Nostalgia for Charles Finney’s Godly America

This man nearly single-handedly made
America a godly nation: But which god?

Many in American Christendom have this yearning to return America to its godly roots, away from its current anti-God philosophical societal self-destruction. However, I have heard no one describe this godly America they so nostalgically yearn to reimplement. Charles Finney, the Great Revivalist epitomizes the Christian philosophy that moved America during the 19th century and his influence remains today in many churches. However, a study of his doctrine reveals his beliefs to be anything but godly. Continue reading “Nostalgia for Charles Finney’s Godly America”

Shaping the Mind by Educational Ignorance

Why the American People Don’t Know
Reveals the Purpose of Our Education

The reason for writing this post is to understand why people do not know what they do not know. I believed the purpose of education was to educate but my studies have revealed that the purpose of education is to make compliant citizens for whomever is in control. Unfortunately, Christians have also been complicit in this process to our shame.
Continue reading “Shaping the Mind by Educational Ignorance”

Faith Affects Government, Always

What You Were Never Supposed to Learn
How Evangelicalism Ruined America

One of the most important factoids I learned from reading Murray Rothbard’s book, The Progressive Era (Mises Institute. 2017.), was the impact of faith on government. In short, the joining of morality and government power to create a godly society is the history of America. In a nutshell, this is postmillennialism put into practice, this is America today gone wrong. Continue reading “Faith Affects Government, Always”

Americanism and Religion

Americanism is the Religious Fervor
Justifying American Expansionism

Americanism is a custom, trait or belief peculiar to the people of the United States {America} ( This post will examine several major religious events that impacted American and world history; probably not for the better. Continue reading “Americanism and Religion”

Propaganda: Bias of Perspective

Mr. D’Souza’s Excellent Book Reveals
One “Big” Lie While Hiding Another – Bias

I thoroughly enjoyed most of The Big Lie by Mr. Dinesh D’Souza as he uses history to clarify the positions of the Democratic Party of the 19th century and how they developed into Progressivism and then Fascism in the 20th century. I explored these issues in my last post, Lies of the Political Spectrum. Continue reading “Propaganda: Bias of Perspective”

Eugenics is the True Methodology of Evolution

Evolution exists because of tolerance of its
Logical Fallacies that excuse its practice-Eugenics

The above graphic, a quote by Richard Dawkins, is suppose to quiet all opposition to evolution; however, it commits the logical fallacy of conflation to destroy its very legitimacy. While gravity is a theory because the actual force is unknown, its effects are measurable and repeatable {you do this ever time you weigh yourself}. However, evolution is a past event; therefore, it is not repeatable nor can it be measurable which removes it from the realm of science. Evolution is in fact a context for discoverable facts; however, it has failed to even fit the facts that it claims. Evolution survives because it carries the force of government being the only legitimate view of creation allowed to be taught in schools. In other words, evolutionary theory survives because of government suppression of free speech of opposing contexts of the available facts. Continue reading “Eugenics is the True Methodology of Evolution”

Friendships: Helping on the Journey

Friendships Reduced to the Basest
Sentimentality Becomes Meaningless

Friendships are one of the most difficult relationships to define but the easiest to recognize; especially in modern life. Wikipedia defines friendship as, “a relationship of mutual affection between people”. The above graphic sentimentalizes friendship into a meaningless emotionalism. In essence, friendship becomes the means by which you either succeed or fail on your journey through life. Continue reading “Friendships: Helping on the Journey”

False Premise: Some Leaven is Good

False Premise: Some Leaven is Acceptable
Question: How much sin is allowed?

Continuing our discussions of sin and false premises let us apply what we have learned to our time. Christ told a parable, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened (Mt 13:33).” This highly controversial parable is often taught as leaven being a good metaphor; however, this ignores the fact that leaven everywhere else in the Bible is considered a metaphor for sin {“Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”} (1Co 5:6-8). Continue reading “False Premise: Some Leaven is Good”

False Premise: Chasing One’s Tail

Premises Determine the Conclusions
False Premises Yield False Conclusions

Last week’s post (Fallaciousness of Autonomy) began with the premise that Lucifer beguiled Woman into accepting a false premise leading to a false conclusion that led to her making a fateful decision to sin. This week I want to explore this relatively simple but profound concept and its implications for all of us today. Continue reading “False Premise: Chasing One’s Tail”

Fallaciousness of Autonomy

This Painting: Temptation of Eve
Depicts the Lack of Clarity of this Sin

When Lucifer encountered Woman {Eve} in the Garden she was in her pre-sin state. Her mind, unlike ours, was unclouded by sin. She could reason more clearly, more fully, than we can possibly envision; therefore, the question becomes, “How was she deceived?” Herein lies the tale that affects us especially today in our 21st century postmodern worldview: the fallaciousness of autonomy. Continue reading “Fallaciousness of Autonomy”