Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature

Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature
You Seek to Hide With Your Worldview

In our last post, Addiction: Excusing Sin, I discussed that addiction is simply the expression of one’s sin nature in a variety of methodologies. This means that everyone has a besetting sin(s) and thus an addicting behavior. Since Christians remain in the body of flesh they too can continue addictive behaviors. However, the Christian has the power of the Holy Spirit to assist in “curing” or rejecting such behaviors. What hope does the non-Christian have? Almost none! Occasionally a addicting behavior can be changed into a less destructive behavior but there is no cure. Find an honest psychologist/psychiatrist and you will hear that these may be controlled but not cured! This is a true definition of hopelessness.

The Nearly Unrestricted Use of Psych Drugs has
Resulted in the Largest Uncontrolled Drug  Study

Nearly every American is exposed to a wide variety of psych drugs because they are in the drinking water! These drugs easily find their way into the water supply because unwanted drugs are casually flushed down the toilet or eliminated from the body via the urine and again, down the toilet. The water is cleansed from organic waste and trash but not from dissolved substances such as medications. Unless you have a water purification system that can remove medications, you are ingesting these medications when you drink water or cook your food with tap water. Bottle water frequently comes from tap water despite their claims of clear brooks and springs and may also be contaminated; have you checked you bottled water recently? And with America’s crazed obsession with over-hydration, I am sure that a vast majority of people are being daily medicated with these drugs without their knowledge or consent. These drugs are not benign nor do they “cure” people from the behaviors for which they were prescribed. You may not be prescribed these drugs but unless you secure your water supply you may be taking these substances.

Drugs Trials run by Drug Companies
Do Not Insure Safety

Drug companies spend millions to bring new drugs to market and this requires extensive testing to prove a drug is safe and effective. Since the drug companies are seeking to recoup their investment these trials are often skewed to downplay the side effects and over emphasize the positive effects. As the above graphic depicts, most drugs are not benign. All drugs have side effects since a drug goes nearly everywhere in the body to affect nearly every organ. This especially includes psych drugs which are designed to penetrate the blood-brain barrier to affect the brain resulting in many serious side effects. These side effects may be worth the risk if they “cured” the behavior for which they were intended. However, psych drugs do not cure anything! These drugs supposedly help control behavior so the individual can manage their lives. Once diagnosed with a behavior disorder from the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) you are branded for life. This diagnosis is entered into a database accessible by government agencies, certain business companies and healthcare entities. The requirement that all healthcare entities have electronic health records (EHR) have simplified this process. Your health issues can now be tracked cradle to grave. Having a DSM diagnosis can have a major impact on your life including even owning a weapon, having certain security clearances and obtaining employment in certain occupations. Yet, with the annual addition of new diagnoses a greater number of Americans are being labeled and then prescribed these drugs that do not cure. Thus, once diagnosed and prescribed you may be on these drugs for life. This is money in the bank for drug companies that hold patents on these meds. When patents are due to expire the drugs are tweaked so patents can be renewed and the money can keep rolling in. The best part about these drugs, they usually do not controlled the behaviors effectively.

ADHD used to be a childhood issue however
Weaning Teens from these drugs was a disaster

The Psych industry claims to need the drugs to control and alleviate unwanted behaviors, like addiction. However, as we have discussed addiction is not a physical issue nor a psychological issue but a spiritual issue. Psychology is simply the lost world’s means to apply so-called science to non-empirical issues {scientism} in order to gain acceptance and legitimacy. The 20th century saw an explosion in psych drugs which did mitigate some of the behaviors. This replaced chains and restraints as the primary means of dealing with out-of-control behaviors in a more compassionate manner. These are dangerous drugs and cannot be stopped arbitrarily without significant medical and behavioral issues occurring. I am not advocating that everyone stop their meds. I am writing to show the wide-spread exposure everyone has to these drugs and their true goal: Control. Attention Deficit Disorder was a childhood issue. Children were, and are, started on stimulants which slows them down; however, when these children became teens they were weaned off these drugs with disaster outs results. A spat of school shootings began because these children were used to drugs controlling their thoughts and behaviors; now, they had to control it themselves. Once this became apparent to the psych industry they developed a new diagnosis: adult attention deficit disorder to keep teens on these medications forever. A wind-fall for both the psych practitioners, patients for life, and the drug companies, a growing new market for their drugs. Have school shootings stopped? No. Have mass shootings stopped? No. Most of these disasters have a common factor: psych history and psych drugs. Rather than expose these failures the industry and government have doubled-down on expanding diagnoses for unwanted behaviors and prescribing drugs to control these behaviors on a mass scale.

The Truth of the Psych Industry: Control
The Need of the Government: Control

For a non-governmental agency, the psych industry has unprecedented control over lives. It is the only industry that can rob you of your freedom for 72 business hours against your will and without due process. This industry can decide to diagnosis your behavior and prescribe medications even when you disagree; and this can be enforced by the courts. This industry can testify about your behaviors that can cause you to be incarcerated for indeterminate time periods, “until you are better” according to their standards, not yours. The old Soviet Union used their psych industry to control political prisoners via incarceration, drugs and even forced labor. The CCHR International puts actual figures of Americans taking any psych drugs as well as discusses the ongoing issues with the industry and its drug arm. Even the increase in military suicides is being attributed to the casual prescribing of these drugs to veterans of combat.

Paul wrote that Christians should not allow themselves to be taken captive by philosophy and deceit according to the demonic spiritual forces at work in the world which are not according to the truth of Christ and His Word (Col 2:8). Paul uses stronger words when he writes that in latter times {Read: Today} some will depart from the faith devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and demonic teachings (1Ti 4:1-2). Sinful people, no matter how sincere and well-meaning, can apprehend the truth of Christ. The battle for the mind cannot be won with false diagnoses and drugs that dull and control the mind. It is a spiritual battle that can only be won one person at a time via salvation. When God gives one a new nature the old behaviors will begin to fall away as one matures in God’s word (2Co 5:17). Yet, churches have deserted biblical counseling and pushed their members into psych counseling with a veneer of bible to sweeten its lies. PsychoHeresy is a ministry that has devoted years to warn Christians of this danger. Much of their material is online and free. Read. Meditate. Learn. Discern!

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