Churches Abdication to Psych’s Myths

Psych Industry Developed Science Answer
So-called Scientific Theory is Just Scientism

Before the publication of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual {DSM} 3rd edition, so-called psych issues were based on Freudian or Jungian or whomever was one’s favorite myth developer; however, this lack of a scientific approach brought ridicule from the medical community. To combat this, and gain some sort of respectability, the psych industry developed a scientific theory and diagnostic criteria on which to base their labeling of someone’s so-called abnormality. There is one major flaw. Science is the measurability and repeatability, empiricism, to validate, or invalidate, a hypothesis. Psych industry had no research to validate their brain-chemical imbalance; in other words, they sort of made it up. This remains the mainstay of the industry today: a tissue of myths.

Neurotransmitters and Medications
Strange Bedfellows of the Psych Industry

No one doubts the existence of neurotransmitters. These are chemicals that move from one the end of one nerve cell to another. This forms the mainstay of anesthesia allowing you to undergo many surgical procedures safely. However, the psych industry claims to know how neurotransmitters work in the brain. They claim that a shortage or overabundance of these chemicals can cause behavior problems. Thus, they prescribe medications that are supposed to adjust these neurotransmitters to achieve normal behavior. It does sound very scientific except for one small but significant detail. How can neurotransmitters be measured between nerve cells in the brain without damaging the brain? Inserting even microscopic probes in the brain would result in significant brain damage significantly altering any measurements and distorting the association between changes in neurotransmitters and behaviors. And, it would certainly be unethical and immoral. This type of research would be on a scale practiced by both the Japanese and the Germans during World War II to permanently damage or kill the test subjects and invalidating any conclusions. So, how do the medications that the psych industry prescribes in abundance actually work? The simple truth is that no one has any idea of how these drugs work or where they work.

Psych Drugs have been present in the
Rash of Modern Mass Murders in America

The effect of these drugs has become dramatically apparent at the horrendous cost of human lives. The knee-jerk reaction is to remove weapons from the hands of every person rather than to address the much simpler problem of removing the drugs from America. Yet, this reveals a deep-rooted but seldom discussed issue.

One of the greatest fallacies of the 20th century is the belief that behaviors have an organic rather than a spiritual origin. This is demanded by the lost who are ungodly {ἀσέβεια asebeia} (Ro 1:18). Effectively this means that the lost refuse to acknowledge God or any truth connected to God! Thus, the lost cannot connect behaviors to biblical truth. They refuse to acknowledge sin, redemption, spiritual causes and coming judgments. Therefore, they substitute their own explanations in place of God’s truths arriving at conclusions that are nihilistic, incoherent and self-fulfilling of continued degradation and violence (Ro 1:19-32). This spiritual immorality is often expressed in physical immorality. This is why today’s Western Judeo-Christian cultures are embracing immoral behaviors; to acknowledge them as immoral acknowledge the Bible as true. This would invalidate Postmodernism and demand acknowledgement of Christ as Savior. The lost cannot do this. Sin never surrenders, never gives up. Sin lives in the shadow of lies and violence (Jo 8:44).

However, this leads to self-destructive behaviors as Cain discovered. To build cities populated by those enmeshed in rebellious sin required the forcible implementation of control, or as we label it today: government. The sole purpose of government is to define morality and force citizens to acquiesce to its will of good and evil. This is opposite from God’s morality. Since Satan and man cannot develop anything original, they seek to copy God’s morality to some extent. Thus, it is wrong to kill, steal, lie, etc.; except when it would advance one’s sinful agenda in support of the government’s agenda. Example: the American government has engaged in a legalized Ponzi scheme called Social Security; however, if citizens engage in their own Ponzi schemes they are prosecuted and imprisioned. The government has a major control problem but the modern scientism movement has provided an answer!

Psych Industry Drugs Prescribed
On a Massive Scale to Control YOU

Sigmund Freud was not the first to develop so-called theories of human behavior but he certainly was the most popular since he based his on sex, always a popular topic of the lost {sensuality of the flesh}. Others were attracted to his success, read power, and developed their own theories. These became the basis of the psych industry until the 1980’s. These were legitimized in movies, television and other forms of mass media. The use of these theories to define acceptable and unacceptable behavior allowed government to impose its will on those deemed unacceptable. At first the means were purely physical but as technology advanced surgical lobotomies, electrical shock treatments and later chemical restraints became popular. The result of these impositions were nearly always the same: to make a rebellious society compliant to the will of government. Thus, this became the mainstay to control the rebelliousness inherent in a sinful society.

But, these methods really do not work. The sinful mind cannot be continually controlled. Sin’s rebellion is predominate and always finds a means of expression even if it is its own destruction. The more these drugs are prescribed the more violent the rebellious outburst becomes. Taking away guns simply means other weapons will be utilized as has been demonstrated in Great Britain and Australia for example. In other words, the psych industry is not really a healthcare industry to promote good mental, emotional and spiritual health for these are its antithesis! The psych industry is simply a means to control and direct a population to promote the aims of government whether local, national or even international governments. Those whose behavior is deemed as abnormal can be forced to undergo therapy and entered into national databases and tracked. Yet, this should not be a shocking revelation.

The shocking revelation for Christians is why churches have acquiesced to this ungodly industry! Bible clearly states that Christians should avoid worldly philosophies, human traditions and the worldly principles (Col 2:8-10). We are filled with Christ via the indwelling Holy Spirit; yet, many Christians seek solutions in the psych industry simply because some are clever enough to put Christian in front of psychology. One cannot join the world and God; these are antithetical to one another. You will serve one or the other and since one seeks health from the world it is the one being followed (Mt 6:24). Do not be fooled. Today’s political battles are not about restoring Christianity back to American government; it was never there. These battles are about power between competing lost philosophies: national socialism or international socialism. Christians are being increasingly marginalized and the time will soon come when Christian behaviors will be classified as abnormal. We will come under the power of this godless industry and subjected to all of its horrors just as occurred in the old Soviet Union and modern Communist China. It fills me with great sadness that Christians willingly allowed themselves to come under this great evil because they accepted the myth that Christ cannot supply all their needs (Ph 4:19-20).

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