Social Justice is International Socialism

Social Justice claims to promote equality
However, it actually promotes inequality

In our previous posts (Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism and Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism) I discussed how the Social Gospel movement destroyed the biblical {absolute truth of God’s moral law (Ten Words)} foundation of most denominations. In a sense it was a blow against the pietism forced onto the population via the power of the state by the minority believers. Postmodernism substituted experience as the criteria for deciding good and evil as defined by each individual; i.e., relative values and higher self-esteem became the norms. However, this unleashed an unprecedented wave of violence, mass shootings, especially among teens who were simply implementing what they had been taught. The Social Justice movement grew out of both the Social Gospel and Postmodern movements to develop a two-prong attack. The first prong: Destruction of national socialism and sovereignty with the consent of the governed. The second prong: Rejection of personal responsibility for one’s current position in life.

As the above graphic aptly illustrates, the basis of the Social Justice movement has its roots in Marxist socialism. Under the guidance of the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory implementation and the Fabian Society’s London School of Economics these socialistic planks have become commonly accepted by nearly all members of Western society today. However, these planks, and their attendant goals, are not so clearly enunciated to the general populace. These goals are encapsulated in more provocative and compelling language that goes back to our very forefathers!

The Common Good {General Welfare}
Clause of America’s Constitution Undefined

The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, “The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States (Free Dictionary General Welfare Clause article).” The Constitution never defined this term! Madison wrote that federal spending was to be limited by the powers specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution while Hamilton say the clause meant that the federal government could spend funds on any aspect that improved the general welfare or common good; over the years Hamilton won the argument via the Supreme Court. The term Common Good entered into our modern movements though its definition remains nebulous. What is the common good? The usually accepted definition today involves equality and solidarity, both socialistic terms that implement inequality to supposedly achieve equality.

From our limited discussion thus far, the Social Justice movement has violated two fundamental laws of logic and the Law of Identity and the Law of Non-Contradiction. The Law of Identity demands that terms be defined to prevent the logical fallacy of equivocation, a poorly defined term is used in two or more senses in a logical argument. When a term is not well defined its meaning can change according to the demands of the user to suit the needs of achieving one’s goal. There is no clear definition of Common Good; thus, it means whatever the user wants it to mean at any particular moment. In the Social Justice context the Common Good is usually defined to elevate one group above other groups. Black Lives Matter is such an example. They define Common Good as those elements that promote increase in welfare funds for “black” Americans at the expense of other Americans. However, this also illustrates the second violation of Aristotelian Laws of Logic.

The Law of Non-Contradiction states that each identified term cannot be both true and untrue simultaneously. The term equality, usually not correctly defined, means the equal access to opportunity though not to the means of opportunity. How is it usually applied? Equality means one group should have more access to whatever is under discussion than other groups. Thus, equality is actually inequality. Thus, the Law of Non-Contradiction is violated. It is best used in the novel, Animal Farm, when a slogan painted on the barn was changed to read, “All animals are equal, but some more equal than others.” This has been the hallmark of socialism since it first reared its ugly head in the French Revolution. It remains as true today as it was then. The ruling elite today has changed from violent socialism, which did not work, to gently progressivism, socialism by another name, that persuades the very citizens it seeks to control to take up the mantle of enslaving themselves, willingly; and they do with violent passionate ardor.

Social Justice seeks the Implementation  of
Today’s Social Values onto the Past

White Privilege is little more than the logical fallacy of the false dilemma; i.e., “When only two choices are presented yet more exist, or a spectrum of possible choices exists between two extremes.  False dilemmas are usually characterized by “either this or that” language, but can also be characterized by omissions of choices”. Slavery is wrong. Slavery was mainly practiced by “white” people in America. Therefore, “white” people must pay, in some form or fashion, for the wrongs of past generations. The problem is one of historical ignorance, oversimplification and denial of personal responsibility for one’s current conditions. Herein is the true essence of all these modern movements: refutation of personal responsibility.

Sinful Man Refuses to Accept Responsibility
For Sin Resulting in Self-Justification

This behavior was first observed when God {Christ} confronted Man and Woman after their sin (Ge 3:9-13). Man blamed Woman who blamed the Serpent {Lucifer} who was bent on blaming God {Father} as the source of all sin since He created both groups who had sinned: angels and people (Ja 1:13-17). This is why Lucifer’s title is accuser, Satan (Job 1:7-11). Notice, when Man blamed Woman he was also blaming God who made Woman; thus, both Man and Lucifer were accusing God of evil. It has remained thusly to this very day. Once biblical truths were delegitimized by Western society personal experience and me to ism became the arbitrator of good and evil; naturally, every sinner is the hero of their own story meaning others are evil while self is good (Ro 1:28-2:6). However, as God makes clear, those people who condemn others as more evil than themselves actually practice the same sin. “Blacks” accuse “whites” of inequality are in fact practicing inequality themselves; thus, they are proclaiming their own current guilt while yelling about the guilt of others long dead.

Why? By using the fallacy of the sins of the fathers are answerable by the succeeding generations they seek to remove responsibility for their own sins; i.e., I do not have or I am forced to steal because of past wrongs against my ancestors by your ancestors. God and the Bible consistently state that each person is accountable to God for their own sin! Past wrongs can affect the current generation; however, it is not an excuse to blame God and others for one’s current shortcomings or lack of opportunities. It is God who enables anyone to overcome adversity according to His grace and plan for each person who becomes saved. To those who refuse His call of salvation He allows them to live according to their own desires (Ro 1:18-32). This is a downward spiral into emotional and physical degradation. Today’s LGBT movement is nothing more than the attempt to legitimize one’s personal sin and rejection of how God made one. The increasing societal violence is the logical result of embracing and legitimizing one’s sin rather than accepting God’s grace and salvation. This is one the personal level; but, what about the governmental level: socialism.

National Socialism simply prepared the populace to live under the grinding rule of forced equality {inequality}. However, as the demands of each nation’s populace exceeded the ability of the government to meet those demands the focus began shifting from national socialism to international socialism; the European Union was the beginnings to form a global government. Lost  populations will increasingly mass together legitimizing their sinfulness and rejecting those who expose their hypocrisy by quietly living the truth of the Bible. Ultimately, they blame God for all evil based simply on sheer numbers. Their solution? Universalism, salvation for everyone apart from Christ; Lucifer’s ultimate goal to avoid his own sentence in the Lake of Fire. Today’s movements are simply incremental moves toward that desired goal throughout the world. The fallacy? Sinful people are rebellious people and will not willingly enter into globalized socialism under one government except by force of arms: war; thus, the purpose of Armageddon.

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