Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality

Beginning and End of Satan's Plan

Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality;
Closed Loop Reasoning of Empiricism (He 1:3)

My last post, Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}, used the scientific method’s definition to prove that science was, is, incapable of discovery truth. At best the scientific method can only support a hypothesis until a single falsifiable outcome disproves the hypothesis. This is a problem as modern Man believes that science reveals undeniable, absolute Truths. Modern Man has built an understanding from the universe to the subatomic forces to even Man’s origins based on science; except, science by definition provides no such pathway to absolutism. Hence, Modern Man lives by faith which is known by the label of scientism. Man measures the empirical and extrapolates to the non-empirical without any proof that one gives reliable evidence of the latter. This is the world’s faith, the world’s religion, the world’s hope for eternal immortality apart from God. And this religion has a prophet; Dr Yuval Noah Harari.

To comply with the Law of Identify I will give a definition of circular reasoning; a logical fallacy that assumes what it attempts to prove. Example: Geologists date the age of rocks from collocated fossils while paleontologists date fossils from their surrounding rocks. One relies on the other but neither uses a fixed source that gives actual dates. If you point to atomic dating methodologies these make circular reasoning assumptions to give usually acceptable dates. This is the problem with science. It can only give empirical measurements but the people defining the experiments make assumptions based on their biases; in addition, the measurements are meaningless until placed into a meaningful context which again is swayed by assumptions and biases. The very real problem is that the empirical is based on non-empirical just as stated in the Bible (He 1:3). One of the greatest biases is the rejection of the Bible as a source of Truth. This is an example of a False Dilemma fallacy. The Bible does not provide truth of empirical processes nor claim to provide such. The Bible provides Truth of non-empirical realities that cannot be empirically measured by can be empirically observed (Ps 19:1; Ro 1:18-20).

For example, heat as an energy cannot be defined and all experiments to define heat failed. Hence, Joseph Fourier published a mathematical theory of heat that rejected any explanation of what heat was in lieu of how heat behaved in solid objects {Goldman, S.L. Science Wars: What Scientists Know and How They Know It. Great Courses Parts 1&2. Course Guidebook. The Teaching Company. 2006. p. 43.}! Thus, while scientists cannot define heat, as in our example; they decry the Bible for not defining heat. This is bias. The Bible defines right and wrong in relation to God based on observable behaviors and emotional responses such as guilt. The universal condemnation of certain behaviors as wrong {murder, rape, lies, etc.} by Man and Bible act as proof of the Bible’s validity in non-empirical aspects. In addition, the Bible notes that observable Creation itself points to a Creator (Ps 19:1). If these aspects are true then why does Man reject them; and God? Bible gives us two perspectives (Ro 1:18-28; 3:10-18).

Man, since Adam, has a fallen nature, is Lost (Ge 3:5-8; Ps 51:5). Thus, Lost Man rejects God and God’s Truth; especially the need for a Savior (Jn 3:16-21). Man is asebeia or ungodly. Man, limited to a physical body with senses that assess only the empirical, makes his own truth based on his limited understanding and assessment of this creation. The second perspective flows from this erroneous basis which is the universality of sin in every person’s life. No one seeks after or wants to accept God. Man’s truths are literally lies allowing Man to prey upon and subjugate all who are considered weak. Man seeks to make a world in which God not only does not exist but one in which there can be no judgment; no consequence for hating creator God. Having laid this foundation, we come to modern Man’s definition of history and his plan(s) for your future.

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari is a Zionist Jewish scholar which means he is an adherent to atheistic socialism. The quote is the opening graphic not accords with the Bible, it also defines the goal Satan laid before Man; to be as gods. History for Lost Man began at sin when Women was deceived but Man embraced the understanding of gaining knowledge of the world apart from God to establish his Control over the world. It was a perversion of God’s blessing for Man to spread and establish his dominion over the World with God’s guidance (Ge 1:26-27; 1Ti 2:14). Cain was the fruition of this dominating, sin and when God rejected him and chose one whom Cain considered worthless, Abel; Cain slew Abel in an uncontrollable rage (Ge 4:1-8)! Cain became ruler over all those others who also rejected God, wanders {Nod}, becoming the father of both government and the religion that defined right and wrong to legitimize government’s Control over those it deemed lesser. Thus, Dr. Harari is correct in that lost human history began with man inventing gods since God was rejected. He is also corrected in that Man’s end point is replacing God with himself as the final determiner of right and wrong thus exonerating himself from any judgment (Ro 2:1-11). This is the goal of Posthumanism.

Global Salvation; Voluntary Extinction

Lost Have Always Envisioned Two Divisions;
Strong, with Useful Entourage, over the Weak

History has been nothing more complicated that Satan developing through people a strong race through whom to rule this world through a top-down centralized government which we call socialism. As I discussed in my post, Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism, fascism is the fiscal behind the scenes power advancing socialism’s Control with the consent of the people. Let us look at several other declarations from Dr. Harari to understand what will occur in the near future {A Brief History of Mankind. Coursera Blog. Coursera. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.}

Notice his assumptions based on nothing but evolutionary’s unproven assertions that mankind arose from several different species; i.e., as animals and not as made in God’s image. Several species arose 70,000 years ago but through violence and war only one specie survived. This species rules the world because they made up concepts such as money, religions, gods, and nations. Notice, these concepts are not absolutes but simply imaginary constructs meaning they can be replaced with different imaginary constructs.

Mankind is so violent that even without modern weapons they supposedly wiped out half of the living animals in their imaginary Stone Age/Ice Age(s). Ergo, man in his natural state is disruptive of earth’s ecology and in danger of upsetting any natural order which would endanger everyone for the sake of a few {implied}. Dr. Harari shows that modern Man remains dangerously violent as evidence by the use of animals for food sources! Imagine a world where animals were free, except for the few elites who needed the protein sources. Rest of mankind would subsist nicely on vegan or laboratory grown proteins {which are as yet as unproven as viable}.

Money is the universal constant for mankind; it is the only thing everybody trusts according to Dr. Harari. This universal absolute defines the elites, those with money and useful entourage who serve the elites. All others are seen as drains upon earth’s fragile ecosystem and should be eliminated; preferably through voluntary extinction such as self-abortion, euthanasia, living wills for terminal patients. etc. These self-imposed eugenic measures are lauded as heroic by the elite for saving the earth from destructive climate change that threatens everyone!

Circular Reasoning of Scientism

When Man No Longer Dies; No Judgment;
What Hope for Those Who Died? Any Mercy?

Dr. Harari’s final solution is man transitioning from a physical body/being to a posthuman being in an artificial body! This is when mankind transitions to be as gods and realize Satan’s promise. Dr. Harari, no believer in either God or the Bible illustrates the Truth of the Scriptures even while denying them! This entire film-flam is built on unproven assumptions; i.e., that one’s consciousness or soul can actually exist apart from the body. Psychology and its attendant scientisms doubt the existence of a soul and imagine that one’s consciousness exists in brain cells; yet, without proof that organic cells can actually contain one’s invisible essence. Why is Dr. Harari’s thoughts of any importance to us? Because he is the prophet to those who speak of a Great Reset such as Mr. Gates and Herr Schwab and others.

Dr. Harari is not the behind the scenes mover and shaker. He is the front person who uses philosophical jargon to inject these ideas into popular culture via propaganda informational, news, systems for public consumption and acceptance. Yet, even these people somewhat public people are not the true behind the scenes powers at work for these are the financiers who handle and Control the one absolute Dr. Harari would have us believe in: Money (1Ti 6:10). The Great Reset is nothing more than bringing about peacefully, those means necessary to make this a reality. It begins with food shortages and implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies nationally and then later internationally. The homogenization of national laws with each national entity becoming simply an extension of a reasonable and acceptable international governance committee. Those who hold divergent views will simply have their digital currency disappear. Valuable resources will be given to those who are compliant while those who are not compliant will find themselves without the means to buy food, shelter and medicine.

Christians will not be accepted if they refuse to give up Christ and the idea of salvation by grace, by faith, by Him alone! Christians are already being marginalized by their rejection of LGBTQA+ trans-queer-whatever philosophies are the flavor of the day. Imagine standing for the Bible and having your money disappear, fired from your job, watching your children starve or taken away because of your unfitness! Would you be able to stand in the faith? Would you stand in the faith? Many are fair weather believers but true believers will be revealed during persecution because they will not turn away from the Kingdom of God even when it means dying (Lk 9:57-62). They will reject the circular reasoning of Satan’s scientism leading to death even when it means standing alone apart from family.

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