Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?

Own Nothing? Control Everything?

Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?
Under Each System You Own Nothing!

For the past several posts I have described Satan’s Simulacrum, distorted Dystopia of God’s promised Utopia. However, I do not want to commit the logical fallacy of confirmation bias, only giving one side that supports my conclusion. This is a common practice and usually involves other logical fallacies such as false dilemmas to make my conclusion appear rational and competing conclusions irrational; common propaganda, political and news ploy to guide your thinking to reach approved conclusions which are usually promoting unreasonable conclusions. Let me state up front that both systems promise that you will own nothing and be happy! Will you?

John or Nelson Rockefeller made the statement, “Own nothing! Control everything!” Indeed, after Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust was broken up he immediately bought more shares expecting their value to skyrocket; he was correct. He owned less; but, he controlled more because he had more shares of stock under his control. I use this counter-intuitive true-life example to illustrate an important point of Satan’s Dystopian Simulacrum which will become clear as we proceed.

As this is a Christian post, I base my assumptions on the plain teaching of the Bible. If you disagree with this assumption then you will most certainly disagree with any conclusion I present. To the non-Christian, non-biblical mind this assumption appears illogical and foolish (Mt 11:25; 1Co 1:18-25). I do hope though that you will find my discussion internally logically consistent.

Premise #1: No one owns anything except the one who creates and there is only One Creator; the Father (Ge 1:1-2). “In the beginning, God created…;” that is God brought material into existence from nothing: ex nihilo. It was not Jesus, not the Spirit, not angels nor even men who brought existence out of nothing. The Bible does not explain this because it cannot present the process to the finite mind of men who reject God’s very existence. Bible repeats in several places that God alone is owner of everything by virtue of His creative act (Ps 24:1-2; 50:10-12). Jeremiah presents the metaphor of Potter and Clay illustrating the relationship between the Father and all He has created (Je 18:1-12).

You would ask, “Where does Jesus fit into this ownership?” Excellent question! Father monogenesis, only begotten in English, the Son to be His interface between this Creation and all it contains (Ge 1:3-5; Jn 1:1-18). Yes, Jesus always existed with the Father in eternity past as did the Spirit. But at this point, Christ put aside His equality with the Father, submitted to the Father’s will and became the Intercessor between the Father and all Creation. To show His trust in the Son, the Son brought order out of the chaos of the ex nihilo Creation (Col 1:15-20). In fact, He willingly submitted to be the Paschal Lamb for Man’s sin in order that peace would be possible for the Saved (Ro 5:6-11; Ph 2:5-11). Thus, Christ owned nothing! But, He was given authority by the Father to Control and bring order to Creation so that a New Covenant people would be enabled to enter a sinless, coming eternal Creation (1Pe 1:14-23).

Hence, everyone from the Son and all whom the Son created are stewards or caretakers of what the Father, through the Son, has placed in their care; even the Son Himself is a Steward bring the message which He was given by the Father and not for His own glory (Jn 5:19-24; 6:35-40). Steward, from the Greek, οἰκονόμος, oikonomos, means to put in order under the authority of the one who gave you the position. In ancient history this usual meant that the Steward was a slave even though he could be second only to the King (Ge 41:38-45). Joseph remained a slave his entire life after his brothers sold him into slavery (Ge 37:18-28; 39:1-6).

Socialism (Theft) Illustrated

Socialism is Satan’s Dystopic Simulacrum
There is One Important Difference: Ownership!

However, not every created being was content with the Father delegating all to the Son for the sake of beings inferior to themselves; especially, Satan (Ge 3:1-8; He Is 14:12-14; Ez 28:12-16; He 1:5-14). The problem is that created beings cannot create and thus cannot own anything! Adam was given stewardship over the Earth by Christ as long as he was obedient to Christ; however, when he willingly sinned he changed his allegiance to Satan who promised Control but lied because…Satan (Jn 8:44). Satan has no ownership but he is allowed Control over Man who rejected God by seeking knowledge without God; hence, sinful man rejects any knowledge of God seeking to develop his worldview based simply on empirical Creation (Ro 1:18-28). God allows both Satan and Man to prove themselves; that is, to build the world they envision without God. Except, merciful God, who alone has the power over His Creation, continues to bless the Earth with abundance (Mt 5:45).

Since Satan and Man cannot create nor can they control the power of Creation, they are simply left with the willingness to exert Control over everyone who is deemed less worthy than themselves; i.e., the selected elites. Today, we know this system as Socialism and its modern version is Fascism or the marriage of government and corporatism under the Control of Finances. Their fixed-pie mentality admits their inability to create; hence, they must ration what they believe to be available so they will have enough for themselves. This means they force equality by robbing the majority of people of resources in order to fund themselves and their dystopian plan of cheating death and thus judgment. They hold out the promise that equality will raise everyone to the elites level but this is unsustainable in their fixed-pie world. Equality actually means everyone is reduced to the bare necessity required to serve the extravagant desires of the elites. This is the reality of the coming Great Reset: You will own nothing and you will be happy (or you will be eliminated). How does this differ from God’s Utopia in which you will still own nothing?

Socialism or Stewardship

In the Father’s Economy You Own Nothing But
You Will be Stewards Sharing in His Creation

The Father has no needs. The Father did not create Man because He was lonesome or because He wanted beings to dominate. He created Man to express His boundless Love (1Jo 4:7-19). As a Steward of the Father’s Creation, you get to keep what you develop through Him. He does not collect taxes, He does not demand slaves to fulfill His desires and He does not judge others as more unworthy than Himself. In fact, it is not the Father who judges at all but one’s own works that testify as to your sinfulness (Re 20:11-15).

During the Hebrew’s period of the Judges, the nation had only to live faithfully according to the Mosaic Law to abide under God’s protection. However, everyone did what was right in their own eyes (Jud 21:25)! They chose to follow their own covetous desires rather than faithfully be stewards over the Land given to them. They never kept the Jubilee, forgiving debts, every 49 years nor did they let the land rest every seven years. They demanded a king like the Gentiles who would allow them to live in their covetousness for a piece of the action; i.e., taxes and forced servitude (1Sa 8:10-20). Today, people still embrace the myth that they can create a government to be as God protecting them from unrighteousness when it can only be staffed by unrighteous sinners, even if some are saved sinners.

Sinners choose to live under the barbs of Satan who demands Control in return for increasing degradation and violence with the erasure of all Truth. Nations vie against nations as chess pieces while behind the scenes the financier elites bring all under their Control. The Industrial-Military-Information-Government complex sways the public to accept their increasingly harsh slavery vying for scrapes in order to cling to life and maybe some semblance of security. But, Peace? There will be no peace; only war, famine, disease and wholesale death until even the Gospel will appear to be extinguished.

The choice is clear. God’s Utopian stewardship provides peace, love, hope, and a share in what God gives into your hand to take care of for Him. Satan’s Dystopian Socialistic Simulacrum promises the same but gives only hopelessness, helplessness and finally eternal death apart from God. The question is not ownership! The question is who stands to gain? Satan stands to gain Control for a period until he is held accountable. For that is true of all stewardships. God allows you a space to show your true nature and then there is a time of accountability.

All will stand before Christ and give an account and then Christ will give an account to the Father while giving ALL back to the Father (1Co 15:21-28; 2Co 5:10; He 9:27-28; 10:26-31). That is why people fear; because they intrinsically understand that all will be held accountable for their sins and no drug, no psychological myth nor any works-based religion will avail to avert what Jesus warned would result: An eternity without Him as they demanded facing the Father’s holy wrath alone. When the time comes for you to stand before Him will you be happy? Will you be in Christ? Or will you be clothed in the rotting leaves of worthless works and found naked before His holy gaze (Ge 3:7-13)?

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