Prison of Silence

Indoctrination Leading to Death

Prison of Silence Rest on Social Indoctrination;
Not Discussing Religion and Politics is a Trap

Several people were bragging about how they avoided interpersonal conflict to achieve a wide circle of friends. They simply refused to discuss religion or politics; even going so far as to brag about not even watching the news to avoid any discussions that might lead to conflict. As these people patted each other on the back for their wisdom, they reminded me of hens who pecked the ground bare and congratulated each other on their thoroughness of creating dependence on the farmer for free food. The outcome unfortunately will be the same for both. Only the hens have an excuse as they are the actual dumb animals. Continue reading “Prison of Silence”

Commandments as Guidelines and Revealers of Sin

Commandments as Guidelines and Revealers of Sin:
Paul Wrote Commandments Reveal One’s Sin?!

For years I struggled to understand Paul’s statement, “Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin” (Ro 7:7). The first question that comes to mind has already been asked by Paul, “What then shall we say? That the law is sin?” He answers emphatically, “By no means!” However, Paul goes on to write that it was the giving of the command(s) that unmasked sin to bring death (Ro 7:8-9). But most confusing of all was Christ’s Sermon on the Mount explanation of several commandments appearing to negate the Law (Mt 5:17-30). One is left with the confusing choice that God lied in the Old Testament or is lying in the New Testament; and some agree that the entire Bible is a lie! Certainly, when approached from man’s perspective the Bible is very confusing because it was written from God’s perspective and can only be taught by God (1Co 2:12-14). Let us begin from Captain Barbossa’s perspective, that the commandments {code} is more like guidelines than rules” {Pirates of the Caribbean. (Watch above clip)}. Continue reading “Commandments as Guidelines and Revealers of Sin”

Spiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!

World Promotes Self-Control FailureSpiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!
Path Satan-World-Flesh Want You to Flounder Upon!

There is probably no single biblical concept so misrepresented resulting in failure leading to ruined lives than Self-Control! What is Self-Control? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this as, “restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires”. The New Testament uses the word ἐγκράτεια, egkrateia which classically means, one who has the power over oneself to moderate one’s desires. Over several thousand years the meaning has changed little. However, how does the Bible usage define Self-Control? We will look at several passages that discuss Self-Control without using the word in addition to the significant passage that uses this word as a fruit of the Spirit (Ga 5:22-23). We will begin from the position inherent with these two definitions for they lay the basis for your failure to Control Self.  Continue reading “Spiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!”

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart

How Satan Hardens Your Sin Nature

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion:
Hardened Heart in Continuous Rebellion Against God

Satan does not draft you or trick you or even have you agree to enter his kingdom; you were conceived in iniquity and already under a sentence of eternal death (Ps 51:5; Ep 2:1-3). Satan’s major effort is the continual Delusion of mankind keeping people from learning of the Gospel of eternal life in Christ (Ep 2:4-10). I will discuss the modern techniques and use modern examples discussing Satan’s processes. The goals of these attacks are to ensconce you in your innate sin nature so you inherently reject God and His Gospel; to sway the immature saved in Christ who do not learn from the Bible and to prepare Mankind to demand and receive his coming rule; i.e., agitate for Satan’s Delusion as something good when it actually will deliver Death, Disease, Famine and Distress.   Continue reading “How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart”

Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality

Beginning and End of Satan's Plan

Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality;
Closed Loop Reasoning of Empiricism (He 1:3)

My last post, Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}, used the scientific method’s definition to prove that science was, is, incapable of discovery truth. At best the scientific method can only support a hypothesis until a single falsifiable outcome disproves the hypothesis. This is a problem as modern Man believes that science reveals undeniable, absolute Truths. Modern Man has built an understanding from the universe to the subatomic forces to even Man’s origins based on science; except, science by definition provides no such pathway to absolutism. Hence, Modern Man lives by faith which is known by the label of scientism. Man measures the empirical and extrapolates to the non-empirical without any proof that one gives reliable evidence of the latter. This is the world’s faith, the world’s religion, the world’s hope for eternal immortality apart from God. And this religion has a prophet; Dr Yuval Noah Harari. Continue reading “Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality”

Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}

Scientific Method Cannot Prove its Own Validity

Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything};
Scientific Method Cannot Even Prove its Own Validity

The Lost, those not saved according to the Gospel of belief in Christ as the only way to be with God throughout eternity future, frequently demand proof that God exists  (Ro 10:9-11). The atheists sneer that without proof there is no foundation on which to base the truth of God’s existence. They confidently point to the many, many accomplishments of Man using the Scientific Method that have no only improved daily life but have also given Man great insights into the heavens, into the atoms and even into man’s evolutionary development. Hence, they postulate that there is no need for God; ergo, He does not need to exist. This post looks briefly at their basic premise and three supporting so-called scientific proofs. I believe we will discover that they require greater faith to believe their position than the Christian needs to believe the Bible! Continue reading “Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}”

Innocence of My Evil

Personal Evil Begins at Conception

Innocence of My Evil {Sin}
Begins at Conception (Ps 51:5)

I have not met or read anyone admitting that he or she awoke and decided to do evil, of whatever ilk. The most notorious political leaders of the 2oth century which people today point back to as the personification of evil, never saw themselves as evil. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Churchill and FDR all saw themselves as justified in pursuing their policies for the betterment of their people and themselves; yet, each leader was responsible for millions of deaths either overtly or covertly. In my over forty years of speaking to people about God’s salvation, the one consistent fact is that people do not see themselves as sinners, evil; hence, they do not need Christ’s salvation (Ro 3:21-24). To rephrase a line from Benjamin Franklin in the play, 1776, “Evil is only observed in the third personal, ‘your evil’ but never in the first person, ‘my evil!'” (Mt 7:1-5) Continue reading “Innocence of My Evil”

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death

Scientific Method's Bed of Assumptions

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death;
Battle of Assumptions and Love of Money

Since the Enlightenment Age {Age of Reason or Modern Era} the Scientific Method and Science in general has been hailed as the great giver of knowledge {light} and prosperity. It has become a religion in its own right even while decrying religions as anti-intellectual or reason! Science by definition is empirical; that is, it is based on what can be detected with the five senses. However, these observations, facts or measurements, are meaningless without a context or theory to explain the why of the facts. Theories come from testable hypotheses which are based on assumptions, elements that are assumed to be true though are unprovable {Assumptions of science: 5 reasons you should be skeptical.}. This was clearly understood in the Enlightenment’s early days when Science was known as Natural Philosophy. Science and philosophy separated in the 19th century when it was realized that Science could not reveal Truth, which was Natural Philosophy’s intended goal! Thus, Science became a means of fitting discoverable facts into an acceptable conceptual framework. As the conceptual framework became the main determiner of correct facts, Science morphed into Scientism which sought to suppress undesirable conceptual frameworks and even its supporting facts. Nowhere has this become more disastrous than in healthcare resulting in millions of deaths by ignoring inconvenient facts and theories. We shall look at two competing theories of healthcare and their impact on your life; and death. Continue reading “Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death”

Christ’s Eternal Continual Sacrifice for You

Christ's Eternal Willing Sacrifice

Christ’s Eternal Continual Sacrifice for You;
What is Your Continual Sacrifice to Him?

Christians tend to believe that Christ’s sacrifice ended with His death on the stauros {cross to those who think in Latin}. As part of our study of maturing discernment I propose that Christ’s sacrifice occurred before this Creation and continues into eternity future to never end. Yet, it was a sacrifice He willingly endures for the Joy that was set before Him: Your Salvation (He 12:2)! Continue reading “Christ’s Eternal Continual Sacrifice for You”

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?

Rousseau Government's Truth

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?
It is the Heart of Rousseau’s Concept of Truth

I have dealt with this concept of General Will beginning with, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, Rousseau. History is the key to understanding today but Satan is the master of delusion; is the concept of General Will valid or relevant for today and if so, under what label does it persist? Postmodernism claims to be new but in fact its lie was evident in the first sin when Satan deliberately misrepresented God’s words to Woman creating doubt in her mind to tempt her to substitute her truth for God’s truth (Ge 3:1-5; Ro 1:18-28). Today it flies under the radar by another name, worldview. It is in this iteration that it has entered Christianity to wreck havoc in the Church {Pergamum and Thyatira for examples} (Re 2:12-29). Rousseau would have been proud of his work. Continue reading “Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?”