Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language

Mandela Example of Successful NewSpeak

Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language
Mandela Successful Worldwide NewSpeak

Nelson Mandela was a self-admitted successful, murderous terrorist in South Africa convicted of murdering people for political gain; and he was rightfully imprisoned. He was also an admitted socialist; meaning, murder was simply a means to gain Control. Through unrelenting NewSpeak highlighting South Africa’s apartheid culture, which was unjust, world’s informational services turned this admitted terrorist into a hero and eventually into the leader of South Africa. His government, Socialism, was worse than the government he replaced and remains so today long after his death. This is Orwell’s NewSpeak in action for everyone to see. We will look at several successful Orwellian figures of Socialism Control as a homage to this conflicted visionary who embraced Socialism himself while horrified at its reality. He never repudiated Socialism meaning he was also part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Continue reading “Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language”