Propaganda: Staple of Life

Propaganda is such a loaded word
People rarely define it except as lies

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, propaganda? I was told the other day that it is only propaganda when it contains lies. But, it this true. “In the twentieth century, the term propaganda has often been associated with a manipulative approach, but propaganda historically was a neutral descriptive term (Wikipedia).”  For a republican form of government to work effectively requires an informed voter; but, can the voter find clear unbiased information? Continue reading “Propaganda: Staple of Life”

Islamic Terrorism Mirrors Zionist Terrorism

Equating Anti-Zionism With Anti-Semitism
Is Logical Fallacy of Conflation: An Effective Tool

The key to winning a historical argument is to control the starting point and its attendant assumptions. This forces a False Dilemma logic fallacy, predetermining the outcome. This is just as true when discussing Islamic Terrorism. I have done more historical research seeking to understand the origins of today’s Middle East violence. Again, I have learned that I was not taught truth but distortion preventing me from understanding this problem that appears to be engulfing the globe. One of my sources is Against Our Better Judgment by Alision Weir ( 2014.). Fortunately for us we know where to begin this discussion as its beginnings are well documented.
Continue reading “Islamic Terrorism Mirrors Zionist Terrorism”

Science of Lies

Ancients believed space filled with ether
You were taught space is empty: Wrong

Turns out the ancients were right in concept but limited in technology. Space is not empty but for a few grains of occasional dust and a comet or two. The problem is that government and science knew this also, since early days of rocket exploration of space (Magnetosphere. Science Direct). The above graphic shows our solar system crossing our galaxy’s plane in our galactic orbit exposing us to a slew of forces invisible to the five senses. There is another secret: it is these slew of space forces {ether} that determines much of our weather. Shh! You are not suppose to know this! Continue reading “Science of Lies”

Slavery of the Gods: True Nihilism

Babel is NOT Confusion of Languages:
Babel IS Confusion of

My previous post discussed how philosophy sought to define truth since God’s truth had been rejected (Freedom to be Gods: Nihilism). Our conclusion: philosophy had been used to deceive the people; to hide the truth from them. This post looks at government as the sole purveyor of truth. It began with Cain, one who killed his brother. Cain became a ruler over those who rejected God {Nod: Wanderers} and built cities. Cities implies organization for labor and supplies; in addition, it also implies force to control those who are rebellious at heart {definition of sinners}(Ge 4:17-22). Government’s one constant is: Force. Cain’s descendants laid the foundations for all cultures: industry, agriculture, music, etc. Cain also laid the foundation for the violent spread of his civilization; his success threatened to destroy God’s people and coming Savior so God caused the Cataclysm {Flood} to reboot the world. Continue reading “Slavery of the Gods: True Nihilism”

American Idols of Mount Rushmore

Presidents of Mount Rushmore Represent
America’s National Commitment to Truth??

During the Great Depression and World War Two, Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, had the heads of the four greatest presidents sculptured into its granite face. Every school child of the subsequent 20th century were instilled with the righteous greatness of these four men in shaping the godly America of today. Yet, a brief glimpse of the true history of these four presidents dispels the myths to reveal a darker face of today’s America than citizens are willing to face.  Continue reading “American Idols of Mount Rushmore”

Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance

Puritans Came to America to Make a
City on a Hill via Strong Central Government

I do not wish to disparage those beliefs that have the Gospel but errors in their doctrines because that would include everyone. Nor do I wish to give the impression that America’s various revivals were all evil for certainly people were saved. My point in this and other posts is to show how religion and government do not go together (Jo 18:33-37). The world governments quash the True Gospel while using false doctrine to advance their power and keep their citizens enslaved (Jo 16:33). However, Evangelicalism worships the American Awakenings by ignoring their effects on government and society until today it is overrun by the latest such awakening called the Awokeness Revival {Awakening}. Continue reading “Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance”

A “No True Scotsman” World

The “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy
Dominates Nearly Every Discussion Today

When a universal (“all”, “every”, etc.) claim is refuted, rather than conceding the point or meaningfully revising the claim, the claim is altered by going from universal to specific, and failing to give any objective criteria for the specificity (Logically Fallacious). In short what means is that nearly every discussion today is couched in “all or nothing” rhetoric; when exceptions are introduced the response is, “no true (fill in the blank) would be an exception. As the above graphic depicts, “All fundamental Christians are politically conservative, gun owners, anti-poor rednecks. Many fundamental Christians do not hold to these absolute views; therefore, they are not true Christians!” Continue reading “A “No True Scotsman” World”

Happy Indigenous People Day?!

Indigenous People Day Celebrates
Return to Ignorance, Poverty & Gnosticism

This week America observed Columbus Day to celebrate the man who discovered the New World for the Western cultures coming forth from the Medievalism of the Dark Ages. This day simply acknowledges the man and his discovery. American public education of the 19th and 20th centuries romanticized the man for their own pietistic purposes; a man who exhibited the ignorance and cruelty of his time. Clearly, Indigenous People’s Day, celebrated on the same day as Columbus Day, is an attempt to rewrite history, again. This is the problem with public education; it becomes a tool in the hands of the government to write history as they see fit. Neither day tells the truth but seeks to justify a political agenda whose end is ultimately: Socialism. Continue reading “Happy Indigenous People Day?!”

Social Justice is International Socialism

Social Justice claims to promote equality
However, it actually promotes inequality

In our previous posts (Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism and Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism) I discussed how the Social Gospel movement destroyed the biblical {absolute truth of God’s moral law (Ten Words)} foundation of most denominations. In a sense it was a blow against the pietism forced onto the population via the power of the state by the minority believers. Postmodernism substituted experience as the criteria for deciding good and evil as defined by each individual; i.e., relative values and higher self-esteem became the norms. However, this unleashed an unprecedented wave of violence, mass shootings, especially among teens who were simply implementing what they had been taught. The Social Justice movement grew out of both the Social Gospel and Postmodern movements to develop a two-prong attack. The first prong: Destruction of national socialism and sovereignty with the consent of the governed. The second prong: Rejection of personal responsibility for one’s current position in life.
Continue reading “Social Justice is International Socialism”

Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism

Common Definition of Social Gospel
However, It’s assumptions were incorrect!

From Rousseau came the French Revolution which became the basis for Marxist Socialism {commonly misnamed Communism} that later became the Soviet Revolution. However, socialism did not begin nor end with violent socialism. In England as in America a Middle Way socialism came into being. It sprang from several springs nearly simultaneously such as Progressivism and the Social Gospel movement; however, these all merged into national socialism which was labeled the Progressive Era. America’s socialism hid behind the flag of two world wars and several minor wars before emerging as today’s Social Justice movement. Thus, while national socialism was defeated in Europe, Germany and Italy, it quietly grew stronger in America and its Western allies. Today the battle is not between liberty and socialism as some would have you believe. The battle is simply between flavors of socialism; i.e., national socialism or international socialism, commonly labeled as globalism. Continue reading “Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism”