Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose: Enslavement by Consent

Don't Think Just Feel-Do
Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose:
Enslavement by Consent

My last post, God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum, laid the logical framework revealed by Christ and the Bible. However, I also wrote that the appeal to logic must fail because logic flows from Scripture, “…come let us reason together…” (Is 1:18). People from the very outset are antichrist building their simulacrums, worldviews, rejecting Christ. Historically, people have appealed to works-based religions to justify why their understanding of events do not correlate with Recalcitrant Reality {See above article for detailed definitions}. Indeed, what historically has worked more effectively than logic-reason have been the logical fallacy of appeal to purpose and feelings. This post will seek to illustrate why this is more potent and why people demand enslavement under the guise of equality. It begins with the above mantra popularized in Star Wars; “Feel, Don’t Think.”

Science's Simulacrum Based on Imaginations

Much of Newtonian Science Based on
Thought Experiments: Simulacrums

Then Enlightenment, Age of Reason, can be illustrated by Sir Isaac Newton and James Hutton, so-called father of modern geology. Many of Sir Isaac Newton’s flaws are detailed in the book, Dark Side of Isaac Newton. The above graphic quotes him as proving his theory of gravity correct based on his mind experiments; the fact that he invented calculus to support his theories adds additional bias to his scientific simulacrum. unbeknownst to most people, conveniently left out of public education scientific adoration for Newton, is that his cosmology had errors. Like every simulacrum, it had builtin distortions because it was developed from knowing that rejected Christ the Creator (Col 1:15-20). Some of this Creation can be known by Man based on empirical observation; i.e., science. Science gives one repeatable measurements to compare one’s thought or. hypothesis with God’s Reality which is recalcitrant, uncaring of man’s biased purpose in making himself as god (Ge 3:5). This leads to an obvious flaw in one’s understanding of science; it is claimed to be unbiased when in fact it is biased by. definition: It rejects God thus limiting all possibilities.

James Hutton is another scientific figure of this period who also made a virtue of his antichrist bias. He postulated that the geological rock formations he observed in Scotland must be older than the dates religiously accepted from Usher. Why? Because his faith rejected the Bible and thus Noah’s Cataclysm; can we say biased? He used the logical fallacy of circular reasoning to prove his conclusion: The rocks are old because the fossilized bones are old which were dated based on the age of their surrounding rock formations! See the problem? His research laid the foundation for Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory and its subsequently hidden superiority of one artificially defined race over all others.

Science begins with a hypothesis formed from assumptions assumed to be true; this is known as faith. Measurements are supposed to either support the hypothesis or falsify it; i.e., meaning reject the hypothesis. Yet, this rarely occurred with favored advocates who advanced the approved narrative of Man in Control of Nature {Reality}. This is knowing as, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth (2Ti 3:7). Therefore, the coherent conclusion is that Truth was never the purpose of Science. It was the advancement of Man as master of nature; a distorted simulacrum that grew increasingly distorted over time.

Einstein's Thought Experiment Debunked

Einstein’s Relativity Theories
Began as Thought Experiments

Albert Einstein captivated the 20th century everyday citizen when science supposedly proved his thought experiment of gravity bending light; among other conceptual ideas. From this flowed modern science fiction literature which when coupled with digital special effects technology and an evolutionary foundation forces the biased conclusion of various species of intelligence in the universe conquered by honorable Man, or less so depending on one’s favorite flavor os sci-fi, traveling faster than light; this formed the foundation of the popular, Close Encounters of the Third Kind! Yet, the so-called proof was been summarily dismissed as erroneous measurements that proved nothing. Again, science was supposedly advanced by embracing error based on the purpose of showing Man’s growing superior knowledge as proof of people evolving to be as gods on our path to eternal existence as blobs of energy. Again, science biased for Man and against God’s biblical truth that people are inherently sinners embracing degradation and violence based on lies and covetousness as the Bible records (Ge 3:5; Jn 8:44; Ro 1:18-32; 3:10-18, 23; 6:23; Col 3:5).

Back to Future Doc Brown Simulacrum Advocate Masquerading as Scientist

Back to the Future’s Doc Brown
Showing Science as Scientism

Entertainment mediums historically both depict what people believe and guide people to believe as desired based on purpose and emotions. The immensely popular movie trilogy, Back to the Future, followed the misadventures of a young adult far removed from logical scientific thinking being mentored by a supposed man of science. In fact, the teen mirrored the average person from 12-80 who embraced feeling as the basis for making life decisions. Doc Brown claimed to be a scientist but as events continually proved he was simply squandering his inherited wealth in pointless pursuits based on imaginations. Even his flux capacitor was developed after an accident rather than by careful hypothesis and repeatable sequence of measurements leading to his time machine. The series ends with the blather contained in the above graphic; God does not exist, nothing is written, prophesied, therefore you make your own future! This directly contradicts Scripture which warns of coming Judgment after Death (He 9:27). Indeed, one of the earliest popular sci-fi writers, H.G. Wells (also worshipped by Doc Brown) was one of the developers of the U.N Declarations of Human Rights which has little to do with advancing the upward economic mobility of all peoples.

Equality the Root of Modern Simulacrum Deception

Dark Secret of Science is Scientism
Advancing the Equality of Socialism

The underlying dirty secret of science was not the advancement of knowledge but the marriage of faith in man with a simulacrum supporting the Delusion of Man becoming superior. Socialism morphing under Gramsci and the Frankfurt School gave birth to Critical Theory which found fertile ground in Western culture after over thirty years of educational indoctrination supported by propagandistic news-information-academic-governmental collusion. Critical theory is simply to criticize everything that does not agree with the adoption of global socialism or the return of people to serfdom under the gentle lashes of the financier elites using the old trope first trotted out during the French Revolution: Equality-Fraternity-Liberty. The masses will be equality poor and enslaved bringing them together into the family of man while the elite will have liberty to do as they please without accountability. This is the single-minded purpose of modern education and societal program today. Don’t Think; just Do!

This agenda began to be unmasked in the 1980s with the introduction of After the Ball to legitimize LGBTQAI+ agenda as the true normal. The fact that it was mirrored in Scripture 2,000 years ago is summarily ignored and labeled as racist (Ro 1:24-25). This became the new normal because people had already been re-educated. Their thinking embraced incoherence as normal while they claimed new wisdom which was not new but ancient evil: seeking knowledge apart from God (Ge 3:5; Ecc 1:9-11). People decided truth based on feelings rather than thinking to such an extent that thinking or logic was decried as racist {every idea that does not conform to the approved goal is now racist regardless of skin tone}. But, the 20th century added a new element to induce a sense of emergency to stampede people toward the final goal of complete repudiation of the gains of upward economic mobility accomplished imperfectly as a result of the Industrial Revolution: Pandemics!

Simulacrum of Pandemic Ignored

Mirroring Another Sci-Fi Movie Aliens
Infect Man for their Advancement

The Enlightenment that promised a new Age of Reason and Social Contract based on the illusion of Equality, even if forced, comes full circle substituting agenda-driven Scientism in lieu of knowledge. Claiming to be wise people have become fools with degraded passions ruling them rather than reasoning together with God. God does not force Man to obey Him. Christ allows Man to create society without Him based on their increasingly distorted simulacrum that produces greater and greater levels of violence and degradation. People demand equality which only promises enslavement; a return to serfdom which bound Mankind in grinding poverty for millennium!

Also, since the 1980s are the manmade pandemics orchestrated under governmental guidance in the guise of public health; especially led by America. AIDS, MERS, SERS, Ebola and Covid-19 are but a few of the emergency health crises used to convince people to substitute emotions for reason and embrace decreasing personal liberty for security. Corporatism financed by hidden financiers willy-nilly play God by genetically modifying food without understanding its consequences on nutrition. The newest round of supposed vaccines play genetic roulette without adequate research but enforced by governments worldwide. The digitization of national currencies will make every person trackable and controllable. The consequences of not abiding by demanded policies can be the suspension of ability to buy and sell; i.e., to live. Such Control was only dreamed of by Alexander, Caesar, or even Pharaoh of old.

Why do people sit idly by? If they repudiate their simulacrum, distortion of reality or worldview, they would have to accept God’s reality and thus their need for a savior. They will not and cannot do this of their own accord (2Th 2:3-12). They want to believe The Lie. Even when Recalcitrant Reality again demonstrates Christ’s power of Creation in spite of Man’s vaunted scientism, Man embraces death rather than repentance (Re 6:12-17).

Sinful people cannot be swayed by Reason for the old nature is unreasonable. God must directly intervene to save some so others may see and be without excuse when Judgment does come for it will occur (He 9:27). All know this because this is the foundation for their internal fear (1Jo 4:18). No drug, no philosophy, no dystopic belief system can alter that all will stand before Him (Re 20:11-15). It can be denied but when Death occurs, one encounters Recalcitrant Reality (Lk 16:22-31). Jesus does not any to perish but that all should acknowledge the truth of their sin, need for His salvation and be saved (Ro 10:9-10; 2Pe 3:9-10). Will you be reasonable today while it remains This Day (He 4:6-7)? All that you believe as concrete science is a distorted illusion or simulacrum of scientism while you reject the only true reality detailed in the Bible. Sprit says, “Come” as do all who are saved (Re 22:17).

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