Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism

Fascism as Pacifism

Confusing issue of Fascism is its Meaning;
Fascism is The Postmodern Term: Means Anything

Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism because it can mean whatever the user decides; this is the perfect implementation of postmodernism before postmodernism was even a thing! In 1919 Benito Mussolini coined the term, fascism, to designate the difference between his brand of socialism and marxist socialism, since labeled as communism (Answers). Mussolini implicitly used a new term unique to Italian history; he transliterated the Roman fascesas, axe surround by a bundle of sticks, to symbolize the power of the socialistic state as he wanted Italy to join Allies and have a share of the victory spoils. Yet, twenty years late another socialist would equate fascism with pacifism (See above graphic). That is how confused everyone was with the term then; and now!

Mussolini did not invent the intellectual origins of what he termed as fascism nor did Hitler ever use the term in reference to his German socialism. The murky intellectual origins began in the confusion of Europe’s emergence from medievalism to nation-state nationalism under the threat of the yet to be contrived international economic socialism being developed by Karl Marx (Intellectual Origins. Encyclopedia Britannica.). Nor did the idea originate with the Italian or German governments specifically. It grew out of reactions against the education and rising economic prosperity of the masses under the industrial revolution and representative governments. It also grew out of the rejection of the tyranny of works-based religions, Christendom, and its conflation with the true Gospel of salvation sweeping across Europe since the Reformation. Though Europe in the 19th century was in the midst of a hundred years of peace since the defeat of Napoleon, it was not really peaceful with conflicting currents of socialism, democracy, republicanism, Jewish resentments, anarchists and mystic gnosticism vying for attention; sometimes violently. These various conflicting currents and philosophies went into a morass that Mussolini cleverly labeled as fascism. This made him seem a brilliant statesman of his day, solidified the newly formed Italian nation-state as a power in Europe and set the stage for opposition by the burgeoning international socialistic movement. In fact, Mussolini was thrown out of the movement in Italy due to his opposition to its pacifism.

Fascism Conflated with Capitalism

Fascism Linked with Capitalism!
Both terms Defined by Socialists

Marx defined socialism as an economic conflict between the have’s and have not’s. He borrowed the term from William Thackeray as a pejorative against those who controlled wealth as opposed to the masses or workers (Origins of the Word ‘Capitalism’. Adam Smith’s Lost Legacy.) National socialism was seen by Germany’s great statesman, Bismarck, as a backfire to put out the flames of socialism that appeared on the verge of disrupting nation-states as it had France (French Revolution was primarily a revolution to institute a primitive form of national socialism in place of a national monarchy). Due to the turbulent religion-politico-governmental tides sweeping across the changing face of Europe, Mussolini’s term, fascism, could mean anything. While it represented socialism it also masqueraded as capitalism and today is known as crony capitalism, corporations supported and protected by government power.

The Machiavellian, draconian peace the Allies forced on Germany to prevent its reemergence as a challenging economic powerhouse insured both economic collapse and a melee of competing political philosophies among desperately starving peoples shackled to their poverty by those without compassion or mercy. Thus, the so-called Christians nations rejected Christian compassion and mercy to reap the whirlwind as they fanned the flames of desperation. A hybrid form of socialism, national socialism was born and just like communism, was neither monolithic nor centrally controlled. The fact that the first anti-fascists were communists should alert the reader to the competing nature of these two systems. However, no one was listening or trying to understand.

Antifa International

Antifa is an International Movement
Stands Against Fascism but for Socialism

George Orwell was an avowed socialist but he was also an ardent anti communist (Orwell on Fascism. Intercollegiate Studies Institute.). He fought in the Spanish Civil War and was nearly killed, wounded in the throat. He returned to England totally against communism and fascism though he strongly embraced socialism. This is the confusion Satan has wrought about these terms. Orwell was as confused about fascism as everyone else, even today; he “…was beginning to reexamine his initial view of fascism as little more than an extension of degenerative capitalism.” It is no wonder that people today with far less willingness to study and live the reality of their beliefs are confused given the passion and cost Orwell paid to the truths of his beliefs. The Allies of World War II used the term fascist and fascism as pejoratives to focus their populations on the righteousness of their cause and to hide their own burgeoning national socialism causes. In order to separate the differences between the Axises and the Allies, Orwell made an artificial distinction between patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism is good, it is support for one’s nation that is based on goodness and be used to rally the middle class to the cause of the masses; i.e., patriotism supported good socialism against bad capitalism. However, he defined nationalism as  bad. Nationalism is racism based on whatever criteria is needed for the moment. Orwell used patriotism to mobilize England to fight against the nationalistic Germans who were racists against everyone not German; especially the Jews.

Fascism Redefined as Needed

Modern Renditions of Fascism are Confused;
Embraces popular Terms Convenient for the Cause

It is small wonder that today’s less politically astute masses are swayed by the term fascism and the Antifa movement. They have been educated in a state-run system that embraced the seeds of its own destruction in communistic Critical Theory philosophies who aim is to promote international socialism at the expense of nation-states. Like Orwell, nationalism has been artificially defined as racist since to embrace one’s culture, ethnicity, and nationalism by definition means to exclude those who are different; no one even bothers using the word patriotism. Mass media self-righteously supports Antifa via agenda setting and reflexivity to denigrate nationalism, which is against globalism, its intended goal (Art of Fighting the Shadows. Evolution of Prometheus.). Yet, this is all smoke and mirrors, designed to keep YOU uninformed and confused through the art of deception so you peacefully accept the coming Great Reset when the elite will rewrite the social contract to return YOU to serfdom; with your consent, of course (Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?).

Unfortunately, while people are debating what has already been decided they are NOT understanding the great danger that is overcoming them. It is not about socialism per se nor even about the great evils of sin, Christ has dealt with them; the great coming evil is complacency and acceptance of the evilness of the true Gospel as racist and fascist and thus worthy of death for all who embrace such hatred {as they define} (2Th 2:3-12).

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