Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism

Hegelian Dialectic Alchemy Process

Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism;
Rousseau-Hegel-Marx-Great Reset’s Old Religion

My last post, The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored, I gave a brief synopsis of ancient Hermeticism from a biblical perspective. As this is a Christian post, this should be no surprise to any readers. As interesting as this may be to some, it is of little interest to modern readers who demand a 20 second synopsis in sweeping video before moving on to the next mildly interesting Tik-Tok phenomenon. This post will briefly cover from Rousseau to Hegel to Marx to Schwab to promised coming events such as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset {their title, not mine}. These financed political innovations actually spring from faith-based Hermeticism articulated by Hegel and later modified by: Marx; Gramsci; Fabian Society; Rhodes Round Table; Frankfurt School; and the front organization for the behind the scenes financiers-World Economic Forum. In addition to reading the articles referenced in the preceding links, I would encourage the reader to watch Sovereign Nations, Mere Simulacrity Conference video #12, As Below, So Above, presented by Dr. James Lindsey, not a Christian. The remainder of this post will refer to the above graphic as to the process put in place to ensnare all peoples to the oligarchic elites at the very top of the hierarchal pyramid: The Eye that Sees All because it Controls All (Wealth) {See American Dollar}; especially with the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). Continue reading “Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism”

The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored

Man Following Satan's Promise to be as gods in Spiritual Plane

The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored;
Promises Man the Spiritual Plane: Hermetic Alchemy

For millennium Man remained fractured by competing religions promising the true path to…what? In the beginning it was not so; then there was only one true faith. Christ made all in Heaven and Earth according to the Father’s plan from the essence the Father created ex nihilo (Col 1:15-20). A schematic representation is given in Genesis’ first chapter (Ge 1).  From Man Christ brought forth Woman to form a complete unity in faith with Himself (Ge 2:21-25). Christ was not into deception or brainwashing; He did not wish mindless obedience. Christ warned Man that he could encounter knowledge apart from Him; knowledge that would not only destroy their unity but would result in eternal separation in judgment; i.e., Death (Ge 2:16-17; Re 20:11-15). When Satan came calling offering access to this godless knowledge, he promised, he lied, saying it would make them as gods (Ge 3:5). They could rise beyond their physical body barrier and enter the spiritual plane of being; i.e., gods, like Christ. The reality was very different filled with fear, guilt, degradation and violence (Ge 3:6-13; Ro 1:18-32; 3:10-18). Man grasped at Satan’s proffered faith to assuage his sin apart from Christ. Hermeticism was begun based on the promise of Alchemy {Change} gained through special knowing or Gnosticism. Sin had awoken and Woken Man hated his Maker! Continue reading “The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored”

Delusion’s Ultimate Delusion of Self-Good

Delusional Trap of Missing the True Delusion of Self as Good

Delusion’s Ultimate Delusion of Self-Good;
Doing What is Right in One’s Own Eyes

Paul describes God as sending, or allowing, people to believe Satan’s strong delusion so they will believe what is not Truth; i.e., The Trinity is Truth (Jn 4:24; 14:6; 15:26; 2Th 2:9-12). But, this is not a new revelation for the Bible early on showed that people do what is right in their own eyes; that is, they do what they have decided is truth for them (De 12:8; Ju 17:6; 21:25). The Bible makes the case that to follow one’s own way as true is the mark of a fool rebelling against God (Pr 12:15; 21:20). One’s own imaginations is the mark of a child and according to Hollywood, especially Disney, adults should return to the mind of a child to embrace goodness (Ge 6:5; Pr 22:15; 1Co 13:11). In reality, this keeps one trapped in Satan’s ultimate delusion and labeling God as evil (Is 5:20; Mal 2:17; Jn 8:44). Postmodernism is not a new philosophy but an ancient lie begun with Original Sin in the Garden and continues without variance into our future (Ge 3:5). Continue reading “Delusion’s Ultimate Delusion of Self-Good”

Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?

Own Nothing? Control Everything?

Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?
Under Each System You Own Nothing!

For the past several posts I have described Satan’s Simulacrum, distorted Dystopia of God’s promised Utopia. However, I do not want to commit the logical fallacy of confirmation bias, only giving one side that supports my conclusion. This is a common practice and usually involves other logical fallacies such as false dilemmas to make my conclusion appear rational and competing conclusions irrational; common propaganda, political and news ploy to guide your thinking to reach approved conclusions which are usually promoting unreasonable conclusions. Let me state up front that both systems promise that you will own nothing and be happy! Will you? Continue reading “Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?”

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice

Equality the Root of Modern Simulacrum Deception

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth:
Your Choice Guided by Your Faith of Truth

Occam’s Razor, developed by the 14th century friar, William of Ockham, stated that out of competing logics/solutions/philosophies/conclusions the simpler solution was preferred. What brought him to this conclusion which has been embraced by modern scientists but not so much by modern peoples who seem to embrace the complex and reject the simple or narrow path? His underlying premise, “God’s existence cannot be deduced by reason alone.” As I have oft written this is because God is beyond empiricism while Man via his five senses can only make empirical measurements (Jn 4:23-24). Man is always faced with the choice that is not really a choice because of one’s Lost or fallen, sinful nature God’s Truth is automatically excluded (Ro 1:18-28). Modern 19th-20th century peoples sought to embrace the French Revolution error that Reason alone can lead to true knowing which only led to greater complexity, failure evidenced by increasing degradation and violence. Twenty-first century elites have returned to the ancient knowing that faith underlies any change. The much heralded, Great Reset, is based on faith; i.e., the integration of all faiths undergird by equity or equality. Continue reading “Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice”

Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose: Enslavement by Consent

Don't Think Just Feel-Do
Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose:
Enslavement by Consent

My last post, God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum, laid the logical framework revealed by Christ and the Bible. However, I also wrote that the appeal to logic must fail because logic flows from Scripture, “…come let us reason together…” (Is 1:18). People from the very outset are antichrist building their simulacrums, worldviews, rejecting Christ. Historically, people have appealed to works-based religions to justify why their understanding of events do not correlate with Recalcitrant Reality {See above article for detailed definitions}. Indeed, what historically has worked more effectively than logic-reason have been the logical fallacy of appeal to purpose and feelings. This post will seek to illustrate why this is more potent and why people demand enslavement under the guise of equality. It begins with the above mantra popularized in Star Wars; “Feel, Don’t Think.” Continue reading “Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose: Enslavement by Consent”

God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum

Reality vs Sinner's Simulacrum

God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum;
Why Purpose Defeats Reason

Since the Enlightenment people love to label themselves as reasonable; yet, time after time history proves that the purpose-driven emotional approach trumps reason everytime. Why? This post will provide a very modern approach to explain a very ancient problem. However, since itself is a reasoned explanation its acceptability will be restricted to those who have already been biblically saved (Ro 10:9-10; 2Th 2:3-12). Continue reading “God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum”