Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview

Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview
Supported by Philosophy and Religion

The book of Job contains four false views of God based mainly on each person’s imagination. Job the pietistic, but lost religionist; Bildad the harsh legalistic moralist; Zophar the sarcastic scoffer; and Eliphaz the spiritualistic mystic. It is not until Elihu speaks that we discover Job’s true nature: sinful because he has condemned God rather than himself. God enters the scene instructing Job about his profound ignorance. This is when Job repents and experiences Old Testament salvation. This very first book penned is philosophical displaying man’s profound ignorance while wallowing in the mud of his knowledge (2Pe 2:20-22). Man had the truth of God but instead chose the fleeting pleasures of sin; and died (Ro 1:18-25; He 11:23-25).

Modern man with his secular {without God} philosophies and scientisms has dispensed with the need for a god as Nietzsche exclaimed, “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.” Thus, the freedom of nihilism was born, at least by name. Man was no longer bound by the dictates of a God-sent moral code: Ten Words (Ex 20:1-17). Religionists have long detoured around God’s moral code by substituting their own interpretations to justify their sin. This was essentially the error of Judaism and every false faith before and since. However, since the Renaissance man began redefining morality apart from God. Natural philosophy showed an orderly and knowable universe, a sign of God as Creator (Jo 1:1-3). Science was split from its philosophical underpinnings and morphed into scientism, the use of scientific language to justify beliefs that science could not support. This 19th century debacle gave birth to socialism; evolution, and psychology. Just as the flutist in the above graphic is floating over nothing and controlling the snakes with his melodious melody so modern man appears to have control over his environment when all he believes was developed out of nothing.

In our last post (Illusion as Reality Exposed by Solomon) I showed from both Plato and Solomon {Ecclesiastes} how the ancient lost and saved understood their lack of understanding of reality, truth. Plato believed that the sufficiently educated person could throw off the shackles of illusion and reach the truth; a view common today. Solomon bemoaned the cyclic futility of life culminating in death and reached the conclusion that life had meaning only in God; again, another philosophical Bible book. Plato claims man can have answers but never explains how one can throw off one’s illusional worldview. This is like climbing an unsupported ladder into the sky and expecting not to fall.

Modern Man Claiming Knowledge Based
Scientism and Philosophy: Beliefs

Psychology claims to know via science human behavior and offers solutions to mental and emotional disturbances; all apart from God {Nietzsche}. It masquerades as a soft science to differentiate itself from the hard sciences such as physics. The foundational definition of science is: measurability and repeatability. To be measurable means empirical; that is, it must be detectable via our fives senses. Electricity is invisible but it is measurable as anyone can attest who has ever been shocked or seen its flash. Mental processes cannot be measured. In fact, no one has ever explained how a neuron can store images, sounds, and emotions. Yet, psychological practitioners claim to know, control and heal that which they cannot explain! As Pavlov proved in his famous experiments, the real purpose of psychology is to train people to believe what you purport to be truth. The techniques of psychology became the foundation of modern education, especially public education, whose sole purpose was to train children as proper State citizens.

Evolution is another leg of the modern state educational and governmental system; a ladder going into the sky without support. Darwin’s evolution was nothing more than observations without context slapped into an anti-God explanation of nature’s beginnings. Once again, this is not science because it is not measurable nor repeatable. Darwin claimed all life had a single beginning and changed into the multiple forms of today. However, there are several problems with this view. There are NO transitional fossils of any plant or animal changing into a different plant or animal; a dog remains a dog with only specific characteristics changing from one breed to another. Evolution violates statistical understanding; i.e., there is not enough time for random processes to build a single protein molecule from a soup of amino acids. The 14+ billion years claimed by current evolutionists would not be sufficient according to statisticians. Evolution violates the Law of Information; that is, where does the new information come from to start a transition to a new form? Evolution was never a viable science but since the late 19th century when it joined with psychology and socialism, it has been the only allowable view of man’s origins allowed to be taught in public schools. If man is only another animal then morality is not a set of absolutes from God but an agreed upon set of behaviors determined by the State.

Fabian Society: Re-Making the World
One of Many Groups like: Club of Rome

The last leg of our triad is socialism: control of the many by the few, the elites. The Fabian Society stain glass illustrates this succinctly. Controlling the people’s access to knowledge via public education the elite develop a population agreeing with the scientisms taught by public education. Socialism is nothing new; simply a new name for an ancient concept: the rule of the one or few over the masses. It has sailed under various names: monarchy, empire, etc. Socialism today uses government controlled finances to limit access to wealth via inflationary and confiscatory taxations. The State joins politicians, workers {masses} and intellectuals to control the flow of information and distribution of wealth to centralized control. This insured strong nation-states in the 20th century; however, state sponsored violence did not insure longevity. The 21st century has seen the rise of socialistic nation-states that masquerade as democracies while building the infrastructure necessary for supranational governments over regions {European Union} and eventually one single global government over all peoples: dream of Nimrod (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-11). At the demand of the people, because of education and conditioning, all governments are socialists to one degree or another; especially America. Those governments that impede the growth of supranational governments are being subverted with uncontrolled immigration to destroy their resilient infrastructure from within.

Illusions are multi-layered
Ignorant of superior layers

There are multiple layers of illusion with each inferior layer unaware of their own illusions. Information is probably allowed to leak at various layers then labeled as fringe, conspiratorial, flat-earthers, etc. to remove the power of the truth and discredit opponents. False flag leaks inoculate the populace against the truth allowing the controllers of change to operate in plain site with the consent of the populace. Voting is controlled by information available to the voters, though an occasional non-believer reaches high office only to be controlled or neutralized. Behind the scene at all levels there is one overall controlling agency: Lucifer (Mt 4:8-10; Re 12:17-13:18). The dragon from the Garden who marches throughout time until his time ends (Re 12:7-12; 20:1-3, 7-10).

I do not write cause a rebellion for God hates rebellion even telling us to submit to the governments He allows to provide some restraint on sinful human violence (1Sa 15:23; Ro 13:1-5). I write because the time is short and I do not want you to fall victim to The Delusion which is come upon the earth in these latter days {Period that began with Christ’s first coming and will continue at least until the Millennial Kingdom is established} (2Th 2:3-15; 2Pe 3:1-7). I want you to discern and apply the truth of God’s word so you are not taken captive (He 5:14). Train your powers of discernment to pierce the illusions, to some extent, and live by the good while rejecting the evil despite the poor leadership of much that passes for Christianity today (1Co 13:12).

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