Illusion of Choice in Voting

Voting is Democracy's Ultimate Illusion of Choice

Illusion of Choice in Voting;
Democracy’s Ultimate Control

Nothing more defines modern Western culture and nations as democracy with voting as the major methodology by which people are able to express their will and Control their government(s). Nothing more says illusion as the act of voting which occasionally gives the appearance of choice. Our last post, Hidden Enemy We Love, discussed the role of psychology in manufacturing this illusion; however, it is not the only card in Satan’s deck of delusions (2Th 2:3-12). This post will examine three fallacies of voting to express one’s will or Control of government. Continue reading “Illusion of Choice in Voting”

Voluntary Censorship the Best

Dilemma for Every Citizen
Determining Fact from Fake News

I am fairly up there in age and grew up in a military family, to give the reader context for my views.  I was constantly exposed to propaganda, and thus censorship, especially when overseas. The Armed Forces Radio Service, Army rarely had Television services, supplied a steady stream of historical tidbits which I later discovered was propaganda. In fact, my precollege education was nearly all propaganda, some of which we were challenging; after all, it was the ’60s. Government propaganda and censorship was portrayed as heavy-handed in movies like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. Little did I realize that this too was propaganda but from a more insidious source: Hollywood, masters of propaganda and censorship. Continue reading “Voluntary Censorship the Best”