POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed

Unspoken Contract Between America and
It’s Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen

The unspoken contract between America, indeed any nation, is that it will never abandon those who fight for their country. America has asked, nay, demanded {draft} that its citizens fight for the interests the nation considers important. In return the nation is to never abandon nor forget those who were captured in the performance of their missions. However, as evidence mounts to the heavens it has become clear that America will not hesitate to abandon its fighting forces to secure a temporary peace. Continue reading “POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed”

Looking at Labor on Labor Day

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient
World probably since days of Cain

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient World for one very salient reason: many occupations were not productive unless a large and cheap labor force was available. Agriculture, mining, artisan production and even wealthy households could not function without a cheap labor supply. With the emphasis on cheap slave labor was the usual source of cheap labor. Certainly it was one of the goals of conquest to capture a large labor supply for the conqueror and any surplus was sold abroad. Life for a slave could range from very brutal conditions, gallery oarsman, to very comfortable conditions, steward of a wealthy house hold like Joseph in Egypt (Ge 39:1-5). Without slavery the Ancient World would not have developed and our lives would be very different today. Continue reading “Looking at Labor on Labor Day”

Dirty American Hands Brought Hijrah

Islamic Hijrah Threatens Western Cultures
The Same Cultures Who Began the Process

Across the Internet and throughout popular media comes the call to repel the Islamic immigrant invaders who threaten to engulf the nations of Western culture and convert them to medieval Islamic caliphates under a Caliph. The violence caused by these immigrants is repulsive upon their innocent victims is repulsive; however, the ones who caused this to occur take no responsibility for their own perpetuation of violence. This includes America. Continue reading “Dirty American Hands Brought Hijrah”

Who Came First: Civilization or the State?

Man’s Original Home, the Garden,
Was the Beginning of Civilization

Reading through, The Left, The Right and The State (Rockwell Jr., L.H. LvMI. 2013.), I came across this curious statement: “…the law of association is a fact of human existence whether or not there is a state. Indeed, the foundation of civilization itself precedes the existence of the state” (Rockwell Jr., Llewellyn H.. The Left, the Right, and the State (p. 253). Ludwig von Mises Institute. Kindle Edition.).  If civilization came first then when did the State arrive and what impact did it have on civilization? As a Christian I believe the Bible gives man insight to answer the fundamental question I posed in the title of this blog as suggested by Mr. Rockwell’s statement. Let us explore this assumption. Continue reading “Who Came First: Civilization or the State?”

Hijrah: Strategy of Weakness

The cry of Western cultures is,
“Beware Man, Hijrah and Jihad!”

The current Islamic migration phenomenon, under the guise of refugee status, has overwhelmed the European Union nations. The bastion of Western culture is sagging under the onslaught of overwhelming Muslim peoples who collide with Western values foreign to their Islamic traditions. Will it happen in America? Is it deliberate? Resist!
Continue reading “Hijrah: Strategy of Weakness”

Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism

This is how Mr. Soros broke the Bank of England
Using his Reflexivity Stratagem

The above graphic shows how Mr. Soros began rumors about the unsoundness of the Bank of England, which were untrue, to cause the Bank of England to become financially unsound. In biblical terms he started rumors behind the scenes through various outlets. Hearers believed these rumors and began a run on the Bank of England. The news media fueled the rumors until brokers around the world were dumping their Pounds {English currency}. No bank, especially central banks, carries much beyond 10% liquid stock to cover all the funds invested with them. This sudden run depleted the cash on hand which meant the Bank had to close its doors; i.e., was broke. Since Mr. Soros had previously shorted the British Pound, meaning he bet that it would fail, he received millions in return for basically causing a rumor. This is how Reflexivity works. Let’s adapt this to other issues in today’s news. Continue reading “Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism”

Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate

Mr. Soros coined the term Reflexivity to Legitimize
Using false info to achieve the goal-Globalization

Building on our last post (Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians) Dr. Popper {London School of Economics} gained a disciple, Mr. George Soros, who added to Dr. Popper’s theories by developing his Theory of Reflexivity. This theory became another major tool to achieve the goal of Open Societies otherwise known as globalization. At its most fundamental this theory legitimizes the use of false information to influence and achieve one’s goal; i.e., lying is okay if it helps you to reach the goal. Obviously this directly violates the Ninth Word {Commandment} against lying (Ex 20:16). Continue reading “Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate”

The Average Voter is Lost

Democracy is Predicated on a Myth
An Aggregation of Voters Find Truth

Democracy teaches its citizens that as a group they filter out error via majority rule; nowhere is this a stronger belief than in America though history reveals this to not be the case. Ergo, it is a popularly believed myth that substitutes its own fallacies for truth, especially during presidential election years.
Continue reading “The Average Voter is Lost”

Have You Worshiped the Antichrist?

Christians seek to find the Antichirst
They Should Discover the False Prophet

Christians search for the Antichrist reminds me of the Scarlet Pimpernel, “They seek him here, they seek him there, those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in hell?” However, John told us that anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist (1Jo 2:18-23). In fact, he bluntly states that those who were once among them, false professors of Jesus, but have now left the church(s) are in fact antichrists. Continue reading “Have You Worshiped the Antichrist?”

Postmillennialism Becomes Progressive Socialism

Everything listed in this graphic is wrong
Progressive Era about increasing Statism

In my recent posts (Why Eschatology Matters; Faith Affects Government, Always; and Nostalgia for Charles Finney’s Godly America) I have tried to inform the reader about America’s true past that centers on the Progressive Era (1890-1920). The Progressive Era grew out of Protestant Postmillennialism and into politics to create a better society to present to Christ so He will return and establish His Kingdom on earth {in essence}. The America you see today is a result of the Progressive Era whose effects never receded. Continue reading “Postmillennialism Becomes Progressive Socialism”