Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death

Scientific Method's Bed of Assumptions

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death;
Battle of Assumptions and Love of Money

Since the Enlightenment Age {Age of Reason or Modern Era} the Scientific Method and Science in general has been hailed as the great giver of knowledge {light} and prosperity. It has become a religion in its own right even while decrying religions as anti-intellectual or reason! Science by definition is empirical; that is, it is based on what can be detected with the five senses. However, these observations, facts or measurements, are meaningless without a context or theory to explain the why of the facts. Theories come from testable hypotheses which are based on assumptions, elements that are assumed to be true though are unprovable {Assumptions of science: 5 reasons you should be skeptical.}. This was clearly understood in the Enlightenment’s early days when Science was known as Natural Philosophy. Science and philosophy separated in the 19th century when it was realized that Science could not reveal Truth, which was Natural Philosophy’s intended goal! Thus, Science became a means of fitting discoverable facts into an acceptable conceptual framework. As the conceptual framework became the main determiner of correct facts, Science morphed into Scientism which sought to suppress undesirable conceptual frameworks and even its supporting facts. Nowhere has this become more disastrous than in healthcare resulting in millions of deaths by ignoring inconvenient facts and theories. We shall look at two competing theories of healthcare and their impact on your life; and death.

The Enlightenment Age sought to explain all aspects of nature based on the assumption that God is reasonable, ordered, and thus knowable (Is 1:18). However, this Age focused on empirical, observable, phenomenon and rejected non-empirical explanations. This dichotomy rejected the inherent sinfulness of Man while accepting the reasonableness of Man made in the image of a reasonable God. Hence, Paul’s warning that all sinful people reject God and His Truth fell on deaf ears (Ro 1:18-28). This led to incoherence in the search for knowledge. For example, even as Spontaneous Generation, life from nothing, was disproved; Scientism replaced this philosophy with Evolution though it championed the same error clothed in scientific jargon.

The Enlightenment Era revealed that the Reason of Man would tolerated no competition to its assumptions and thus its goals. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the French Revolution which was less about liberty and more about forcing people to accept government assumptions as truth or die. This would resurface in the 20th century with several socialistic governments murdering millions of their own citizens to establish their assumptions as truth. However, this approach was insidiously infiltrating non-declared socialistic governments through education, arts and Scientisms; the facade of appealing to the Scientific Method while skewing results to achieve one’s already determined conceptual goal; especially in healthcare.

Koch's Postulates of Infectious Diseases

Koch’s Postulates are Science Applied to
Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Infections

Infectious disease have been the bane of Man since expulsion from the Garden due to Sin. Louis Pasteur, with the use of the microscope, showed that germs, microorganisms, were responsible for infectious diseases. Later, Robert Koch would develop a methodology for determining which organisms caused which infections which was essential in developing antimicrobials to eliminate these microbes and thus cure the person from infection. This resulted in a golden age of medicine elevating the general medical doctor from a quake to a serious practitioner nearly as important as surgeons. This reasonable approach, detailed above, is based on observation and repeatability. It was embraced wholeheartedly and fostered an entire industry based on developing medicines, chemicals, to free mankind from diseases. In fact, since it was so successful in its narrow niche, the profession applied Pasteur’s germ theory approach to all diseases. With the help of industrial chemical research, big Pharma was born riding the crest of success and searching for the next miracle drug cure. But, there was at least one competing theory challenging Pasteur’s germ theory as the all inclusive approach to health {Pasteur vs Béchamp: The Germ Theory Debate. The Vaccine Report.}.

Antoine Béchamp was a well respected professional in his day; the fact that almost no one has heard of him attests to the thoroughness at which modern Scientism erases competing conceptual frameworks to advance only its agenda. Bechamp’s microzymian” theory of disease believed that microxymas were natural to the body. When the body experience a deterioration these microxymas mutated to rid the body of bad cells. Killing the microxymas with antimicrobials only prolonged the disease or made it worse. Now, since this theory has not been seriously discussed in over 100 years, and remains clothed in the imprecise language of its day, it seems absurd to people today. However, what if we modernize the language a bit by applying Dr. Duesberg’s language to the discussion. Known as the world’s expert on retroviruses, Dr. Duesberg stated that retroviruses are incapable of producing any disease state in people; there were no recorded cases of any such occurrence {Kennedy, R. The Real Anthony Fauci. Chapter Six. 2021.}. This was his stance concerning Dr. Fauci’s claim that HIV causes AIDS and also applies to today’s pandemic in which a harmless retrovirus was deliberately weaponized under Dr. Fauci’s financial encouragement in contravention of national and international laws and treaties. In fact, Dr. Duesberg stated that viruses were not even living organisms but were endemic to our bodies.

Koch's Postulate False Exceptions

Developers of Viral Disease States Reject Koch;
They state these don’t apply to Viruses {Assumption}

Now, Bechamp begins to make more sense. Additionally, ground swell research from non-medical providers, and thus not beholden to medical boards disciplinary measures, have also shown Bechamp’s correctness in non-germ disease states! Bechamp stated that nutrition and hygiene played a major role in diseases states. Certainly, this was given lip service by governments implementing health services to clean up the environment to reduce infectious diseases. The environmental movement originally grew out of this perspective in the 1960s-1970s. Nutrition has been implicated in the causation and curing of serval chronic disease states such as insulin resistance-Diabetes Type 2, 3, and 4; chronic inflammation-atherosclerosis including heart disease; essential hypertension and the list goes onward. Yet, detractors, especially those promoting viral causes and thus chemical cures in the form of vaccines and other medicines, actively suppress this conceptual approach.

The problem with making viruses the villain is that they do not obey Koch’s Postulates. This means they do not cause said disease, making expensive chemical cures unnecessary or even detrimental even leading to death, or viruses cannot be understood using Pasteur’s germ theory approach. This is especially true of retroviruses. Think of the boom to healthcare if Pasteur’s and Bechamp’s theories had been applied appropriately. This two pronged approach would have revolutionized healthcare. Each person would be responsible for their own health by choosing which foods to eat keeping costs low. This would have greatly curtailed big Pharma and eliminated many expensive current drugs that attack symptoms if they do any good at all for chronic disease states!

Instead, government-corporatism interacted to promote each other’s interest at the expense of both individual health and liberty. Government controls research along lines it determines to be beneficial using the force of government to punish those who dissent. Government also promotes Pharma that kicks back royalties for promoting its latest medications even though much of the research is biased or even fraudulent. The professional journals promote groupthink because of the revenue received from Pharma and the access to information provided by government agencies. This makes them propaganda organs rather than professional journals.

The medical system the West promotes today is little different from that which refused to eliminate suffering and death in previous ages. It suffers from ignorance born of sinful hubris supported by love of money (1Ti 6:10; Col 3:5). Science claims to promote open debate to find the best knowledge for any given problem. Scientism, born of socialism, demands Control of information to promote only that which is profitable to its own goals of Control and Elitism. If you wanted to know what the Dark Ages felt like; wonder no more for we live in the modern Dark Age of Willful Ignorance.

This is the price Man pays for rejecting God’s Truth and choosing to remain in sin. God brings Light and Life but Darkness begets violence, degradation and death (Ge 1:3-5; Jn 1:1-18; 8:44). Rather than turn to God for Life, Man seeks to remain enslaved to lies that justify one’s sinful life without recompense. However, everyone dies; then the judgment, then the Absolute Truth is experienced – forever (Lk 16:22-23; He 9:27; Re 20:11-15). Even when confronted with Truth many will choose to remain in sin rather than repent; such is their hatred of God and love for enslavement (Re 6:15-17). My question; “Why do those who claim to be saved run to embrace ignorance and die before their time?” Acceptance of both theories would have given ALL people good health cheaply, safely without regard to race, religion or government; if only the people were so informed. But, it is not about Truth; it is about clinging to one’s assumptions even if they lead to death.

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