Self Righteousness of Critical Movements

This Group, That Group;
All Designed to Divide and Conquer

Welcome to the third decade of Critical Theory educational programing and its bitter fruit of the Self Righteousness of Critical Movements. Critical Theory is not truly a theory, though it masquerades as one; critical theory is simply being critical of everything that disagrees with your goal of imposing socialism on everyone. We will learn that Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not about saving black lives; it is about ushering in socialism to further disenfranchise this segment of the world’s population. White Privilege (WP) is not about removing guilt for being white; it is about parading whiteness over darker skinned folks to foster socialism over all who are deemed lesser people. Welcome to the new eugenics movement.
Continue reading “Self Righteousness of Critical Movements”

Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis Began Long Before
These Men had to Deal with its Realities

The title, Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis, may puzzle those few readers who think they know their history; however, the reality is that Truman initiated the events that caused this and nearly every subsequent crisis in American foreign policy. In my two previous posts, Pathway to American Impoverishment and International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall, we discussed the beginnings of the Truman Doctrine, Marshal Plan and the United Nations as organs to extend both the Democratic Party’s and America’s power domestically and abroad. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a result of these policies, sans the United Nations (UN), and the addition of one other ingredient: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Continue reading “Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis”

Pathway to American Impoverishment

King Solomon’s Errors Mirror
Errors America Embraces Today

America is not ancient Israel, a theocracy, but there are examples from ancient Israel that can teach the discerning reader the errors of today’s nations. King Solomon was the richest king of his time for specific reasons. Nearly all the Late Bronze Age kingdoms had collapsed; even Egypt and Assyria were greatly weakened. Israel under David had subdued or absorbed all her rivals in Canaan giving her both peace and monopolistic control of the regrowing trade routes through Canaan. Yet, Solomon squandered the peace, wealth and wisdom given him so that united Israel did not last after his death. This is a lesson for America today as she continues on the Pathway to American Impoverishment. Continue reading “Pathway to American Impoverishment”

Voluntary Censorship the Best

Dilemma for Every Citizen
Determining Fact from Fake News

I am fairly up there in age and grew up in a military family, to give the reader context for my views.  I was constantly exposed to propaganda, and thus censorship, especially when overseas. The Armed Forces Radio Service, Army rarely had Television services, supplied a steady stream of historical tidbits which I later discovered was propaganda. In fact, my precollege education was nearly all propaganda, some of which we were challenging; after all, it was the ’60s. Government propaganda and censorship was portrayed as heavy-handed in movies like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. Little did I realize that this too was propaganda but from a more insidious source: Hollywood, masters of propaganda and censorship. Continue reading “Voluntary Censorship the Best”

Fallacy of Natural Law

Natural Philosopher Expert
Pontificating on Natural Law

Every school person knows that America’s Constitution was founded on  natural law. But, what does that term mean? One definition of natural law states, “unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government (Free Dictionary.).” This definition, as do many others, give the impression that natural law is not a unitary force but a competing force against positive law. I discussed the unnaturalness of natural law in a previous post (Unnaturalness of Natural Law.). Continue reading “Fallacy of Natural Law”

What Makes a Hero?

Hero is an ancient concept
Today it is trivialized as Propaganda

What makes a hero a hero? This term has been bandied about to include entire professions which has changed the historical usage of the term. There may indeed be heroes among us but how is the term defined so that it cannot be used by politicians as propaganda  to cover their ineptness during crises? Let us look at the concept historically and bionically to discern the truth of the concept. Continue reading “What Makes a Hero?”

Knowableness of the Beast’s Image

Obelisk Described King’s Awesomeness
Dating Back to Very Ancient Kingdoms

One of the most intriguing symbols to capture people’s imaginations in modern times is the concept of the image of the beast (Re 13:13-18; 14:9-11). Needless to say many false teachers have captured the imaginations of those poorly trained or immature in discernment in looking for this image of the beast. False teachers do not teach out of the Bible as it would expose them, reducing their income. Yet, the Bible does speak about the beast’s image, especially two examples from the Old Testament. Obelisks were some of the first and most ancient images describing the prowess of rulers and thus qualify as images. However, though obelisks were associated with Egypt our first example occurs after Egypt with Moses who led the Hebrews out of that land of images. Continue reading “Knowableness of the Beast’s Image”

Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature

Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature
You Seek to Hide With Your Worldview

In our last post, Addiction: Excusing Sin, I discussed that addiction is simply the expression of one’s sin nature in a variety of methodologies. This means that everyone has a besetting sin(s) and thus an addicting behavior. Since Christians remain in the body of flesh they too can continue addictive behaviors. However, the Christian has the power of the Holy Spirit to assist in “curing” or rejecting such behaviors. What hope does the non-Christian have? Almost none! Occasionally a addicting behavior can be changed into a less destructive behavior but there is no cure. Find an honest psychologist/psychiatrist and you will hear that these may be controlled but not cured! This is a true definition of hopelessness. Continue reading “Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature”

Paradox of Laws

Paradox of Law: Laws Define Good
To Reveal the Evil When Laws Broken

Societies and parents define and enforce evil via laws, rules. Without the law people cannot know what is defined as evil; i.e., expected behaviors. Children cannot perceive acceptable behaviors unless rules are promulgated and consistently applied. However, this very process produces the very behaviors societies and families seek to avoid; a paradox that Paul discussed in Romans. A paradox that challenges one’s worldview of self-goodness. Continue reading “Paradox of Laws”

How God Defines Natural Law

Western Culture Especially America
Appeal to Natural Law for Rights

I have long been puzzled concerning the source of this so called “natural law”. I am also deeply concerned over the seriously flawed over the belief that “natural law” can only be known by reason and not by “special biblical revelation” even though one may be responsible to a divine judge; though few hold to this few in this postmodern era. What do you believe, especially during this presidential election year? Continue reading “How God Defines Natural Law”