POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed

Unspoken Contract Between America and
It’s Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen

The unspoken contract between America, indeed any nation, is that it will never abandon those who fight for their country. America has asked, nay, demanded {draft} that its citizens fight for the interests the nation considers important. In return the nation is to never abandon nor forget those who were captured in the performance of their missions. However, as evidence mounts to the heavens it has become clear that America will not hesitate to abandon its fighting forces to secure a temporary peace.

I grew up in the military and spent twenty-six years in the armed forces doing my duty to God and country. However, as I have studied history and applied biblical discernment to my studies I have come to understand that America was not a godly nation spreading God’s Gospel. Indeed, it is a nation founded by Lucifer to obfuscate the Light of the Gospel with the Darkness characterized in the form of Socialism (Mt 6:22-23). Not only has this understanding placed me at odds with Christians but also with citizens who still worship their country and place their faith in its military forces.

Recruiting Posters Emphasize Faithfulness
America Decides When to be Faithful

Throughout the 20th century America has engaged in many overseas military adventures. To replace its losses America began using propaganda recruiting posters encouraging men and women to show their metal and support their country. This was especially true in World War One (WWI) and World War II (WWII). We oft commit the logical fallacy of referring to the military and the government as some independent entity devoid of human sin. In truth, these institutions are simply groups of people, and thus sinners, who function according to their own self-interest. When it is expedient those prisoners of war (POW) and missing in action (MIA) are abandoned to their fates.

In a 1996, article (Eisenhower knew POWs remained in Korea. Rochelle, C.) CNN reported that Eisenhower knew that POW/MIAs were in North Korean Communist forces hands and declined to do demand their release. But, this was not the first time he had  abandoned POW/MIA to their fates. The Washington Free Beacon article, US Senate Report on POW/MIAs: Proof of Betrayal, Abandonment & Treason (Freedom Outpost. Pope, TA. 29 Sep 2014.)  digested the An Examination of U.S. Policy Toward POW/MIAs
By the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Republican Staff chaired by then Senator Jessie Helms, 1991. Here are a few quotes from that report:

“Military men are ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used’ as pawns for foreign policy.” — Henry Kissinger in an address to Alexander Haig, former United States Army General and Secretary of State (1981-1982), as quoted in The Final Days by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, (Simon & Schuster, 2005), Chapter 14, pp. 194-195.

“Everyone is Expendable.” — Colonel Millard A. Peck, United States Army, Chief of the Special Office for Prisoners of War and Missing in Action (POW/MIA), in his request memorandum to resign his position on February 12, 1991.

This report shows that Eisenhower knew that large numbers of American POW/MIA personnel were being held by Soviet forces and declined to demand their release. In fact, as Commander of all allied forces in Europe, he delayed the advance of Allied forces allowing Soviet forces to capture Berlin resulting in death or life sentences of all POW/MIA who fell into their hands. This is the faithfulness military personnel can expect from not only their officers but also those in government who demand their sacrifices to achieve gains in their political power. The Washington Free Beacon article, Forgotten War, Forgotten Soldiers, (Gertz, B. 26 Jul 2013.) discusses how subsequent presidents violated their oaths to protect those who protected and served them. Such is the shame of America and those who knowingly participate in this ongoing shame: military and civilian.

Soldier’s Creed is Instilled in Every Military
Person – Never Abandon the Mission

The Soldier’s Creed exhibits everything the government demands of its military but lists nothing of what the government is supposed to provide to its soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen. The government is simply a socialistic enterprise since the beginning of the Progressive Era with one purpose: achieving power for the government at the expense of its citizens. Indeed, Lincoln set the stage for this growth in his war and had no qualms abandoning POW/MIA to their fate to accomplish his goal of forcing a union based on a strong central government.

God said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Josh 1:5; He 13:5). Christ went to the stauros {tree} to secure salvation for His own. He did not abandon us though we were undeserving of any of His mercies. Yet, Christians today will sit in churches and worship a government, and its military, that has demonstrated none of the biblical traits of faithfulness, trustworthiness or goodness. They not only worship such a government, they equate questioning such a government as sin against God! In fact, government has become god for most Americans which is the goal of socialism.

Now, the Bible does say that the present powers are allowed by God and we are not to rebel; to this I agree (Ro 13:1-7). We are to pray for our respective governments and praise them when they punish those who do wrong and support those who do right according to God’s Bible. However, this does not mean we are to be blinded to their truth and praise them for their wrong doing. Like Paul and Christ, I pray for peace in order to further the gospel. This I also encourage others to do also. However, we must realize the truth less we become dupes and lead others astray.

So, on our next military holidays, during the next call for military adventurism, remember the cost that others may bare; not just death but abandonment to forces who care little for those values Americans claim to love and live: goodness, kindness, gentleness; oh wait, those are Christian values and we see almost nothing of them in government (Ga 5:22-24). Think of those who were abandoned to life-long torture and experimentation so that you could enjoy your trivial BBQ, pop music, trivial fashions and pointless pursuits of happiness that consume so much of America while the darkness closes in upon us all. Enjoy, because tens of thousands were abandoned so we could enjoy…

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