Who Came First: Civilization or the State?

Man’s Original Home, the Garden,
Was the Beginning of Civilization

Reading through, The Left, The Right and The State (Rockwell Jr., L.H. LvMI. 2013.), I came across this curious statement: “…the law of association is a fact of human existence whether or not there is a state. Indeed, the foundation of civilization itself precedes the existence of the state” (Rockwell Jr., Llewellyn H.. The Left, the Right, and the State (p. 253). Ludwig von Mises Institute. Kindle Edition.).  If civilization came first then when did the State arrive and what impact did it have on civilization? As a Christian I believe the Bible gives man insight to answer the fundamental question I posed in the title of this blog as suggested by Mr. Rockwell’s statement. Let us explore this assumption.

First, let us define our two terms satisfying Logic’s Law of Identity to prevent the logical fallacies of equivocation and reification. Civilization is a difficult word to define as one’s worldview determines the definition so that your civilization is always the preferred or superior association group (Civilization. Ancient History Encyclopedia). I propose that civilization is based on the concept of free association of its members within and without one’s particular social group. State is the supreme public power {government} within a sovereign political entity. Government, the means by which the state rules: “the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.” (Government. Dictionary.com). Mr. Rockwell stated Mr. Hayek’s argument that “… the state is wildly overrated as a mechanism of order-keeping. The state is and has been in history a source of disorder and chaos.” (Rockwell Jr., Llewellyn H. The Left, the Right, and the State (p. 253). Ludwig von Mises Institute. Kindle Edition.). Does the Bible agree, disagree or is neutral on this subject? The conclusion is essential to understand if Christians should love the State today as they obviously proclaim.

The first association was between Man and Woman, later known as Adam and Eve (Ge 2:21-25). Adam, under the guidance of God taught that the fundamental association was between a man and woman as the foundation for free association. After the sin issue separated the intimacy of both man and woman and both of them from God, children were added into this system. Man and woman agreed to children, raised the children and at an appropriate juncture in their development sent them forth to develop their own free associations. However, sin was present and relationships were fraught with peril as sin is always based on violence.

Cain and Abel is a demonstration of the
Violence of Sin Disrupting Free Associations

The most fundamental free association is between a person and God; from this association all else flows as it forms the basis for one’s value system defining right and wrong {morality}. Sin disrupts this as man’s sin nature {present at conception} rejects God and His morality (Ten Words. Ex 20:1-17). God extends His mercy toward those who humble themselves, repenting of their sin (1Pe 5:5-8). Enter the children of sin: Cain and Abel. Cain means given by the Lord (Ge 4:1). The strong implication is that Eve saw Cain as the Messiah who would defeat Satan, freeing them from sin so they could reenter the Garden. The next child, Abel, was considered worthless compared to his mighty brother. Abel lived with this rejection in humility throwing his care on the Lord. At some point and in some manner not explained Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord. God accepted Abel’s because of his repentant humility while He rejected Cain’s because of his prideful arrogance. Cain could not tolerate the free association between God and Abel. Rather than control his sin Cain was controlled by his sin and killed Abel (Ge 4:3-8). Cain was then marked so that no one would kill him to avenge Abel. Cain at this juncture left for the Land of Wanderers {Nod} which was populated by others who had also rejected God {Wanderers}. Thus, God allowed free association even by those who rejected Him and He continues that policy today (Ro 1:18-27). However, Cain was not content with the civilization of simple free associations.

Cain built the first city requiring
the first system of laws {State}

Cain, raised as a god-like leader before all his siblings, found acceptance among others who rejected God. We know this because he organized and built the first city which implies there were more people than his wife and child. Since these people had rejected God’s morality they had to develop some system to control sin and punish certain aberrant behaviors if they were to survive. Remember, sin produces violence leading to death as its ultimate end. One cannot be king if one does not have followers and a means to control the followers less all implodes into chaos. Thus, Cain, a liar and murderer, is the father of the State. His descendants produce the accouterments of state controlled civilization: keeper of herds, music for worship, and workers of bronze and iron for weapons (Ge 4:19-22). However, violence is condoned  and even enshrined in prideful boasting of self-justification (Ge 4:23-24).

The Bible details how Cain’s government used the nephilim, warriors or police/military force, to expand the State’s rule. In addition, the enticement of the women of Cain’s State overcame the restraint of the men of man’s original civilization of free association; thus, mirroring the very first sin of Woman being enticed by Lucifer who then enticed Man to also sin. Through violence and intermarriage the Gospel was being exterminated as well as those who refused to submit to the State’s power. The rampant violence brought about God’s decision to bring the Cataclysm {Flood} and break up the single continent into several continents and reboot the Gospel process less man is left without any truth of salvation for sin always hates God’s Gospel (Ro 8:5-14).

Though not self-proclaimed as Christians, both Mr. Rockwell and Mr. Hayek have stumbled onto truth contained in the Bible. Thus, all governments are bound to Lucifer producing only violence and lies (Jo 8:44). When Lucifer offered Christ all the kingdoms of the world if Christ would worship him, acknowledge him as divine, Christ did not dispute his right to do this (Mt 4:8-10). Therefore, why do Christians take one passage and build a State worship system (Ro 13:1-6)? These passages tell us to submit, not to honor the State. Christ, as our example, submitted to Pilate but He honestly stated that His Kingdom is not of this world (Jo 18:35-38). At no time did He demonstrate or command that Christians honor the State. Yes, it is ordained of God just as the Babylonians were ordained of God to conquer Judah; yet, God agreed with Habakkuk that they were ungodly and also deserving of justice (Hab 1:5-17; 2:6-20).

Because of poor hermeneutics and simplistic reasoning Christians today worship the very entity that will rise up against them just as in the days of Noah. Christians worship the police and military powers of the State, the very powers that will be used against them as Lucifer determines. We submit to the laws of the State that conform to the Ten Words but never do we knell to worship any but God. Many have been duped into believing that America is, or was, a godly nation. Many of the Founding Fathers rejected God’s Gospel, most notable being Thomas Jefferson. There will be no State, no government of men that will submit itself to God. This is illustrated in Revelation when God performs His works for all to see and men would rather die than submit to God (Re 6:12-17).

What do Americans worship on their military holidays; the fallen who died simply to increase the power of the State? Who do Americans honor on their military holidays; those who serve and served to maintain and increase the power of the State? The State produces nothing but assumes control over all within its domain. In return it claims to offer peace and security when in fact the state only produces war based on violence and lies. We submit because this earth is Satan’s for the now and it is God’s will that we live our lives before others so they may also have the hope of grace that we enjoy. Why would we trade God’s grace for Satan’s tyranny? It was the State that killed Christ, Paul, and Peter and countless others. Indeed, it was the State created by God’s chosen people that killed the prophets and the righteous from Abel to Zechariah (Mt 23:34-35; Lk 11:47-51). It is the State that brings death and chaos. We are to be children of the Light and the savor of life to those who are perishing (2Co 2:14-17). We are to walk as He walked; if we do not then we cannot say we are in the Light (1Jo 2:4-6). Let the State wallow in self-worship; I chose to worship Christ while I submit to the lawful moral laws of the State.

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