Science’s Feet of Clay and Iron

Sir Isaac Newton the Great Physicist
Was also the Father of Deism

I remember sitting in churches in my 30’s, as a relatively new believer, hearing how Christianity could lay claim to Sir Isaac Newton thus refuting the claim that believers in the Bible’s Gospel were birthed from an ignorant stock of idiots. Over the years I have come to doubt much of what I was taught in the fundamental Baptist movement which had a propensity for its own forms of propaganda over truth. Unfortunately, the truth of Sir Isaac Newton’s beliefs have come to light. He is probably the father of the Deism of the Enlightenment and today (Kollerstrom, N. The Dark Side of Isaac Newton. 2018. Pen and Sword History. Havertown, PA. pp.21-22.).

One cannot underestimate Isaac Newton’s influence on natural philosophy, the forerunner of today’s science, in his day and our day. He laid the foundation in physics that culminated in the space explorations of the 20th century and many of its subsequent inventions. Yet, Newton would have made Sir Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes appear as an affable fellow. Isaac Newton was contentious, boastful, prideful, reclusive, cruel and above all: a hater of God.

Newton hated the very thought of Trinitarianism and the mention of it would drive him into a rage. He developed his, Two Notable Corruptions (of Scripture) which included his Trinitarianism phantasm and sent them to John Locke to publish anonymously; apparently Mr. Locke held similar views. Newton wrote a treatise, Theologiae Gentilis Origines Philosophicae (1680), which described his beliefs, becoming one of the first deist tracts. Because of his prestige deism became the defect belief system of Western intellectuals to include many of America’s founding fathers such as Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin and others. One cannot discount the enormous importance Newton had on technological physics development. Yet, he had his strange beliefs also such as alchemy. Yet, it was his hatred of Bible believers that continued to influence the learned of his day to ours.

Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity
Was Proved True by a Misperception

Einstein was a relatively unknown German theoretical physicist who published four papers in 1915 that challenged the Newtonian system. Needless to say, scientists are not fond of change, following in the footsteps of their daddy, Newton. Yet, a British astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington did read the articles and developed a methodology to test Einstein’s theory using the sun during the eclipse of 1919 (How a Total Solar Eclipse Helped Prove Einstein Right About Relativity). Basically, if the source of gravity was great enough it would bend light and thus prove the existence of a new dimension called spacetime as gravity bends spacetime to warp the path of light. Light from distant stars were deflected proving Einstein’s theory and paving the way for Star Trek and other science fiction faster than light travel; if, the assumptions about the sun were correct! The sun is usually thought to be a ball of gas. Gas does not deflect light passing through it. Therefore, any deflection of light must be attributed to gravity. Yet, today thought is emerging that the sun is notball of gas but solid/liquid material with immense magnetic/gravitational forces (The Sun is Not Gaseous). Herein is the problem: liquids do deflect light passing through them (famous broken pencil in glass of water example). Once again, a truth of science is shown to be based on thought experiments supported by math developed to support the conclusions of such dreams. All the while the practitioners, and their adherents, attack Christians who believe in the Bible, often less thoughtfully than they should, as being ignorant flat-earthers.

As Current Science Cannot Explain Space
Science Has Developed Dark Matter

Scientists have admitted that the observable visible matter in the universe cannot account for all the observable phenomenon; therefore, rather than admit their limitations  they have developed dark matter. It’s the black of space making it invisible. But, it must exist since it exerts an observable force! Sigh. Christians are constantly blasted for saying, “God did…” as if we are cavemen sitting about a fire ignorant of our stupidity. Yet, scientists have conjured up invisible, and thus unknowable, dark matter to explain what they cannot explain per an article from San Jose University (Dark Matter Does Not Exist! Its Supposed Existence Stems from a Few Naive Mistakes in Analysis).

I could go on about the Big Bang theory of creation being based on Edwin Hubble’s analysis of the red shift of stars and galaxies away from earth in all directions. He essentially assumed that a red shift in light meant movement away from the observer, much like a Doppler shift in sound lowering in frequency when moving away from the listener. However, one would not expect all objects moving away from earth since modern science debunked the myth of the earth being the center of the universe or even the solar system. Yet, this was ignored to promote an anti-bible view of evolutionary creation that did not need a God. Thus, deism morphed into atheism. I would invite you to watch Halton Arp who sacrificed his career by choosing truth over the acceptance of an unprovable red shift Big Bang (Intrinsic Red Shift).

Now, if this were about some abstract theories with little effect on anyone then, “Who cares?” However, these theories form the bedrock which give credence to the scientisms that seek to enslave us today. Physics is king of all sciences, says Nobel Laureate Gross (The Times of India). It is no accident that psychology, sociology, economics and educational theory {soft sciences} all pattern themselves after the king, physics. Physics claims to explain nature with either an absent God or no God at all. These theorists have openly exposed their anti-God biases while demanding that Christians give up their Bible and God biases. But the true danger is that these soft sciences, these scientisms are being used by governments to eliminate Christian influence in the world. It was these soft sciences that promoted eugenics in America and abroad; that developed socialistic school curriculums to indoctrinate generations of children to accept strong socialistic rule, national and international; and that suppress biblical beliefs which are based more on truth than these theories that parade past us in an ever dizzying succession.

True Purpose of Scientisms
Belief in god of this world

Science is not a new approach but the ever same approach to substitute man’s beliefism for the truth of God (Ro 1:18-32). The book of Job was a philosophical discussion about the truth of God and neither Job nor his three friends understood the truth of God. It was Elihu who spoke the truth of God and it was not until God confronted Job that he understood the truth of God in relation to himself and was saved.  God did not depend on blind faith but on the truth of observable but unexplainable nature apart from God. Yet, man continues to twist the witness of creation (Ps 19:1-6). Thus, man hides in his natural understanding justifying unbelief while condemning those who do believe taking after their father, Satan; a liar and murderer from the beginning (Jo 8:44). 

But, to live in their societies based on lies resulting in ever-deepening degradation and violence means they must silence the truth by all means possible; thus, science with its feet of clay {error} and iron {persecution}. Persecution will come to everyone, gently at first and then overwhelmingly until all the earth clamors for our deaths. Then, we must declare as Stephen, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” (Ac 7:59). For, they will come as they have always come since Cain killed Abel, accepted of God (He 11:4). Your sacrifice will also speak down through eternity, “What will it say?”

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