Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature

Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature
You Seek to Hide With Your Worldview

In our last post, Addiction: Excusing Sin, I discussed that addiction is simply the expression of one’s sin nature in a variety of methodologies. This means that everyone has a besetting sin(s) and thus an addicting behavior. Since Christians remain in the body of flesh they too can continue addictive behaviors. However, the Christian has the power of the Holy Spirit to assist in “curing” or rejecting such behaviors. What hope does the non-Christian have? Almost none! Occasionally a addicting behavior can be changed into a less destructive behavior but there is no cure. Find an honest psychologist/psychiatrist and you will hear that these may be controlled but not cured! This is a true definition of hopelessness. Continue reading “Addictions Reveals Your Sin Nature”

Addiction: Excusing Sin

Addiction is the Escapism of Sin
Behind the Scientism of Medicine

Addiction is a billion dollar industry that adds additional behaviors under its guise of applying scientific means to control these so-called addictive behaviors. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its Diagnostic Statistical Manual (5th Ed.) defines addiction as, “Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence. People with addiction (severe substance use disorder) have an intense focus on using a certain substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life.” Later in the same article other forms of addiction are listed having nothing to do with substances: gambling and internet gaming for instance. The American Society of Addictive Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as, “Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.” Notice the key words in both definitions that removes responsibility for addiction from the individual: compulsive, chronic, medical disease, etc. Recidivism rates are so high that one cannot find reliable figures but instead find doublespeak terms that elude precise figures to hide the dismal failure of so-called rehabilitation treatment programs. In other words, there is little hope though there are a great many expensive programs touting a scientific rationale for its treatment approach; i.e., scientism. Nearly all of these programs eschew faith as the appropriate weapon for the ever mounting list of addictive behaviors forcing most churches to funnel their so-called addictive members into these failed programs. The implicit message: The Bible does not work. Continue reading “Addiction: Excusing Sin”

Shelly: Prophetess of Scientism

Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein novel
Blurring the lines between Science & Scientism

Near the beginning of the 19th century, Mary Shelly wrote a novel that began the horror and science fiction genre of literature; that novel was titled: Frankenstein. It began as a contest But evolved into a novel of immense importance. It gathered the swirling currents of curiosity concerning the relationship between electricity and life, between the dividing line between life and death. Whereas science is limited to empiricism, measurability and repeatability, scientism knows no boundaries. Spurred on by popular media, scientism enters the realm of popular acceptance and then begins to replace science as a mode of investigation into God’s Creation. In other words, scientism is the mechanism that replaces the God of Creation with the merging of science, fantasy and blasphemy to produce a type of patch-work beliefs not unlike the Prometheus monster in Mary Shelly’s novel. Welcome to today. Continue reading “Shelly: Prophetess of Scientism”

Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance

Graphic shows the presuppositions of
All movements based on Critical Theory

In my last post (Social Justice: The New ReligionI showed that Social Justice, and Critical Theory from which it is based, is hardly a new philosophy but a very ancient spurious  paradigm sprung from the lost person’s sin nature which rejects God and any truth associated with God. It has gained traction in many previous societies under the guise of paganism, gnosticism and even Christendom religions that wandered from the biblical Gospel into worldly philosophies. The Bible predicted such incoherent musing as gaining traction because people rejected God and His truths and actively decided to follow myths according to their own passions (2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:3-4). Continue reading “Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance”

Backbone of Social Justice: Critical Theory

The linkage between failed Marxism and
Social Justice is the Critical Theory illogic

With the failure of Marxism to explain why workers supported nationalism in World War I and peasants supported international socialism {Communism} in the formations of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Communist China several schools of thought arose. My post, Social Justice is Socialism Embraced, touched on some of these issues as have various other posts. By using the word theory, such as Critical Theory, the reader presupposes that a rational, methodical approach is implied when the exact opposite it true. Social Justice and the various Critical Theory movements reject rationality while embracing irrationality as its methodology. Continue reading “Backbone of Social Justice: Critical Theory”

Social Justice is Socialism Embraced

Definition of Social Justice is repackaged
International Socialism of 19th Century

This general definition of Social Justice actually defines nothing specifically. It is a loose collection of terms that remain undefined such as: egalitarian society; principles of equality and solidarity; human rights and dignity of people. The fact that Social Justice includes poverty, discrimination, racism, injustice, civil rights and human issues becomes a blank check to demand whatever becomes necessary for the moment to advance its agenda: international socialism or globalization. Essentially, social justice, like the “War on Terror” operates without mandate, without clearly defined objectives and goals and has no end point; thus, it is an ongoing process. Hayek said it best in the title of his book, “On the Road to Serfdom” for that is the only end point toward which Social Justice strains toward. Continue reading “Social Justice is Socialism Embraced”

Why the Process of Suffering?

This question plagues the lost and often
Confounds the saved; yet, God has an answer

Why is there evil in the World? How one answers this question is determined by one’s method of reading and understanding the Bible, hermeneutics; one’s prevailing worldview; and one’s position relative to God and His salvation. James tells us one obvious reason people suffer: they covet what others have and seek to obtain by force that which was not theirs (Ja 4:1-4). This places the blame squarely on each individual; however, theodicy seeks to explain evil by blaming God. Thus, sinful man ducks responsibility making God responsible for evil and thus morally incapable of righteously judging sin since He is the author of evil and must first judge Himself. Continue reading “Why the Process of Suffering?”

How God Defines Natural Law

Western Culture Especially America
Appeal to Natural Law for Rights

I have long been puzzled concerning the source of this so called “natural law”. I am also deeply concerned over the seriously flawed over the belief that “natural law” can only be known by reason and not by “special biblical revelation” even though one may be responsible to a divine judge; though few hold to this few in this postmodern era. What do you believe, especially during this presidential election year? Continue reading “How God Defines Natural Law”

Worldview “Always a Flaw in the System”

One’s Worldview is One’s Holodeck
Recreating Reality in Our Image

Our two previous posts looking at worldviews defined the term worldview and the force outside of ourselves that molded our worldview {Can You Define Your Worldview?; Your Virtual Reality Worldview}. Our understanding of worldview changed as our understanding probed deeper into the complexities of worldview formation. This worldview article will explore our responsibility in the formation of our worldviews. The holodeck in Star Trek, The Next Generation {STTNG} was designed to respond to the operators wishes, within certain poorly defined limits; yet, it often revealed the flaws in human understanding. This is a metaphor for our part in designing our worldview: poorly defined flaws. Continue reading “Worldview “Always a Flaw in the System””

Can You Define Your Worldview?

Everyone has a worldview
Few think about their worldview

Worldview is the “overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world” (Wordnik). This standard definition has little meaning to the average person. I was not familiar with this term until about ten years ago and I have discovered precious few people who give any thought to their worldview. Yet, the worldview is the lens by which each person interacts with political, social and physical environment. Can you elucidate your worldview? Continue reading “Can You Define Your Worldview?”