Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?

Universal Income Missing Key Element

Universal Income IS Government Control!
Which Government? Do YOU Care?

Years ago I was a wee lad in government controlled public education as were the majority of children. However, I was different. My father was a military man and transferred to a colloquial county in a somewhat Southern state. I had already been to Germany and started grade school in DOD schools in Japan. My experiences were vastly different from those of my class mates who had barely ventured out of the county. I was different and I stuttered; thus, I was classified as mentally retarded, term used in those days. I was ostracized by the students and the administration; singled out for public ridicule and physical abuse for nothing more than being different. I had no support even from my parents who were also colloquial in their own way. It was a terrible experience I hoped never to relive; except, today I am reliving it again on a massive scale. Government Control demands everyone be the same and seeks to root out those who are different with the express intention of making them the same or negating their affect on society {Removing them}. For me it is, Deja vu! Continue reading “Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?”

Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment

People Advocating Their Enslavement

Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment;
These Workers Advocating Self-Enslavement

I was grocery shopping in a major outlet which allowed me to connect to their Wi-Fi and with their app I could scan my purchases on the fly as I bagged them then scan a barcode at the automated register, pay and walk out of the store. This great convenience allowed me to get in and out quicker than using a human teller or the usual self-checker devices at the check-out counter. I was thinking, “Modern advantages of the digital age; ain’t it wonderful!” Then I got to thinking not only of how many tellers were replaced by automation but how many tellers was I replacing for my convenience? This was a result of the evil Minimum Wage push engineered during the 20th century which harmed the very people it was supposed to help. Duped by Socialism; again. Continue reading “Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment”

Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}

Early Antifa: French Revolution Mob

Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa};
Mob Rule Guided by General Will of the State

In my previous post, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, I briefly discuss the true legacy of Rousseau and the triad on which he built his bloody legacy.. He, more than Locke, represented the actual legacy of The Enlightenment; though both legacies ended in revolutions and neither were of God as some teach. The French Revolution would not have continued had it not been for Mob power directed by the General Will rooting out all those considered antithetical to Revolutionary values: Liberty; Equality and Fraternity {French Revolution: A study of Mob Rule and its elite #Antifa #MarxistRevolution. The Herald Report.}. Since the Revolution did not end, neither did the use of the Mob. The face of the Mob changed from Phrygian capped peasants to black garmented Antifa enforcers promoting the General Will at every level. Welcome to our reality. Continue reading “Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism

Portland Education System Displaying Socialism
As Anti-White Racism Showing Their Ignorance

This video shows excerpts from the British Lotus Eaters Podcast showing a meeting of a group of Portland {Oregon} school officials-teachers. This British podcast group provides analysis and commentary on current events in the world with their primary focus on events affecting Britain, America and Europe. These woked folks include all the proper virtue signaling expected for racial socialists except for knowledge of history and some old fashion common sense. In their eagerness to appear cutting edge in social correctness they reveal their intention to eliminate everyone who disagrees with their vision for the future. However, if you watch this video to the end you will discover the true nihilistic, irrational basis for their woked philosophy. Continue reading “White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism”

Zionism: Control Staff of Satan

Zionism is NOT Judaism

Zionism: Control Staff of Satan;
Insulated Behind False Charges of Racism

When entering any discussion one must determine the beginning point and the definition of terms to succeed. History is a continuum so any starting point will be nearly arbitrary just to make any discussion manageable. One must also be able to control the definition of the terms to frame one’s viewpoint in a positive manner so even evil intentions appear justified. Though this sounds like postmodernism, it is in fact a classic tactic of Satan {Luciferianism} since the Garden (Ge 3:1-8). Zionism has controlled both of these issues so completely that any opposing discussion of Zionism is labeled racism, antisemitism, and immediately dismissed with the distractor vilified as racist! However, I will choose the starting point and definitions Zionism chose to illustrate their ongoing complicity in today’s ongoing Middle East terrorism and America’s duplicity in protracting the ongoing destruction in lives and social fabric even in America! Continue reading “Zionism: Control Staff of Satan”

Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism

Fascism as Pacifism

Confusing issue of Fascism is its Meaning;
Fascism is The Postmodern Term: Means Anything

Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism because it can mean whatever the user decides; this is the perfect implementation of postmodernism before postmodernism was even a thing! In 1919 Benito Mussolini coined the term, fascism, to designate the difference between his brand of socialism and marxist socialism, since labeled as communism (Answers). Mussolini implicitly used a new term unique to Italian history; he transliterated the Roman fascesas, axe surround by a bundle of sticks, to symbolize the power of the socialistic state as he wanted Italy to join Allies and have a share of the victory spoils. Yet, twenty years late another socialist would equate fascism with pacifism (See above graphic). That is how confused everyone was with the term then; and now! Continue reading “Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism”

God: The First Cause of Racism?

God Promotes Racism

In the Perverted Logic of the Lost
God: The First Cause of Racism

God: The First Cause of Racism is a tenet doctrine of Luciferianism since Lucifer was declared a sinner and judged by God (Isa 14:12-15; Ez 28:14-19). Lucifer {Satan} separated Man from God by entering a social contract to give man knowledge apparently forbidden by God (Ge 3:1-5). The essence of theodicy is to prove God is the author of all evil (Is God the Tyrant of Heaven? Discernlife.). The fact that God is making a new people with a new nature separates people into two distinct groups: Lost-Satan is their father (Jn 8:44) and Saved-God is their Father (Jn 17:20-26; 2Co 5:17). There is no place for the Lost in the new Heaven and Earth; i.e., their place will be in the Lake of Fire 🔥; thus, they consider God unfair or racist for discriminating against them simply because they do not want His rule over them (Re 20:1-21:8). Thus, to them God: The First Cause of Racism. Continue reading “God: The First Cause of Racism?”