Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness

Star Wars Hermeticism Destroys Logic

Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness
In One Star Wars Moment: Did You Catch It?

I want to continue the thought that I ended my post, Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God, in which I discussed a portion of this Star Wars prequel germinal  dialogue, “Only a Sith deals in absolutes,” {Revenge of the Sith}. I want us to understand that this moment its when Logic was given a death blow and replaced by ancient dialectic hermetical inclusiveness to thunderous applause. This is the moment when intentionally or unintentionally, George Lucas changed how people perceived their world. After this movie, the viewing public of all ages were pounded by this theme in other movies, television, entertainment venues of various genres including music. News-information-propaganda mediums legitimized this change without ever mentioning the change was occurring. It seemed right so many people unreservedly accepted it as fact and altered their worldviews to match. Within twenty years societies began preparing  for a major top-down revamping known as The Great Reset to match this bottom-up change. Let us examine this simple dialogue to understand what fundamentally changed in your thinking. Continue reading “Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness”

“As Above, So Below” Ignores God

Digital Ourboros

“As Above, So Below” Ignores God;
Denying God’s Truth Proves Bible’s True

The line, As Above, So Below, is a simplified version of the opening text from the Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice glorified. Sir Isaac Newton, considered the Father of Astrophysics, was a serious student of Hermeticism and translated this document, among many others. Those modern people who claim to be ruled by science must admit that scientists are ruled by their religious beliefs, like Sir Isaac Newton who disbelieved in the Trinity believing that Roman Catholicism had long ago been corrupted by Gnosticism which viewed the physical as inferior or negative. Hermeticism views the physical in a positive manner with God, as it defines, the source of all energies rather than another property of matter under certain conditions. This views acknowledges the mysterious property of energy which modern scientists tend to ignore while waxing eloquently about energies based on their properties and ignoring its actual essence. Science springs from Hermeticism because its early practitioners, such as Newton, believed it while forming their theories of how the world worked; i.e., natural philosophy. It is always about religion! Continue reading ““As Above, So Below” Ignores God”

The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored

Man Following Satan's Promise to be as gods in Spiritual Plane

The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored;
Promises Man the Spiritual Plane: Hermetic Alchemy

For millennium Man remained fractured by competing religions promising the true path to…what? In the beginning it was not so; then there was only one true faith. Christ made all in Heaven and Earth according to the Father’s plan from the essence the Father created ex nihilo (Col 1:15-20). A schematic representation is given in Genesis’ first chapter (Ge 1).  From Man Christ brought forth Woman to form a complete unity in faith with Himself (Ge 2:21-25). Christ was not into deception or brainwashing; He did not wish mindless obedience. Christ warned Man that he could encounter knowledge apart from Him; knowledge that would not only destroy their unity but would result in eternal separation in judgment; i.e., Death (Ge 2:16-17; Re 20:11-15). When Satan came calling offering access to this godless knowledge, he promised, he lied, saying it would make them as gods (Ge 3:5). They could rise beyond their physical body barrier and enter the spiritual plane of being; i.e., gods, like Christ. The reality was very different filled with fear, guilt, degradation and violence (Ge 3:6-13; Ro 1:18-32; 3:10-18). Man grasped at Satan’s proffered faith to assuage his sin apart from Christ. Hermeticism was begun based on the promise of Alchemy {Change} gained through special knowing or Gnosticism. Sin had awoken and Woken Man hated his Maker! Continue reading “The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored”

Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice

Every Decision Reveals What One Worships

Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice
Choice is Not Choice But it Does Define You

When is choice not a choice but an inevitable conclusion based on Controlled propagandistic Information? Every time it is not based on Scripture (Pr 2). Every choice is a moral crisis between good and evil; right and wrong revealing what you actually believe and worship. There are no small and large decisions; just consequences that flow from the plethora of choices often made without thought of the consequences. This haphazard approach defines the Masses from the Elites; the Sheep from the Wolves who plan every move. The Dialectic is how they manipulate your choices so you choose self-enslavement: “You will own nothing and be happy!”

Continue reading “Dialectic Trichotomy Leading to Inevitable Choice”