Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice

Equality the Root of Modern Simulacrum Deception

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth:
Your Choice Guided by Your Faith of Truth

Occam’s Razor, developed by the 14th century friar, William of Ockham, stated that out of competing logics/solutions/philosophies/conclusions the simpler solution was preferred. What brought him to this conclusion which has been embraced by modern scientists but not so much by modern peoples who seem to embrace the complex and reject the simple or narrow path? His underlying premise, “God’s existence cannot be deduced by reason alone.” As I have oft written this is because God is beyond empiricism while Man via his five senses can only make empirical measurements (Jn 4:23-24). Man is always faced with the choice that is not really a choice because of one’s Lost or fallen, sinful nature God’s Truth is automatically excluded (Ro 1:18-28). Modern 19th-20th century peoples sought to embrace the French Revolution error that Reason alone can lead to true knowing which only led to greater complexity, failure evidenced by increasing degradation and violence. Twenty-first century elites have returned to the ancient knowing that faith underlies any change. The much heralded, Great Reset, is based on faith; i.e., the integration of all faiths undergird by equity or equality.

A three-legged stool is the simplest, stable, platform; following Occam’s Razor, it also provides the simplest pathway to change. For instance, Hegel’s dialectic, process of using contradictory statements to find truth uses the triad approach: Thesis; Antithesis; and Synthesis. This has been morphed by the Gramsci-Frankfurt School-World Economic Forum (WEF) elites into Critical Theory’s: Problem; Reaction; and Solution to guide the destruction of the old republic free market liberalism and rebuild better with a new, but not really new, equity-based socialism strangely patterned after the French Revolution’s: Liberty; Fraternity; and Equality. But there is a problem in how to motivate people to embrace and acquiesce to this Great Rebuilding. I probably have already lulled you into insensibility with this very short redundant explanation of this process which illustrates why Reason alone fails. Behavior is not changed by knowing; i.e., it is not an empirical process. Man, made in God’s image, is fundamentally a faith-based creation (Ge 1:26-27). Hence, change must first flow from one’s non-empirical belief in what is truth; i.e., faith.

Satan's Simulacrum of Deception based on Faith

This Simple, Occam’s Razor, Graphic Displays
Faith’s Crucial Influence in the Great Reset

Sovereign Nations recent conference, Mere Simulacrity, explained this process in detail during Michael O’Fallon’s presentation, The Third Leg of the Stool. The metaphor of a three-legged stool is not mine nor Mr. O’Fallon’s; it comes from one of their main Christian spokesperson’s own lips: Rick Warren. Mr. O’Fallon displays several clips in which Mr. Warren, Pastor of megachurch Saddleback Church, using this imagery to chasten both governments {public} and corporatisms {private} that their combined efforts will fail {again: emphasis mine to illustrate why past socialism efforts either failed outright or were unable to maintain themselves in the 19th and 20th centuries}. I wish I could say this is a new idea on today’s scene but it has been in the works for nearly twenty years while Christians circled the drain supporting national governments that will soon become obsolete except as local governing councils for one overarching behind the scenes government controlled elite financiers.

You might be asking yourself, “Did not governments try faith-based approaches and fail between the Reformation to the 18th century?” I would reply yes; but they failed for the same reason socialism failed between the 18th-20th centuries: Force! Man is made in the Flesh or from nature. Hence, the natural man rebels against force; even against laws which he himself has made (Ro 7:7-8; 8:5-8; 1Co 2:14; 15:45-49; He 2:14-15). If history has revealed anything it is that Force fails evidenced by empire after empire failing because of reliance on Force!

But history has also revealed an even deeper, older and more pervasive bond that binds people together: Faith! What is faith? It is the assurance of what you hope for and the conviction of what is not seen; i.e.. non-empirical (He 11:1). It relies on what is not seen understanding that what is seen cannot be explained purely by empiricism; concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil demand acceptance of some determinant beyond man’s five senses. Hence, religion is the source defining right and wrong for that group. The problem in the past is that each group sought to prove its religion, its faith, was superior to another’s by virtue of force or war. This competition is inherently destructive and divisive preventing the unity certain elites were seeking to obtain. The answer began 18th century’s foray into socialism: French Revolution: Liberty; Fraternity; and Equality.

However, it took socialism’s failures to understand the true religion of people: Self! Beginning with the first sin, the lure of being as gods, defining your own right and wrong, was the apparent answer to rejecting God (Ge 3:5). But, it took the combined efforts of modern government nation-states coupled with industrialization to provide the means to span the distance and differences of cultures. Business, corporatism, and government are external forces to most people. This top-down approach smacks of force which invites rebellion. This is the Jezebel Effect. While it can legitimize a bottom-up approach, it cannot bring cultures together because it remains isolated to industrial-power centers. Informational-propaganda services seek to reason people into acceptance, which is valuable if it agrees with their belief system(s)!

Faith is the adhesion binding together cultures. Historically this has been defined by cultural religions but what if there were a single concept that transcended culture-government-corporatism uniting all religions in a commonality? This single concept is equality! It promises the illusion of making everyone equal regardless of philosophical-economic-religious foundations. You get to keep your religion; you get to keep your culture; you get to keep your philosophical underpinnings as long as you do not seek to be superior to anyone else; i.e., all faiths are bound up and joined together into this one faith making everyone the same.

This uniting faith extends into every village, every hamlet, every farm and every city: Equality! Critical Theory using Hegel’s Dialectic of Problem-Reaction-Solution, guided by Bernay’s public relation techniques guide people into accepting the problem as defined by Critical theorists. It guides their reactions so that they agitate for the same solutions also suggested by the same elites. From first to last they believe they are moving into a bright future of equality in which everyone will walk arm-in-arm into Paradise. They want to ignore the obvious discrepancy that some are more equal than others. This is faith and it is blind to obvious contradictions. Finally, all mankind will be joined together into one big family {Fraternity} on equal terms {Equality} so that each may have some measure of goodness; except that Liberty is reserved for the elites who govern the masses in this wondrous social utopia envisioned by Rousseau. They will experience his Natural Man Ideal but not as it was advertised. Rousseau’s Social Contract is a binding, non-negotiable, exclusive bondage to the General Will which is never defined except by the elites who administer it according to their dictates. This is the religion that supersedes and binds together all works-based religions. This becomes the obscene, distorted Simulacrum of God’s promised New Covenant Salvation. In fact, those of this Simulacrum are intolerant of believers of Christ while they demand tolerance for their own increasingly degrading and violent equality practices.

God's Recalcitrant Reality

God’s Three-legged Stool of Salvation
Depends of Christ’s Work; not Yours

World’s Three-legged stool simulacrum demands that each person sacrifice themselves for the greater good (of the elites). Everyone must give up anything that makes them different from others; i.e., there can be no barriers hindering equality. Christ does not demand you to do anything to obtain salvation: He gave all on the stauros, endured Father’s wrath and invites all who will to enter His salvation (Ep 4:1-16). Everyone is unique in Christ but all have equal standing in Him because it is His sacrifice, not ours, that paid for redemption (Ep 2:11-22). Satan, and the World, offer a twisted, distorted, copy because they reject God’s mercy. They would rather suffer the degradations of sin than submit to God; it is the way of the Flesh (Re 6:12-17). If Christ had not saved some of us then none would be saved for no one naturally seeks after God (Ro 3:10-18).

It is faith which pervades every thought, every home, every culture binding people together in an equity of sin. The truth of the Bible is again confirmed in that in the Last Days Satan empowers both a ruler and a priest who points to the ruler to rule over people who reject Christ’s salvation (Re 13). Rick Warren was absolutely correct; the Great Reset into Socialism, Rousseau’s Social Contract-Natural Man Simulacrum, will be accomplished by faith. Force will be used against those who refuse to believe except in Christ alone based on Scripture alone. Christians do not have to prove the Bible is true; current events flowing from sin’s simulacrum itself proves the Bible is true and timeless. Which three-legged stool does your faith rest upon?

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