who rejected God for rejecting his rule as messiah, anointed, over all mankind: Cain (Ge 4:1-17). This was apparent in the Wilderness when the Hebrews, freed from slavery by God’s intervention, rebelled against God to set up their own government around the Golden Calf (Ex 32:1-9). Religion cannot be separated from government as it is the basis for government’s control: Control of morality (2Th 2:9-10). God warned Man as to the purpose of governments and it holds as true today as then (1Sa 8:9-20).

Thomas Jefferson’s quote is quite ludicrous when one remembers he embraced socialism’s first modern blood bath: French Revolution believing it akin to America’s recent Revolution. Jefferson’s delusion that government could exist for the people shows the depth of his ignorance of Man, Sin and the Bible. America’s Revolution, though wrong, was in some measure held in check by some belief in God avoiding the excesses of death. The French Revolution was a full-blown rebellion against all religious restraints, positive and negative, resulting in wholesale slaughter and eventual tyranny that threatened to extend to all Westernized civilizations via Napoleon; modern example of antichrist.

However, the Bible gives us God’s warning of government’s true purpose (1Sa 8:9-20). The Jews were tired of constantly being judged for their sinful rebellion against God and His allowing them to be controlled by the various peoples around them as examples of sin’s Control over them. They wanted a king like the nations surrounding them. They were disingenuous in that several of the groups that enslaved them were not nations in the formal sense but simply tribal peoples raiding to collect taxes in the form of foods and materials; the Midianites as one example. Though the Jews ostensibly wanted a government to fight their battles for them {Who did they think would supply the military forces?}; Samuel and God clearly stated that the Jews true aim was rejection of God. When one rejects God then one comes under the dominion of Satan and sin which always leads to Death (Ge 2:16-17; 3:4-5).

Government Role

This Idealized Concept of Government
Assumes Sin Does Not Exist: Delusion

While Samuel speaks to a monarchial governmental form, his warning from God applies to ALL governmental forms other than God’s direct theocracy. Israel at this time was a tribal governmental form; it was the tribal leaders that approached Samuel as intercessor between them and God to make their demand. It was these tribal leaders, speaking for the people, who revealed their true motive for wanting a government like other nations: To gain Control. However, Satan does not share Control except with those he uses to advance his agenda. These leaders might as well have built a golden calf {The Northern tribe of Dan had an idol and had a grandson of Moses as their priest (Ju 18:27-31). Again, this was a distinction between True Jews who embraced God and False Jews who rejected God. These people wanted government to do their bidding: Of, By and For the People. However, Samuel warns them that they will do government’s bidding.

Throughout Samuel’s dialogue he uses the word, take {לָקַח; lâqaḥ}, four times denoting the completeness of their enslavement. Government produces nothing; it only takes. In two instances where the word take is used it actually means taxes, tenth, in addition to what will be taken. This reinforces the taxation power of governments. In Christ’s time the Jews were still whining about paying governmental, Roman, taxes (Mt 22:15-22). What does the government take?

Government Types

Modern Government Eliminate Theocracy;
ALL Governments are Theocracies

The most precious possession of any family is its children whom the government will enslave at will. It will draft the sons for its military; thus, the government will fight your battles using your posterity as canon fodder for its own survival. Daughters will be impressed to provide the delicacies of the flesh not usually available to the people. Government will tax their wealth as needed to supply its own desires since it produces NOTHING. It will even conscript one’s slaves for its own uses as it makes slaves of its citizens (1Sa 8:17). Government will intrude into every aspect of society leaving no wealth untouched in its insatiable desire for more; sin is never satisfied (Pr 27:20).

Notice, the only time government gives is when it bribes people necessary for its own existence! Government takes from the people to empower those that support its power: political and military. These gifts, bribes, trade loyalty for possessions which is still the major allure of government supports today. This also reveals the motives of asking for a government without God. God did not allow people to get away with their sin. When the leaders, and people, rejected God, He allowed surrounding peoples to oppress them as living examples of sin’s oppression. This kept the leadership and its supports nearly equal with the tribal members. However, even in this system some tribes were absorbed by stronger tribes: Ephraim in the north and Judah in the south (1Sa 9:21). Let us examine the three kings of the united era to determine if God was correct in His assessment.

Saul was the least important family of the smallest tribe in Israel but he was outwardly the kind of man necessary to inspire the people to accept a monarchy; not unlike using movie stars in place of actual people because…looks (1Sa 9:1-2). However, since God appointed him to be king; God gave him a new heart, salvation so he could be inspired by God. The people agreed with God’s choice based on his looks even though Saul was not equal to the task. He had little faith in God and this marked his regency. Saul understood he was elected by the people, tribal leaders, and came under their sway rather than follow God. Thus, God rejected him as king (1Sa 15:1-23). Saul never resolved his confusion between obeying God or Man; plight of every politician. But, was David, who replaced Saul, really any better?

David, the king after God’s own heart was a more skillful leader and avoided Saul’s insecurities (1Sa 13:8-14). David became a successful and accepted leader of all the tribes (2Sa 5:1-5). Yet, when David gives his son, Solomon, advice on securing his own Control we see a different and corrupted aspect of David (1Ki 2:1-9). Basically, David had Solomon eliminate David’s enemies who had helped him gain and remain in power; their reward: Death. David was not above the corruption of government; hence, government would now Control the king. No one would escape its slavery.

Solomon demonstrated the excesses of government Samuel warned against (1Ki 12:1-17). God told the people that he would not listen to their cries when the consequences of their decision fell on them. Under Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, they rebelled just as they had against God. The kingdom was divided and remained divided until Israel, northern kingdom passed out of existence and Judah was taken into captivity and returned to the land as a Gentile province until it too passed out of existence in its rebellions against Rome.

Government antiGod

Americans Embrace Founding Father
Who Rebelled Against God: Sin

Today’s governments also follow this same pattern because Satan does not change his methodology of sin (Ec 1:9-11). At heart, all governments are Luciferian theocracies. God tells His people to not to rebel but also not to succumb to the allure of power (Ac 4:18-20; Ro 13:1-7). America certainly has displayed the truth of Samuel’s warnings in its history; yet, its people still worship it as the pinnacle of God’s government {Is the United States a Christian nation? God Questions.; Is America a Christian Nation? Americans United.}. Today governments are enslaved to those who Control the finances as exhibited in the Pfizer Contract debacle {#PfizerLeak.}. Sovereign governments are becoming slaves supporting globalization: International Socialism, which seeks to make slaves of all peoples eliminating the Gospel just as in the Antediluvian period (Ge 6:1-8). This is today’s reality. God will not hear our cries as He warned. However, He will hear one’s prayer for salvation; there is always hope (Ro 10:9-13). For nothing shall separate us from the love of God who has given us the Spirit of Hope in these troubled times (Ro 8:24-39). Let us not be as Saul, confused, looking for solutions in a world that has rejected God to our own shame, though we retain our salvation. Let us bear His shame outside the camp and be with Him for eternity (He 13:11-15).

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