Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)

For any Conspiracy to be Successful
It must Control access to Information

 Conspiracy theories abound and the term has become a pejorative label against those who use it; however, in our post I shall show that there is an overarching conspiracy theory: Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT). Rachel Maddow had a unique, though honest defense in court: she is not a real journalist; however, since journalist was not defined we really do not understand what she was denying { . Maddow’s “I’m Not a Real Journalist” Defense Prevails in Court. CERNO}. This is important! For any conspiracy to work information must be controlled but in such a manner that it cannot be seen as controlling until it is too late to prevent its success.  I shall present several examples of how information is controlled and then proceed to illuminate spiritual forces at work controlling everything {they think} (Ep 6:11-12; 2TH 2:3-12)
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Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis Began Long Before
These Men had to Deal with its Realities

The title, Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis, may puzzle those few readers who think they know their history; however, the reality is that Truman initiated the events that caused this and nearly every subsequent crisis in American foreign policy. In my two previous posts, Pathway to American Impoverishment and International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall, we discussed the beginnings of the Truman Doctrine, Marshal Plan and the United Nations as organs to extend both the Democratic Party’s and America’s power domestically and abroad. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a result of these policies, sans the United Nations (UN), and the addition of one other ingredient: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Continue reading “Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis”

International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall

Answer Depends on Propaganda
Message One Believed (Faith)

The last post, Pathway to American Impoverishment, discussed the fallacies of Truman Doctrine and its associated Marshall Plan; together they were America’s international Manifest Destiny programs. They burgeoned into modern foreign aid programs which sought to extend American hegemony but resulted in maintaining dictators and poverty around the world. Truman sought to ensconce Democratic dominance at home and American hegemony abroad via crony capitalism but actually became the  sole author of the Cold War. How did this happen?  What was it hiding? Continue reading “International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall”

Pathway to American Impoverishment

King Solomon’s Errors Mirror
Errors America Embraces Today

America is not ancient Israel, a theocracy, but there are examples from ancient Israel that can teach the discerning reader the errors of today’s nations. King Solomon was the richest king of his time for specific reasons. Nearly all the Late Bronze Age kingdoms had collapsed; even Egypt and Assyria were greatly weakened. Israel under David had subdued or absorbed all her rivals in Canaan giving her both peace and monopolistic control of the regrowing trade routes through Canaan. Yet, Solomon squandered the peace, wealth and wisdom given him so that united Israel did not last after his death. This is a lesson for America today as she continues on the Pathway to American Impoverishment. Continue reading “Pathway to American Impoverishment”

Fallacy of Natural Law

Natural Philosopher Expert
Pontificating on Natural Law

Every school person knows that America’s Constitution was founded on  natural law. But, what does that term mean? One definition of natural law states, “unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government (Free Dictionary.).” This definition, as do many others, give the impression that natural law is not a unitary force but a competing force against positive law. I discussed the unnaturalness of natural law in a previous post (Unnaturalness of Natural Law.). Continue reading “Fallacy of Natural Law”

What Makes a Hero?

Hero is an ancient concept
Today it is trivialized as Propaganda

What makes a hero a hero? This term has been bandied about to include entire professions which has changed the historical usage of the term. There may indeed be heroes among us but how is the term defined so that it cannot be used by politicians as propaganda  to cover their ineptness during crises? Let us look at the concept historically and bionically to discern the truth of the concept. Continue reading “What Makes a Hero?”

Unnaturalness of Natural Law

America’s Declaration Birthed by
John Locke’s Natural Law

Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by John Locke’s natural law philosophy when he penned America’s Declaration of Independence. This philosophy describes the divide between Conservatives, who believe in natural law, and the Liberals who appear to follow Thomas Hobbes philosophy of legal rights conferred by one’s reigning governmental system. Evangelical Christians have frequently joined the Conservatives because of some supposed belief that natural law is derived from God thus obligating them to adhere to the Conservatives. However, did John Locke draw his philosophy from the Bible? Is there bible verses that support natural law? Christians should care because we are morally obligated to follow Scripture and must be able to discern the truth of this matter to prevent us from inadvertently supporting Satan. This is the heart of this post.
Continue reading “Unnaturalness of Natural Law”

Social Justice is Socialism Embraced

Definition of Social Justice is repackaged
International Socialism of 19th Century

This general definition of Social Justice actually defines nothing specifically. It is a loose collection of terms that remain undefined such as: egalitarian society; principles of equality and solidarity; human rights and dignity of people. The fact that Social Justice includes poverty, discrimination, racism, injustice, civil rights and human issues becomes a blank check to demand whatever becomes necessary for the moment to advance its agenda: international socialism or globalization. Essentially, social justice, like the “War on Terror” operates without mandate, without clearly defined objectives and goals and has no end point; thus, it is an ongoing process. Hayek said it best in the title of his book, “On the Road to Serfdom” for that is the only end point toward which Social Justice strains toward. Continue reading “Social Justice is Socialism Embraced”

Science’s Feet of Clay and Iron

Sir Isaac Newton the Great Physicist
Was also the Father of Deism

I remember sitting in churches in my 30’s, as a relatively new believer, hearing how Christianity could lay claim to Sir Isaac Newton thus refuting the claim that believers in the Bible’s Gospel were birthed from an ignorant stock of idiots. Over the years I have come to doubt much of what I was taught in the fundamental Baptist movement which had a propensity for its own forms of propaganda over truth. Unfortunately, the truth of Sir Isaac Newton’s beliefs have come to light. He is probably the father of the Deism of the Enlightenment and today (Kollerstrom, N. The Dark Side of Isaac Newton. 2018. Pen and Sword History. Havertown, PA. pp.21-22.). Continue reading “Science’s Feet of Clay and Iron”

Reformation: Legacy of Hatred

The Reformation Brought Freedom of Faith
The Reformation also Brought Endless Wars

As a Christian I am grateful to the revival of the true Gospel which is called the Reformation. Yet, it was an unintentional consequence of wanting a discussion of differences between Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and biblical hermeneutical interpretation by individuals rather than by the monolithic RCC via the Pope. The Reformation brought hope but it also entailed several hundred years of unrelenting and merciless wars across Europe. Violence that extends down to today’s political climate in America and across Europe; a climate of unrelenting hostility against those who think differently. Continue reading “Reformation: Legacy of Hatred”