Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language

Mandela Example of Successful NewSpeak

Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language
Mandela Successful Worldwide NewSpeak

Nelson Mandela was a self-admitted successful, murderous terrorist in South Africa convicted of murdering people for political gain; and he was rightfully imprisoned. He was also an admitted socialist; meaning, murder was simply a means to gain Control. Through unrelenting NewSpeak highlighting South Africa’s apartheid culture, which was unjust, world’s informational services turned this admitted terrorist into a hero and eventually into the leader of South Africa. His government, Socialism, was worse than the government he replaced and remains so today long after his death. This is Orwell’s NewSpeak in action for everyone to see. We will look at several successful Orwellian figures of Socialism Control as a homage to this conflicted visionary who embraced Socialism himself while horrified at its reality. He never repudiated Socialism meaning he was also part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Ad Baculum is DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak

Nothing Confuses People More than
Changing Terms: NewSpeak in Action

Let us follow the Law of Identity and define the three major terms of this post. It is people’s willingness to not follow the Laws of Logic that allow these terms and techniques to successfully flourish.

DoubleSpeak: Language intended to distort its actual meaning by using: EuphemismJargonGobbledygook and Inflated language.

DoubleThink: Ability to hold and believe two contradictory beliefs simultaneously; taught since childhood by public educators themselves trained by Frankfurt School and Gramsci Socialists.

NewSpeak: Propagandistic narrowing of the range of thought so that all speech will be approved speech.

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: People easier to influence when they think they are in danger; this gains their cooperation and greatly reduces amount of force needed to achieve overall Control. {Not Orwellian but allows his principles to be successfully implemented.}

Corollary to these techniques is to change terminology whenever people begin to catch on to their decreasing liberty in exchange for decreasing security. The above graphic is but a simple example to how Control leaders, corporate and political, operate.

These techniques also require the use of quislings who are willing to exchange truth for self-interest; i.e., protect their own behinds at the expense of those they are supposed to serve (and protect)! Nowhere has this been more apparent than in today’s Covid Pandemic!

FDA Truth's Demonstrate DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak

Dr. Fauci, as Mr. Science, Dispenses Truth
from his Ministry: NIAID, to Control Us

Dr. Fauci has been working his DoubleSpeak-DoubleThink since his early days at NIAID. According to various sources including the book, The Real Anthony Fauci, by R. F. Kennedy Jr. (2021), Dr. Fauci collaborated with Big Pharma to use government monies, labs and Control to develop profitable Big Pharma products. This was not done out of altruism, for passage of the Bayh-Dole Act (1980) allowed government researchers and participating universities to patent their products and sell them to Big Pharma who would then pay royalties. Thus, Dr. Fauci and his cohorts learned to be partners with Big Pharma to extend their Control worldwide and get rich in the process. This means that information from the FDA, CDC, NIAID, DARPA, etc. is tainted by their own unexpressed agenda to advance themselves at YOUR expense. They became willing partners since the HIV-AIDS crisis of their making. The various viral crises have sprung from this unholy, corrupted relationship that has gone unchecked and largely ignored. But, he could not do this on his own; he needed help and he received it!

The World Health Organization (WHO), part of the United Nations (UN), also participated once Mr. Gates became their single largest monetary contributor. WHO changed the definition of pandemic {WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”. British Medical Journal.2010.}. Traditionally pandemic was defined by morbidity and mortality; caused disability and death. WHO changed the definition to simply mean numbers of cases; thus, in actual language these viral crises were defined as crises by numbers of positive cases and not by human suffering and death. This is especially true of Covid-19 and its variants which continually fuel the crisis. Later, Dr. Fauci and the associated Federal agencies changed the meaning of vaccine from that which incurs immunity to something that reduces symptoms {The CDC Suddenly Changes the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination’. Citizens Journal. 2021.}. This is DoubleSpeak because you do not know the definitions were changed; you hear and read the words with the old definitions in mind. WHO and Dr. Fauci are practicing DoubleThink because they hold both definitions in their minds and deliberately do not inform you; thus, you sloppily do not ask for definitions and assume you know what is being said when you have no idea. You accept as true what is patently not true!

People Embrace Comforting NewSpeak

Ignoring Laws of Logic Promotes
Comforting Lies; Gaining Your Consent

I could spout statistic after statistic showing that Big Pharma ignored Absolute Risk Reduction, which was negligible. Thus, their injectables do not prevent the disease as they claim. They manipulated their minuscule research effort to obtain Relative Risk Reduction as it produced unrealistic, and unverifiable, large numbers. You did not know the difference and only heard, “risk reduction” big number and believed, “It works!” What no one asked was, “What are the relative adverse events to be expected?” People largely ignored this unpleasant truth because they were stampeded by case numbers and not by morbidity-mortality figures. What figures were in the news were either fictions or fatuous. Again, DoubleSpeak. Those who died but had Covid-19 were labeled as positive Covid deaths. A deliberate distortion since most did not die from Covid-19 but from already present poor health issues. With ongoing variants, vaccine failures, agencies demand you receive more ineffective boosters which carry a significant risk of disability and death greater than the viral infection {See Below: Covid-19 Jabs Show Negative Efficacy in UK}!

None of this was possible without NewSpeak; the active, knowing participation of propagandistic services continually parroting the correct party line. They blasted this poison 24 hours/day, 7 days/week from nearly every major outlet. It appeared to be true because everyone was saying it! When the truth tried to reach you via social media services, these too had joined the Fifth Column NewSpeak movement to actively censor, read suppress, any opposing message that contradicted the prevailing approved message. Millions succumbed and lined up to have these unknown, undeclared substances injected into their bodies.

Morphing Hate Speech Targets Truth

NewSpeak Services Suppressed Truth
Their Message Became the Only Acceptable Lie

Hate speech is the moniker by which dissenting information is suppressed. What is hate speech? I do not know. The definition changes depending on the political Control agenda. This product of Critical Theory became law in the late 20th century. It’s definition changes according to the needs of the time {Hate Crime Victimization, 2003-2011. DOJ. 2013.}. It has become the demonizing label along with racism to tar and feather any opposition to one’s political agenda. It is the epitome of ad hominem logical fallacies to suppress unpleasant truths in favor of comforting lies. It is commonly used by both sides as they perceive the public as too ignorant or too lazy to demand clear reasoning logic: Truth. What do these unelected or elected quislings want? They want YOU!

True Pledge of Allegiance

Goal of Public Education: Compliant Citizens
Who Do as They are Told for the Elites

Francis Bellamy, a Christian Socialist, wrote the Pledge of Allegiance to propagandize children into national socialism through public education. For over a century, Americans have been indoctrinated into pledging their lives to the service of their country. It was so popular that its hand gestures were copied by Herr Hitler for his new National Socialist Workers Party and took an act of Congress to change. But, you do not know that because of NewSpeak!  NewSpeak’s current agenda is to get you embrace another pledge, an internal pledge that solidifies government’s grip over you. But, government is not the actual enemy but simply a quisling dancing to the tune of corporatism. Both of these dance to the tune of financiers who remain behind the scenes. Their quislings such as Mr. Gates, Mr. Soros, and Mr. Schwab front the group but are not the actual powers behind the movement. It is there well financed, well coordinated and well orchestrated plan, war gamed in Event 201, that plays out today to reshape world globalization into their reality; and your serfdom.

Pilate asked, “What is truth?” (Jn 18:38). NewSpeak, DoubleSpeak and DoubleThink want you to ask the same question so they can give you their answer(s). Pilate faced Truth but ignored it in favor for Control. He used his Control to murder Truth which only caused its spread throughout the World. Satan remains committed to destroying Truth, and its believers today. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light; no one comes to the Father, salvation, except through Him (Jn 14:6-7). Christians should be able to see through these deceptions because we are being matured, and taught, by the Spirit to exercise discernment to see the difference between Good and evil (1Co 2:14; He 5:11-14). This is not the end but simply a dress rehearsal for the end John warned in his Apocalypse (Jn 13). If Christians do not recognize Truth today, how will they recognize Truth then. They condition themselves with every decision they make now. Awaken and pray to not fall into error (Mk 14:37-42). Our betrayer is at hand waiting to devour us as a roaring lion (1Pe 5:8-11).

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