Hijrah: Strategy of Weakness

The cry of Western cultures is,
“Beware Man, Hijrah and Jihad!”

The current Islamic migration phenomenon, under the guise of refugee status, has overwhelmed the European Union nations. The bastion of Western culture is sagging under the onslaught of overwhelming Muslim peoples who collide with Western values foreign to their Islamic traditions. Will it happen in America? Is it deliberate? Resist!

There is very little intelligent conversation on this issue either during the “talking heads” news {entertainment} shows or across the internet. People do not approach any discussion with intellectual clarity but hide behind polarized barriers hurling diatribes at the supposed enemy(ies). Christians should know better but act just as the worlds acts. Rather than being a voice of reason, Christians usually join the chorus for or against this issue preventing them from bringing the Bible to bear on the truth of this movement.

Hijrah simply means immigration or migrate. Mohammad migrated from Mecca to Median {Yathrib} as Islam’s first Hijrah. As the numbers of people brought under the influence of Islam grew they were encouraged to use Hijrah as a form of Jihad {Holy War} into those lands where Islam was weaker. As the numbers of Muslims increased and their strength grew they changed from immigrants to jihad combatants preparing the land for outside Muslim conquests. Their forms of conquests have not changed over the years as depicted in the following graphic.

This Islamic strategy worked with
medieval countries in the past

The fear is that monolithic Islam is quietly undermining the West in order to turn our civilized nations into bastions of Islam as the followers seek to take over the world; i.e., establish Islam as the only faith in the world. However, as this graphic insinuates, this strategy has a centralized power behind this movement ready to invade the countries weakened by the internal Muslim immigrants.  This was certainly true in the past facilitating the spread of Islam across North Africa and into both Spain and the Balkans of Europe. Is there evidence of any centralized planning behind the current Hijrah?

Though Islamophobia is a strategy
It is a strategy of weakness of Islam

Islam has always been hostile to any beliefs that challenge its versions of itself. Any apparent criticism of Mohammad, the Quran or the Iman {Faith-Belief} results in an immediate response based on the strength of Muslims at the moment. If they are weak then they cry discrimination; if they have moderate strength then they demand special status but if they are the majority then they eliminate the source of criticisms; i.e., death. While they say this keeps Islam strong, it is actually a sign of the weakness of Islam. Their demonstration of intolerance reveals that which they try to hide: the weakness of their medieval belief system to function in the face of Western culture. Since they cannot compete, they intend to destroy at the cultural level.

In modern times though there is no standing Muslim army ready to invade any nation weakened by internal Islamic growth as in the past. So, how are Muslims to achieve their goal of domination without a standing force? But, even more important, why should Western culture reel under such an onslaught of difference?

Western culture prided itself on its Judeo-Christian ethical roots; however, this was merely a mirage. Europe always had an uneasy alliance with Judaism. The emerging nation-states needed finance but because they forced an incorrect belief against usury onto themselves, they were forced to turn to the Jews who could lend money to them and collect interest. Bad hermeneutics put the Jewish money lenders into a dominant position that they retain today. The Reformation loosened this prohibition on usury but that damage was done. Yet, it was the Reformation, with the formation of nation-state churches that continued to weaken European culture as the churches preached doctrines approved by the state rather than doctrines contained in the Bible. Thus, European nation-states were already weakened from within by a false Judeo-Christian ethic morality.

The wholesale embrace of scientism that began in the 18th century and came to fruition in the 19th century prepared these nation-states for their own demise. True biblical theology holds to absolute unchanging truths. These truths are not forced on unbelievers but lived by believers in the midst of unbelievers showing the peace and tranquility that God’s salvation brings to both individuals and communities that live such truths. Europe sought to evangelize by the sword making its religions the same as those they criticized such as Islam. By the 15th century Islam discovered it could not defeat European nations piecemeal or by the sword. They retreated back into the Middle East, North African and Arabic lands they had already occupied. The last Islamic caliphate was eliminated in World War I destroying centrally organized Islamic military force.

What Europe, and to some extent America also, experiences today is the bankrupting of the bastardization of Judeo-Christian morality and the embrace of faceless scientism that offers no hope to people. The growing violence in Western culture is evidence of the failure of scientisms such as psychology, educational philosophy, sociology along with the introduction of new scientisms designed to denigrate national sovereignty to promote globalization or international socialism. The 20th century saw the failure of national socialism as well as the first clumsy attempts at international socialism {communism}. The death toll was catastrophic. Several groups came into being to promote these ends gradually, over the long years and using whatever means was at their disposal until such time as they could strike hard with one blow to accomplish international socialism.

True force behind Islamic Hijrah
To destroy Western strength

The Fabian Society, and other such fraternities around Europe {Club of Rome} and America, have found new hope in the person of George Soros, and his Open Societies Foundations. It is an open secret that much of the current Hijrah was funded and promoted by Open Societies. The intent was to staunch then deplete the strength of Western culture; it was too strong to overcome head-to-head. The same process is also being used in America; however, our isolation by the oceans developed us into a different form of Western culture. Europe was ripe first because the European Union had already weakened national sovereignties. The encouraged Islamic Hijrah is simply completing the work. Canada and Australia are certainly also coming under the same influence while America is more of a maverick to control. However, these tactics can only work because of compliant internal political forces within each of these sovereignties.

The problem is that Christians are leaving behind the truths of the Bible and seeking to strengthen national socialism to hold Islam at bay. Islam is not the enemy; it is simply a tool and it too will be thrown aside when its purpose has been accomplished. There is no government that is not of Satan. We are to live the peace of the Gospel before the world though the world hates that Gospel. Christ warned us of this when He said the world hated Him and thus it will hate us as He is in us (Jo 15:18-19). When Christians demand a strong military, a strong central government they are demanding the tools that will be used against them. Rather than fear Islam, we should pity this belief system that robs its adherents of any peace and will be subjugated when its purpose is accomplished. These are people trying to control the flesh via rules all the while the flesh controls them bringing them violence in lieu they need peace (Col 2:23). In the end they will have only death: first death in this life and the second death in the next life (Re 20:11-15). In the end Islam will experience Jihad, a Jihad against itself as a new overarching religion will be put into place supporting the coming Man of Lawlessness: Gnosticism.

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