Hidden Enemy We Love

Psych's Propaganda Light

The Hidden Enemy We Love;
Psychology Makes Socialism Possible

Psychology grew out of the Enlightenment’s belief that man can gain Control through Reason. Nothing was as devastating and enigmatic as what came to labeled as mental illness. Since the spiritual is not empirical and works-based religions powerless, Man seemed condemned to suffer these inexplicable bouts of madness. Asylums were developed to house, imprison, those afflicted under the most brutal conditions imaginable. As if that were not enough, treatments were merely disguised forms of torture; some of which are still being used today. Was there no hope? Was there no cure? Then two men showed the way out of this morass; or did they? Sigmund Freud and Ivan Pavlov separately developed workable methodologies that promised to alleviate the suffering. However, the Twentieth Century proved that far from being cures these men developed the very tools necessary for YOU to accept and embrace Socialism. What promised to cure actually Controls the healthy by making them appear mentally ill

Sigmund Freud developed the talking cure to become labeled as the Father of Psychoanalysis {An Overview of Sigmund Freud’s Theories. VeryWell Mind.}. This atheistic Austrian Jewish doctor discovered a profitable means to cure people of their fears and anxieties simply by talking. He developed, made up, a plethora of theories out of thin air, literally. His main contributions were to legitimize psychoanalysis as a bonafide profession and introduce the idea of repressed sexuality as the source of many fears and anxieties. The development of visual mediums contributed to the popularization of his ideas and the loosening of sexual mores of Western culture. Others also developed competing theories such as Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and many others. One became known by developing new theories, theories that could never be proved or disproved because the mind is non-empirical. This was only one arm of the trap though.

Ivan Pavlov proved that animals could be conditioned, trained, and this also applied to people as evolution proved man was simply another animal, somewhat smarter {Classical Conditioning. Simply Psychology.}. B.F. Skinner became a well known proponent of this behavioral psychology. He built a box, the Skinner Box, believing he could quantify behavior; i.e., make it a science differentiating it from other psychological forms. He even put his toddler daughter in this box for a prolong period of time. His approach to psychology appeared very useful, especially in the realm of education.

John Dewey was probably the most influential believer of psychology. He brought together the reinvigorated evolutionary theories, psychology techniques and Progressive, read Socialism, ideals to bear in modernizing public education beyond its Protestant ideals {IndoctriNation.}. He singlehandedly shaped young minds throughout the 20th century into the evolutionary, Progressive, atheistic mindset needed for the 21st century and Socialism’s acceptance throughout the Western world. However, as influential as he was, there was an even more influential person in the development of psychology as a weapon of your government.

Edward Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud and used his uncle’s theories in developing propaganda during World War I (WWI) {The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations. The Conversation.}. His efforts encouraging Americans to bring democracy to Europe were so successful that he wrote a book, Propaganda. However, such an in your face title was rebranded into a new industry, Public Relations. America entered WWI for two major reasons: 1) Codify Progressive ideals, Socialism, into law and 2) develop the League of Nations to begin the process of stealing sovereignty from nations-states. Bernays techniques became the bedrock for politicians and corporations even seeping down to the family level. The Progressive reforms were repealed but again adopted during the manufactured Great Depression crisis and World War II (WWII); today socialism is considered as American as apple pie. Most people do not even recognize it as socialism thanks to the success of Bernays, Dewey and their disciples. The League of Nations morphed into the United Nations and slowly realizing its goal of global socialism beginning with regional socialism such as the European Union.

Equality of Outcome is Slavery

Thank Bernays for Slogans such as…
Flattening the Curve and Wokeness

Governments, especially America, has incorporated these psychological techniques into its language preparing each succeeding generation for more Control, more Socialism. Nearly a quarter of the way into the 21st century and people, even elderly, embrace today’s governmental control. Government will solve every problem: unemployment, healthcare, poverty, etc. No matter that government is the cause of each of these problems, people have been public relationed, propagandized, to embrace these Controls as expedient, necessary and even good. Flattening the Curve is simply newspeak for, making everyone poor again or equality of outcome as our propaganda outlets procrastinate ad infinitum. But, as good as these techniques are there still needs something more; something that will eliminate unplanned exceptions such as the Trump presidency. Psychology to the rescue as psychiatry.

Drugs and School Violence

It has been NO Accident;
Psych Drugs Involved in Mass Shootings

There has been a growing trend in the 20th century to abandon talk therapy in favor of drug therapy. Science type words are thrown about such as diagnosis, brain chemical imbalances theory of causation and medicines that claim to make you better! Drugs have been designed for diagnoses and diagnoses designed to use more drugs on younger and younger people. This has pushed Control into nearly every home, family and business. These drugs are so pervasive that nearly half, if not more, of the population is taking some form of psych drug. The result: Mass shootings; increasing violence at all levels; decreasing cognitive abilities and acceptance of Progressive laws, read Socialism. If a child day dreams too much call it a seizure and put them on drugs. If an elderly person appears sad, give them psych drugs. If your boy is normally rambunctious, give them psych drugs.

The American Psychological Association (APA) diagnoses handbook, DSM-V {Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th Ed.} decides diagnosis by vote, not by research because research can neither prove nor disprove their theories because the mind is non-empirical, beyond science. This makes them a scientism; goal directed and their goal is money and Control. The APA is morally bankrupt. Their diagnostic criteria is so vague that anyone can be diagnosed as mentally ill at any time. Governments partner with psychology-psychiatry to imprison those that disagree with current laws. Negritude was once considered a disease whose only cure was to make one’s skin white {An Early History-African American Mental Health. Race, Healthcare and the Law.}! Now whiteness, while not a disease, is considered a causative factor in the mental illnesses of non-whites {‘Whiteness’ Is ‘a Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition’ Creating ‘Deformed Appetites,’ Journal Warns. PJ Media.}! As an arm of the government, psychology is attacking citizens on every front moving us toward Social Utopia – Enslavement in poverty and lies.

Socialism's Hidden Agenda

Psychology: Satan’s Lie of Mental Healing
Delusion Designed to Control You unto Death

Here I speak to churches shame. Churches have been cowed into submission. They have become agents of the State by voluntary incorporation and insurance companies will not cover them if they practice Christian counseling; hence, Christian psych centers have sprung up mixing Christ’s Gospel with Satan’s lie producing tares (Mt 13:24-30). They should be beacons of truth exposing Satan’s of death (2Th 2:3-12). There is a group who is exposing the lies and corruption of psychology-psychiatry; Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). It is a ministry of the Church of Scientology which teaches a false gospel {What Christians need to know about Scientology.}. However, they have produced some of the best teaching materials warning citizens of this scientism; they also have a YouTube channel. It is like Christian churches have gone full blown Laodicea watching the Gospel sink into morass of profundity (Re 3:14-19). The hydra arms of psychology have little need of government except as a local means to keep the people in line; they now work through financiers and corporatisms who wield the true power and whether they realize it or not: all dance to Satan’s tune to destroy the Gospel and its adherents.

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