Pathway to American Impoverishment

King Solomon’s Errors Mirror
Errors America Embraces Today

America is not ancient Israel, a theocracy, but there are examples from ancient Israel that can teach the discerning reader the errors of today’s nations. King Solomon was the richest king of his time for specific reasons. Nearly all the Late Bronze Age kingdoms had collapsed; even Egypt and Assyria were greatly weakened. Israel under David had subdued or absorbed all her rivals in Canaan giving her both peace and monopolistic control of the regrowing trade routes through Canaan. Yet, Solomon squandered the peace, wealth and wisdom given him so that united Israel did not last after his death. This is a lesson for America today as she continues on the Pathway to American Impoverishment.

Through Moses God told the Hebrews to not return to Egypt for horses, wives or for any other reason (De 17:16-17). Nor was Israel to amass great wealth for as Paul wrote over a millennium later, “love of money is a root of all kinds of evils” (1Ti 6:10). Well, Solomon, the king who asked for and received political wisdom from God managed to violate everyone of these directives putting Israel on the path to eventual captivity and later literal political nihilism (1Ki 3:1-15). Solomon had many treaty wives, that was how treaties were ratified in this ancient period, including an Egyptian wife (1Ki 3:1; 11:1-3). Solomon built an extensive chariot force, bronze age military technology, even though these were poorly suited for Israel’s terrain; and, he was also an arms dealer in this military technology (1Ki 10:26, 28-29; 2Ch 1:16-17). This wrought great pride in Solomon turning his heart from God, and godly wisdom, to embrace idolatry to include worldly forms of strength (1Ki 10:23-25, 27). Thus, one of the wisest and wealthiest kings of his time rejected that which made him wise and Israel great to embrace the fleeting illusion of power that divided and eventually destroyed his kingdom (1Ki 11:4-13). As a nation supposedly built on Judaeo-Christian biblical culture, America should have realized this lesson and avoided it. But she seized this ring of power only to be deceived by the one behind the scenes, Satan (Jo 8:44).

Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan
Hid Their True Intent: US Hegemony

The Progressive Era, so named to hid its true intent, would have been more honestly named, The National Socialistic Era; except it would not have been as successful in America. Wilson’s intent for entering World War I was not to avenge the sinking of the Lusitania, that was propaganda to inflame the masses. His true intention was to use this national emergency as a means to legalize and expand national socialism in America as begun by Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican. However, after the war many of these measures were rolled back. When the Federal Reserve created an economic crisis assisting Great Britain in propping up its currency, President Hoover, a Republican, reinstituted socialistic economic programs; however, while he sought to expand the power of federalism, he would not exceed its boundaries. FDR, a Democrat, would have no such qualms and when the Supreme Court declared many of his repackaged Hoover programs unconstitutional, he threatened to pack the bench. The Supreme Court never again challenged his power allowing him to integrate national socialistic programs into American society with the assistance of crony capitalistic monopolies. However, even he was forced to understand there were limits beyond which Americans would not go due to their view of the Constitution, though it had been badly altered ever since Lincoln’s Gettysburg’s address, also a Republican.

Hence, FDR needed another wartime crisis since he could not overcome a strong antiwar domestic movement against another European war which was again raging due to Great Britain’s declaration of war against Germany. Luckily, Japan was as naive of political maneuvering as was Germany and allowed itself to be maneuvered into attacking America. This provocation enabled FDR to obtain his declaration of war which he immediately manipulated into a Europe first policy even though Japan had attacked America since Hitler had foolishly honored his treaty with Japan and declared war on America. FDR had his great national crisis and immediately instituted national socialistic programs that Wilson could not and with the consent of the American people. Then, the war ended and the programs were in danger of being rolled back; again. However, Truman, a Democrat, was influenced to buy into a two prong plan that would ensure both American and Democratic hegemony at home and abroad. Thus was born the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan; one military and one financial.

 Propagandic Wrapper Allowing
Americans to Accept and Support

The purpose of these two shells was not to contain Communism; that was the propagandic message so Americans, including Congress, would accept and finance its true goals. Soviet Union supported Hitler in attacking Poland but joined the Allies and thus evaded any responsibility and was rewarded with the gift of Poland even though Great Britain declared war supposedly to insure Poland’s sovereignty. However, Truman needed an enemy to make his plan work and to deflect attention from his national socialistic goals. He copied Hitler’s methodology of making Communism the enemy; this was the function of the Truman Doctrine and will be the subject of my next post.

The Marshall Plan, so called because General Marshall was a very apolitical and popular military leader during World War II, gave speeches to make it palatable to the public and unassailable by its opponents. This provided the financial support, err bribes, to European governments to go along with the deception. The true purpose was multi-faceted. Domestically, it was designed to keep the Democratic Party in control due to its leadership in fighting  Communism threatening to destroy America and enlisted the financial support of crony corporations which would then sale products and services for rebuilding war torn Europe. Internationally, the Plan was designed to create national political parties in European countries like our Democratic party; national socialistic. These parties would then recognize American hegemony and be financially dependent on America for goods and services. {See The Marshall Plan Myth.}. This became the forerunner to America’s foreign aid programs around the world {See The Marshall Plan Myth Lives On}.

Marshall Plan/Foreign Aid Reality
Designed to Buy Political Power

These financial programs were never designed to aid the poor; just like domestic poverty programs. These programs and financial distributions are designed to purchase political hegemony among the power brokers who receive the funds. In fact, these programs are designed to break the Middle Class and return the bulk of humanity back to serfdom, slavery, under the control of the chosen elites. However, it also has another purpose even more sinister: to break the economic, military and political hegemony of America in order to foster international socialism. How?

Nothing is more clear than the
Destruction of America by Taxation

Solomon enjoyed his great displays of power and international recognition at the expense of taxing his nation into rebellion which divided the kingdom (1Ki 12:1-24). The northern kingdom, Israel, was absorbed by Assyria (722 BC) and the southern kingdom, Judah, by Medo-Babylonia starting about 605 BC; though a remnant allowing to return to prepare for coming Messiah, Christ.

America has ignored the clear teaching of Scripture and history. By engaging in these foolish endeavors she has embarked on an economic frenzy of Keynesian tax and spend that is unsustainable and will surely bring about our economic demise. F. A. Hayek warned of this in 1944, The Road to Serfdom. Austrian Economics and the Mises Institute, along with others, have warned of the coming economic collapse. Americans, mesmerized by the daily gist of propaganda produced by the information and entertainment medias, have believed the illusion of power rather than the truth of Scripture (2Th 2:3-12).

{Our next post will discuss the other great arm of globalization at work since the early 20th century.}

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