Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?

Conspiracy Theorist Resistor

Agenda Setting Media Tells You What to Think!
Reject Agenda Setting: You are a Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy theory, an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as the result of the actions of a small, powerful group. Such explanations reject the accepted narrative surrounding those events; indeed, the official version may be seen as further proof of the conspiracy” (Britannica Encyclopedia). Conspiracy theorist: “someone who believes in a conspiracy theory (No amount of proof to the contrary satisfies the conspiracy theorists.)” (Cambridge Dictionary). Finally, (Dr.) “Popper sees the conspiracy theory of society as a mistaken approach to the explanation of social phenomena: It attempts to explain a social phenomenon by discovering people who have planned and conspired to bring the phenomenon about (Italics Added.)” (Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Conspiracy Theories.). Dr. Popper developed open society philosophy which discipled Mr. Soros’ campaign to make the theory a reality; those who oppose are, of course, conspiracy theorists (Philanthropy Daily. George Soros, Karl Popper, and ironies of “The Open Society”.). The fact that Dr. Popper and Soros had ties with the London School of Economics which was started by the Fabian Society should make one wonder who are the conspiracists (Sovereign Nations. Genesis of the Progressive Movement.)? Are you a conspiracy theorist and who places the label and, most importantly, why?

Conspiracy Theory Reality

Conspiracy Theorist Rejects Agenda Setting!
Conspiracy Label Mitigates Divisive Influences

My two previous posts (Are You an Agenda Setter or Agenda Victim. Art of Fighting the Shadows.) discuss agenda setting and societal tyranny via media control, among other methods. This post discusses how dissidents are labeled to neutralize their corrosive influence via marginalization since violent removal destroys the entire milieu of a conspiracy; i.e., to remain hidden. By modern connotation, conspiracy theories “…explanation for events usually runs counter to the official or mainstream account, which is itself seen as an elaborate fabrication” (Italics Added) (Owlcation. A Brief History of Conspiracy Theories.). Herein is the rub, one person’s reality is another person’s conspiracy theory. Simply put, the term is simply a pejorative to discredit those who disagree with your agenda setting in order to gain adherents; an us versus them ongoing conflict.

Conspiracy Theory Left Wing

Herein is how the Right Denigrates the Left;
Using Conspiracy Theories to Discredit Opponents

American history has been replete with fringe conspiracy theories with some going back hundreds of years from Europe such as Free Masonry and the Illuminati as opposed to more modern issues such as aliens and Unidentified Flying Objects influencing current events. One should assess such issues based on known evidence using the Four Laws of Logic. Our discussion concerns how societal agents use the pejorative to label political opponents and marginalize them to reduce their opposition to political agendas. One effect of the industrial age was to give political power to the masses unprecedented in world history; unfortunately, most lacked the wherewithal to understand the fundamental aspects of influences vying for their vote. Control of information became the most fundamental means to influence anyone and everyone and it rose to an art form in the 20th century until it has become a naked use of force which has become known as fake news.

Conspiracy Theory Mountain Out of Mole Hills

Not to be Outdone, the Left has Retaliated!
Minimizing Objections of the Right to their Agenda

No single post could hope to explain, dispel or eliminate the conspiratorial epithet. It would be like attacking a hydra; for each theory explained two more take its place to keep one from the true foundational issue: Control! The post seeks to show how easy it is to accomplish this task with today’s internet technology. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) criticized Judge Barrett (Supreme Court Nominee) for using the term, sexual preferences. The senator applied her own definition, as if she were an authority, saying the term was offensive to the LGBTQA+; unfortunately, she did not clarify that it was her opinion. That same day, the internet Merriam-Webster Dictionary redefined the term to match the senator’s opinion (National Review. Merriam-Webster Alters Dictionary to Align with Democratic Attacks on Barrett’s Use of ‘Sexual Preference’.)! This blatant use of media agenda setting to support the notion that the nominee had a conspiratorial agenda against a certain group in order to create opposition. This was also hypocritical since the Democratic Presidential nominee also used the term previously without any criticism. This is but the latest example; but, the Right is not innocent of agenda setting either, they are somewhat disenfranchised at the moment. The Left has captured the social media tech giants YouTube, Face Book and Twitter to support their agenda setting by censoring what they have labeled as conspiracy theories which restricts discussion since the masses interact via these platforms (Market Watch. Facebook says it will start removing fake posts and conspiracy theories about coronavirus.). Simple opposition to a particular narrative becomes labeled as conspiracy theory to justify limiting opposing views even when supported by facts!

Conspiracy Theorist Nut Job

When YOU Oppose Society’s Agenda Setting!
Psychological Scientism Labels YOU as a Menace

Psychology/psychiatry is a pseudoscience or scientism that claims to know what is normal for you such that those who are labeled not-normal are considered dangerous (Revolution or Enforced Mediocrity. and Pseudoscience of Statistics – How We Fool Us.). Psychology’s diagnostic bible, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines whether you remain free and undrugged based on such broad criteria that anyone can be found not-normal. By definition the Bell Curve mentality has two tails or outliers. One tail, the Left, are the Elites while the other tail, the Right, are mentally ill simply for being outside of the normal range! This American Psychiatric Association (APA) determines what is normal and not-normal based on periodic votes supposedly from research that relies on disproven theories of brain chemistry. In other words, modern society has weaponized opposition to its agenda to marginalize or remove opposition. Currently opposition is marginalized by expanding the definitions of conspiracy theories even when the opposition relies on facts! However, as the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) demonstrated, psychology/psychiatry arbitrarily removed to rehabilitate opposition. Even today in America, conspiracy theorists are frequently depicted in comedy sketches as insane fringe elements donning metal pots or aluminum foil hats to protect themselves from supposed brain scanning. So, what is the point?

There is an actual conspiracy and since it lies outside the bounds of the empirical it is considered a theory, never to be proven. The Bible shows the beginnings of this conspiracy when Satan confronted man and woman in the Garden refuting God’s warning (Ge 3:1-7). He simply used words to marginalize God’s warning, isolating them to their own understanding; with their consent. Man, not being deceived, voluntarily chose to be god over being with God (1Ti 2:13-14). Hence, all who are born from Man are conceived in sin and willingly reject knowledge of God preferring instead to devise their own truths (lies) based on limited knowledge (Ps 51:5; Ro 1:18-28). When words would not change God’s reality, murder became the next resort and has remained such today (Ge 4:3-10; Jn 8:44). Human history has been a documentation of Satan’s, and man’s, efforts to reject God to remake society and themselves in their own image and live forever in mortal bodies not designed for eternity (1Co 15:53-55).

Christians cannot change what God has allowed, Satan to grow in influence in these latter days to prove the thoroughness of his sin, and the sin of all not saved (2Th 2:3-12; 2Ti 3:1-5; 4:3-4). Even when Christ returns to rule, Satan will raise up rebellion (Re 20:1-10). Today, Christians seem to believe that if they resist Satan he will go away and they will achieve a moral society waiting for Christ; this is the discredited Postmillennial view. Yet, under its influence many join with the lost to create, or in their minds recreate, a godly country; this flies in the face of Scripture. Our mission is to not be deceived by the world system and preach the gospel of Christ crucified so that whomever will be, can be saved (1Co 1:20-25; 2:1-5; Ga 2:20)! By standing on the only Gospel the Bible teaches, the Christian is labeled the ultimate Conspiracy Theorist and condemned by all who remain lost in their sin despite their preferred religiosity (Ja 1:5-8; 4:1-8). Yet, so many Christians have become unstable, of two-minds because they have succumbed to Satan’s ultimate conspiracy; proving God unworthy based on our instability (Job 1-2). Yet, God is true though every person a liar (Ro 3:1-18)! Amen.

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