NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda

NASA Climate Propaganda

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda;
Control Information: Control Obedience

Recently I became aware of NASA’s Global Climate Change blog. I grew up in the early days of space exploration with NASA being the epitome of science: pure and applied. However, we should not and cannot forget that NASA is a government agency and that for the greater portion of the 20th century government has been slowly Controlling scientific research via funding. This means that government only funds those projects that it believes will support its agenda. The Space Race was not about putting people on the Moon; that was for public consumption and support. The Space Race was about weaponizing space for intelligence and war since the days of Sputnik {How Did Sputnik Affect the Cold War? Find Any Answer.}. NASA was born in those early days and its basic agenda has not changed: Intelligence and War. This is the reality of government and Space and Science: Control.

I have been following and exploring the validity of solar’s influence on earth’s climate. This has been difficult through the usual university-scientific channels as government funded research seeks to validate government’s narrative of earth, read Man, based influence on climate change. However, as have occurred in other disciplines such as medicine, innovative research has evolved from outside the usual channels. In health I would point to, The Fat Emperor, Ivor Cummins.  His data intensive analysis on causes of obesity and insulin resistance has revolutionized understanding of diet’s influence on heart and chronic diseases with medicine trailing to get on the bandwagon! The same innovation is occurring in climate change and solar/intergalactic energy inputs under Ben Davidson at Suspicious Observers. Climate Change theories pushed by the United Nations and Western governments has long been suspect {Global warming or global governance? Disinter.} as vehicles for globalization. Global Warming or Global Governance, DVD, was an early attempt to show the flaws in these theories in the early 21st century. However, the link between earth’s climate and space was not conceived, or poorly understood, until nearly a decade later, or so. Climate change, a relabeling from Global Warming as temperatures were not warming per theories, requires tremendous amounts of energies which the planet, and Man, cannot generate. Energy is constantly bombarding the earth continually from both solar and intergalactic sources. As others began following Ben Davidson’s lead and investigating these links the governments and United Nations were becoming increasingly embarrassed; especially when many climatologists refuted the UN’s IPCC {Updated – Climate Scientists Write To UN: There Is No Climate Emergency. Technocracy News & Trends.}.

Earth's Magnetosphere

Depiction of Earth’s Magnetosphere
Protecting Us from Solar/Galactic Energies

The Earth’s major defense against the direct onslaught of these energies is the magnetosphere, originally referred to as Van Allen belts. These were not discovered until 1958 and their purpose was not truly appreciated until the early 21st century; especially in relation to so-called climate change. We now know through analysis of measurable data, science, that the magnetosphere not only protects the earth but is weakening along with a suspected reversal of the magnetic north and south poles in the coming few decades. This means that more energy is reaching the earth influence not only earth’s climate but also other hitherto hidden cause phenomenon such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions and even major storms. However, in full disclosure, I do not agree with the Suspicious Observers forensic analysis of past events which conflict with Genesis and rely on a blind adherence to evolution. I do believe that their analysis of a near future catastrophism of sizable proportions is eminent due earth’s declining protection. I would invite you to view the videos on Suspicious Observers on web site and their copious references to ongoing data collection by others around the world being published in many scientific journals. Their evidence is factual, empirical and should not be ignored because it is not the party line. However, that is exactly what NASA has done in their blog referenced at the beginning of this post!

Suspicious Observers Detailed Refutation
Of NASA’s Flawed Adherence to Scientism

I will not repeat what is contained and well explained by Ben Davidson in his refutation of NASA’s flawed reasoning in blind support of the government’s climate change agenda which has not swayed one iota since it began floating this insane proposition in the early 1980s! Needless to say, it is just one plank on the road to globalization, International socialism. Nearly every industrialized nation has gotten on board because it promises to give them Control over ALL its citizens. It is part of the delusion Paul warned believers to expect from Satan that will be embraced by all who reject God’s truth (2Th 2:3-12). Since the Enlightenment, certain scientific men have sought to discredit any idea of a worldwide Noah’s Flood {The Blasphemous Geologist Who Rocked Our Understanding of Earth’s Age. Smithsonian Magazine.}. The acceptance of his theory, belief system, helped inspire and legitimize Darwin’s view of biologic evolution. Everywhere science appeared to disprove God’s Bible when actually these are not current observations but forensic conceptualizations whose foundational basis is rejection of God; and proudly also (Ro 1:18-28)! Since ALL governments are under Satan’s sway we should not be surprised when our government refuses to acknowledge any factual data that conflicts with its desired goal of total socialism; Control of all its citizens (Mt 4:8-10)!

Science Fallacy

Scientism: Great Light of Lucifer
Dimming God’s Truth of Salvation

Citizens should understand that if a government agency that purports to be scientific but is in fact scientismic then this is nothing more than the blatant Control of information in order to deceive YOU; in other words, this is pure propaganda! Government depends on two things: Your ignorance and Your blind faith! Ignorance ensues because of Control of information and discrediting sources with non approved agendas. Since most people have little curiosity and prefer to receive their information as conveniently supplied by the government and its informational propaganda agencies {CBS, CNN, Fox, etc.} they remain in ignorance. This is the value of informational Control.

However, Christians have been duplicitous, even through their own ignorance, of worshipping government. Poor hermeneutics of certain passages in isolation has led evangelicals to blindly follow government as an arm of God. I would ask the same question Christ asked, “And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” (Mt 12:25-27). We are to obey governments, God hates rebellion, but we are certainly not to be deluded into thinking governments are an extension of God (Ro 13:1-7). Going Green is nothing more than rejection of individual entrepreneurship in favor of forced, socialistic, Control under the guise of saving the planet {Green Manifesto; Georgia Guidestones.}. It is the duplicitous substitution of scientism for science to keep you in ignorance and dependent on their propaganda mechanisms.

During the latest G7 Conference, 2021, every leader parroted the same phrase, “Build Back Better,” which is simply a euphemism for The Great Reset. Environmentalism has been one of the oldest planks in persuading you to accept Control by globalists who will work through local governments to keep local bureaucracies in place. This deludes you into thinking, “Nothing has changed!” Many Western governments are instituting secret thought police as I will discuss in my next post. Hence, not only will truth become increasingly harder to obtain and recognize; you will be punished for wrong thinking! {Menagerie. Star Trek.}. This show asked the very real question before us today; if information you receive is Controlled, how do you know what is real? It was never answered because it cannot be answered apart from God’s Bible.

The Bible is the only access to absolute Truth and warns us of the deception at work throughout history and is in the world today (1Co 1:26-29; 1Jo 2:16; 4:1-3; 2Jo 1:7-9). Those who promote this evil agenda are not of God but are refuting God’s truth for their own supposed gain like brute beasts who seek nothing more substantial than their own pleasures at your expense (Jude 1:8-11). Satan has always used these persons and in the end they discover, too late, that their true reward is pain and suffering in the Lake of Fire (Lk 16:22-26; Re 20:11-15). This judgment begets the FEAR that drives them and by which they seek to use psychology to alleviate along with drugs (1Jo 4:18). I urge Christians to remain in faith knowing that this evil time will endure until all evil shall be revealed (Ro 16:25-26). But, do not trust to ignorance but trust in faith based on the truth of His Word: Christ and the Bible.

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