John R. Lewis DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak Voting Rights Debacle Bill

Black Lewis Salve to White Power Structure

John R. Lewis DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak
Voting Rights Debacle Bill Steals Your Vote

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Bill claims to be about preserving YOUR voting rights; especially if you are defined as one of the minorities in America. This is reaction to Democratic rhetoric that Republicans will try to steal votes to win the next election to rob America of its Democracy. This is classic DoubleSpeak at work, language intended to obscure its actual meaning. It would be laughable except it is supported extensively by NewSpeak, Controlling the narrative so people accept YOUR viewpoint as the only viewpoint. In essence this bill will give the federal government absolute Control over all state elections to determine which elections were legitimate; i.e., legally binding. This would remove the Courts from the equation since they cannot be relied upon to give the correct rulings every time; bypasses packing the Supreme Court. Even the above graphic is Doublespeak. This bill is supposed to protect minority votes; yet, it is largely supported by the dreaded white supremacy power structure. It begs the question of why whites would support a bill to give power to minorities; unless it actually does the opposite. The DoubleSpeak goes even deeper than that; it seeks to completes President Lincoln’s complete destruction of State autonomy and your liberty.

For the People Means for the Government

Every Point is a Lie; DoubleSpeak
It will Enhance Corruption and General Will

Vice-President (VP) Harris quoted the Constitutional Preamble during her speech vilifying the Insurrection of January Sixth; her words, not mine. She spoke of armed, lawless rioters desecrating sacred government buildings to pillage and kill those in disagreement with them. She hinted this violated the Domestic Tranquility incumbent on the Federal government to preserve. Her reference to the General Welfare clause, as enlarged under FDR, should alarm every educated American. James Madison warned, “Addressing this subject during congressional debate on February 7, 1792, Madison warned that “if Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision for the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress….” {Congress and the Constitution: The General Welfare Clause. Wisconsin Constitutionalist.}. Madison’s warning and Harris’ use of sacred will be clearly understood presently.

President Biden also used similar language such as sacred buildings and the violent, lawless mob that sought to overthrow democracy! No arrested mob member was charged with weapons’ violations nor is there any video evidence of weapons other than the sticks to which the American flag was affixed and commonly carried by many people. But, what person violence was perpetrated? One member of the unarmed mob was gunned down by law enforcement even though this person was not charging the officer or anyone else; hence, no call for use of deadly force! Both Biden and Harris claimed this mob was the first step toward general lawlessness invading our land to result in increasing violence and crime. Again, hinting at destroying the Domestic Tranquility and thus empowering the Federal Government to use deadly force. What mob plans a coup and brings NO weapons? What mob waits until the Capital Police open the doors so they can enter? Other than a few childish acts of vandalism, what destruction resulted?

Control Aspires to Absolute Control

Purpose of DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak
Absolute Control of Information

These speeches reek of DoubleSpeak! For four years of President Trump’s presidency, Democrats continually encouraged, if not actually supported, Antifa elements around the country who rioted, looted, burned, destroyed and murdered people without any reference to the Domestic Tranquility. They hailed as heroes every major Democratically-controlled city official who defunded the police even though violent crime skyrocketed! Their message was trumpeted via the NewSpeak channels euphemistically called, main media news. They knew their audience would ignore fact-driven analysis; besides, they held the reigns of power in nearly every major metropolitan area negating the votes of small-town and rural America. they deliberate influx of illegal aliens and giving them the vote both violated state and federal laws, hence their oaths of office, and further diluted dissenting votes. But, it was not enough. Control demands absolute Control. Lincoln, in his Gettysburg Address, rewrote the past to justify his present war to reshape the future of America. We are seeing his dream realized in god-awful reality to the thunderous cheers of those educated by government schools; just as Madison feared! However, at its heart this is not about politics; it is about religion!

General Will is Democracy by Force

Heart of Rousseau’s General Will is Force
Democracy is Modern General Will of Force

Rousseau, father of the French Revolution, worshipped force but hated religion; at least religion that appeared to be of God {Christendom}. The proof of any philosophy is its implementation. What did Rousseau’s General Will by force produce: wholesale death even against its own leaders! The French Revolution was the first attempt at modern Socialism and its authoritarian offspring produced wholesale death. First, of its own citizens making the 20th century the most bloody century in history! Second, Socialism is never happy unless expanding to bring all others under its Control; i.e., war! The 20th century was also the bloodiest due to two major conflagrations between socialistic powers {First and Second World Wars} and many ensuing local intensity conflicts fostered by Rousseau’s distant philosophical offspring such as Herbert Marcuse who encouraged Antifascism.

Democrats, and many Republicans, embrace Democracy, General Will, via Critical Race Theory. America is depicted as a white supremacist nation built on racism. This was the battle cry throughout the Trump years. However, during the Insurrection Day January Sixth speeches this changed; DoubleSpeak! The invaded Capitol Building became holy making the heretofore white supremacist Founding Fathers now holy prophets of America’s Democracy; i.e., General Will. Passage of John Lewis’ Voting Rights Bill would give the Federal government the legal and moral authority, because religion, to insure all elections would be in accordance with the approved general will. This is not only the religious rhetoric but it is familiar rhetoric to those conversant with the Scriptures.

God of Control or Gods of Grace

Satan Wants to be as God-Total Control;
Trinity Shares Grace with Believers

Satan tempted Woman with the Lie that she could be as God if she obtained knowledge apart from God (Ge 3:5; Jn 8:44). He is the author of DoubleSpeak which of necessity flows from DoubleThink, acceptance of two contradictory beliefs simultaneously. Satan had no intention of having people be as gods; he had that goal for himself; that was the essence of his sin (Is 14:12-14). His desire was so consuming that he opposed Christ whom the Father designated as His Ruler over Creation (He 1:5-14). Satan rules through fear, force, degradation and violence bringing death (Ro 1:18-28). He shares Control with no one. He seduces through the Delusion that God is evil, unfair and hateful (Ep 2:1-2; 2Th 2:3-12). Satan’s government is socialism through a set of elites who worship covetousness; especially the love of money which brings Control, or so they believe (Lk 16:13; Col 3:5; 1Ti 6:10; He 13:5). But, what of God?

Whereas Satan demands that everyone work for their own self-righteousness, God provided Himself as the sacrifice for sin. In fact, God or Elohim, a prelude to the New Testament teaching of the Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit. They work together in interdependent harmony to bring salvation to the sinner (Mt 3:16-17; 28:19-20). The emphasis of the New Covenant is that saved believers will be one in Christ via the Spirit with the Father just as the Trinity were one before Creation (Jn 17:20-23). Christ came in humility and all New Covenant believers mature in meekness which is anathema to Satan, the World and the Lost (Mt 5:2-12; He 2:14-18; 5:5-10; 1Pe 4:1-5). Satan rules through lies but Christ, and the Trinity, teach the Truth and Peace of salvation (Jn 14:6-11, 25-27).

Morphing Hate Speech Targets Truth

Herein is the essence of Satan’s DoubleThink, DoubleSpeak and NewSpeak; to quash the Truth so all who live worship him! He will be the oppressive god who constantly changes the message to suit his whim at your expense. There is no love but only fear of punishment (1Jo 4:18). Satan tried this in the Antediluvian world but God thwarted him through Noah’s Cataclysm (Ge 6:5-8). He tried again using Nimrod but God divided men by creating different language groups separating man over the continents (Ge 11:1-9). Satan is trying again and this will come to a head during the Great Tribulation when Christ returns (Re 19:11-21). But, Satan does not quit; he will try one last time at the end of the Millennial Kingdom and fail. Then, he will have proved himself totally worthy of judgment for his sin {Meaning of Four} (Re 20:1-10).

The NIAID/Communist China engineered Covid-19 crisis; Karl Schwab’s Great Reset and the world leaders banding together to Build Back Better all mirror Satan’s lies. All demonstrate his techniques. The John Lewis Voting Rights Bill is simply another nail in America’s coffin as she, we, move into the darkness of Global Socialism. The Gospel will be despised and all who live in its light will be as Stephen if they remain faithful (Ac 7:54-60). Christ did not leave Stephen and He will not leave us alone either since He has already gone through this valley of death for us (Ps 23; He 13:5-6). As night descends again, we have the Light of the Gospel, always (Jn 1:1-5, 9-13).

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