Art of Fighting the Shadows

What is Political Reality

Virtual Politics by Political Technologists
Defines Political Reality Even for the Opposition

The ugly truth is that a free society requires a free press but if the free press never existed do you really live in a free society? Agenda setting {Are You an Agenda Setter or Agenda Victim?} seeks to shape what you think on; however, when accompanied by Political Technologists a Virtual Politics is developed to shape the opposition’s worldview. Thus, to keep the opposition occupied while remaking the world in one’s own image; The Art of Fighting the Shadows {Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society. Remaking the World for Socialism.}.

Democracy is Tyranny

America Never Began or was a Democracy
Political Technologists Made the U.S. a Democracy

Democracy by definition is rule of the majority {Merriam-Webster Dictionary.}. Since Plato no intelligent person envisioned democracy as being an acceptable governmental form except as a stepping-stone to tyranny. The redefining of truth based solely on the momentary desires of the mob was unthinkable until the age of Postmodernism in the late 20th century. People were encouraged to redefine all terms in relation to themselves and their worldviews; this was the stepping-stone to having no truth! The major difference between the American and French Revolutions? American Revolution sought to structure a republic based on certain absolutes with provisions for improvements as people improved. French Revolution was based on democracy as controlled by the elites resulting in nearly uncontrolled wholesale slaughter that ended in continual wars under the tyranny of Napoleon. So, why do Americans celebrate Bastille Day as a day of freedom? Because we are told to do so by Political Technologists who are creating a Virtual Political world based on democracy: Tyranny.

Virtual Politics Masquarade

Political Technologists Manufacture Worldviews
Both for their Supporters and the Opposition

What is a Political Technologist {“Political technology”: Why is it alive and flourishing in the former USSR?}. It is a euphemism used in the former Soviet states for…a highly developed industry of political manipulation; thus, those engaged in political technology are political technologists. This is not the application of technology to politics, though technology is rapidly being applied to politics. It is the art and science of manufacturing political worldviews for your supports and your opponents. Political technologists use agenda-setting, reflexivity and fertile fallacies {Lies} to create a virtual political world for YOU. These techniques were used successfully with the collapse of the USSR {Communistic Soviet Union} to mimic democracy; i.e., to manufacture the consent of the majority as detailed by Andrew Wilson {Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in a Post-Soviet World}. The problem is the acceptance of democracy as a free governmental form when it rejects freedom for forced conformity to the will of the majority!

Shades of Tyranny

Manufactured Flavors of Acceptable Democracy
At its Core Democracy is Socialism of the Elites

The heart of the Progressive Era was not a free society for all but the implementation of socialism with the consent of those to be ruled! It began in America with a Republican president, Theodore Rosevelt, but has been most successfully implemented by Democratic presidents such as FDR, LBJ, and Obama with a few outliers such as Truman and JFK. National emergencies, euphemism for wars, sold to Americans by the intelligentsia, political technologists, created a virtual political worldview that manufactured consent {A Century of War: Lincoln, Wilson & Roosevelt.}. President Wilson successfully, and in a very short time, manufactured consent to enter U.S. into World War I to begin the national socialistic process. FDR continued this process to begin America’s involvement in World War II {Pearl Habor: The Story of the Secret War.} though the government was still manufacturing consent years after the war ended. LBJ with the Vietnam War; the Bushes with their wars in Iraq and even Trump continues American adventurism abroad on the cheap via drone missiles; much like Eisenhower used the CIA to fight cheap, clandestine wars furthering American power. None of America’s wars were forthrightly explained to those who were forced to fight and die for socialistic agenda of the elites; this includes Lincoln’s War {Lincoln Unmasked. The Real Lincoln.}. But those early pioneering political technologists such as Edward Bernays {Propaganda.} are dwarfed by today’s experts who manufacture both sides of a political divide for a price.

Political Technologists Defining Democracy

Virtual Politics Framed Socialism as Democracy
To Oppose Socialism Opposes Democracy

Over the years international socialists working through public education, Frankfurt School and Critical Theory, conflated democracy and socialism. To the minds of the past three generations democracy is socialism by another name; hence, democratic socialism. The above graphic would read exactly the same if the word democracy was replaced with socialism. This became today’s reality because the political technologists created a virtual political reality for everyone. People were distracted with trivialities such as music and sex masquerading as freedom of expressions. People became enamored with causes and refused to understand the significance of the changes being demanded under the guise of climate changeenvironmentalism, etc. Free market economics was conflated with crony capitalism which ruled by government force prompting cries for social fairness, social equality and social justice which promised power to the non-majority at the expense of the labeled majority; varied by country. The infighting of the masses was instigated and controlled by the elites who are quietly amassing the strings of power to return the world to serfdom {Road to Serfdom. Return to Serfdom.}.

Manufacturing Political Views

Political Technologists Use Information Sources
To Shape Virtual Political Agendas for Everyone

People believe the Internet to be their salvation from the tyranny of fake news or opposing informational media outlets. In fact, the internet informational sources are actively shaping the agenda! Trump is both an anomaly and a consequence of virtual politics. He morphed from a Democrat to a Republican using the very techniques of the political technologists. He continues to do so because he understands what older political agendists do not; how to frame his opposition, how to control the agenda for his own purposes. And he is allowed by God (Ro 13:1-2). But he is a speed bump as the opposition learns from its overconfidence and as the older generation dies out allowing the younger generation to continue implementing democracy {socialism} as they were taught.

What is Political Reality

If what you are fighting against is not real?
What are you accomplishing except wasting effort?

Herein is the real issue. Today’s conservative purveyors of truth are simply responding to the agenda-setting of their opposition. Their opponents have defined the battle, agenda, and conservatives respond as expected. Their logic is impeccable, their truths are absolute and they rally believers to their cause; however, that war is already lost! This is the delusion of Satan that has ensnared the world and even Christians who have the Scriptures and should know better (2Th 2:3-12). These theatrics are designed to keep the lost confused while Satan works through his elites until he is ready to reveal his grand leader. Many are of works-based religions thinking they are doing God’s work when in fact they are doing Satan’s work; keeping people, even themselves, confused. Insanity is expecting to procure God’s Kingdom through lost people; they cannot endure sound doctrine and thus can only do Satan’s will, not God’s (Ro 1:18-28; 2Ti 3:1-5; 4:3-4).

Thus, the opposition fights the shadows, dissipating their efforts while what they fear most comes upon them because they love their myths more than God’s truth of salvation. “Full of sound and fury signifying nothing,” if I can quote Shakespeare {Macbeth}.

To make the opposition even more ineffectual and irrelevant the political technologists have labeled those with opposing views as conspiracy theorists, a pejorative that is supposed to silence all dissidence by its very utterance. This is how the truth is hidden in plain sight while people embrace the comfort of their delusions. This will be the subject of our next post.

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