Fallacy of Natural Law

Natural Philosopher Expert
Pontificating on Natural Law

Every school person knows that America’s Constitution was founded on  natural law. But, what does that term mean? One definition of natural law states, “unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government (Free Dictionary.).” This definition, as do many others, give the impression that natural law is not a unitary force but a competing force against positive law. I discussed the unnaturalness of natural law in a previous post (Unnaturalness of Natural Law.). Continue reading “Fallacy of Natural Law”

Unnaturalness of Natural Law

America’s Declaration Birthed by
John Locke’s Natural Law

Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by John Locke’s natural law philosophy when he penned America’s Declaration of Independence. This philosophy describes the divide between Conservatives, who believe in natural law, and the Liberals who appear to follow Thomas Hobbes philosophy of legal rights conferred by one’s reigning governmental system. Evangelical Christians have frequently joined the Conservatives because of some supposed belief that natural law is derived from God thus obligating them to adhere to the Conservatives. However, did John Locke draw his philosophy from the Bible? Is there bible verses that support natural law? Christians should care because we are morally obligated to follow Scripture and must be able to discern the truth of this matter to prevent us from inadvertently supporting Satan. This is the heart of this post.
Continue reading “Unnaturalness of Natural Law”

How God Defines Natural Law

Western Culture Especially America
Appeal to Natural Law for Rights

I have long been puzzled concerning the source of this so called “natural law”. I am also deeply concerned over the seriously flawed over the belief that “natural law” can only be known by reason and not by “special biblical revelation” even though one may be responsible to a divine judge; though few hold to this few in this postmodern era. What do you believe, especially during this presidential election year? Continue reading “How God Defines Natural Law”