Innocence of My Evil

Personal Evil Begins at Conception

Innocence of My Evil {Sin}
Begins at Conception (Ps 51:5)

I have not met or read anyone admitting that he or she awoke and decided to do evil, of whatever ilk. The most notorious political leaders of the 2oth century which people today point back to as the personification of evil, never saw themselves as evil. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Churchill and FDR all saw themselves as justified in pursuing their policies for the betterment of their people and themselves; yet, each leader was responsible for millions of deaths either overtly or covertly. In my over forty years of speaking to people about God’s salvation, the one consistent fact is that people do not see themselves as sinners, evil; hence, they do not need Christ’s salvation (Ro 3:21-24). To rephrase a line from Benjamin Franklin in the play, 1776, “Evil is only observed in the third personal, ‘your evil’ but never in the first person, ‘my evil!'” (Mt 7:1-5)

Let us take a closer look at the interconnectedness of our aforementioned leaders and their self-justification. Herr Hitler justified his view of the Germanic people’s struggle, Mein Kampf, against Jewish financiers who stabbed Germany in the back, his view, forcing the capitulation of Germany  ending World War I (WWI). His solution was to set up Jewish work camps forcing them to work for the glory of his Germany; hence, his motto, Work Shall Make You Free {Abeit Macht Frei}. These work camps came to be called concentration camps by his enemies; but, where did he learn about concentration camps? From Soviet Union’s (USSR) Stalin as his nation had been quartering political dissidents in such camps since its revolutionary inception! Where did the USSR learn of concentration camps? From Great Britain which quartered mainly women and children of the Second Boer War resulting in massive deaths of non-combatants {The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War. War History Online.}. The British picked up the concept from the Spanish who used them in Cuba. However, the Americans were concentrating American Indians onto reservations throughout the 19th century so European Americans could repossess their lands. Amazingly, Americas, “Only good injun is a dead injun,” eerily follows Herr Hitler’s logic against the Jews, as some claim {The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian. Origin of Sayings.}.  And, while Americans will admit to Japanese interment camps during World War II (WWII); they do not call them concentration camps as there was no policy for permanently eliminating these American citizens deprived of habeas corpus; a concept first introduced by Abraham Lincoln during his {Civil} war. Not one of these leaders ever admitted to being evil or doing wrong; but, not one of these leaders could have pursued their policies without large segments of their populations supporting them! Hence, personal evil precedes national evil and no nation is innocent of this self-delusion that elevates themselves above all others regardless of the costs or consequences to those considered enemies.

Beam in Your Eye; Your Sin

Before there can be National Evil Policies
There must be Extant and Accepted Personal Evil

Each person is conceived in sin; this is the foundational premise of Scripture and vehemently opposed by those not saved (Ro 3:23). Children justify their disobedience to parents by blaming the parents for oppressing them; unfortunately, this is supported by the State resulting in several generations of nearly uncontrollable and increasingly violent citizens. The wife justifies her rejection of her husband’s guidance because he is worse than herself trying to impose his selfish will over hers even though she is also guilty of these same practices (Ge 3:16; Ro 2:1-3). The husband seeks domination over someone while seeking to do less and less work setting the example for rebellion, corruption, degradation and violence. The basic unit of any society is the family. If there is no family then each person does what is right in their own eyes (Pr 12:15; 21:2). Today’s modern society substitutes liaisons for marriage under the guise of personal freedom and autonomy. This is simply a clawing, grasping for Satan’s promise to be as god to define your own morality (Ge 3:5)! Hence, you excuse your evilness while condemning the evilness in others.

Worldview Designed to Hide My Evil and Highlight Your Evil

Purpose of One’s Worldview is to Justify Self
While Legitimizing Condemnation of Others

While the Bible uses Duality to highlight the difference between God’s ways and Man’s ways, Man uses duality legitimizing the necessity of evil to balance the good (Is 55:8-9). This tacit acknowledgment that evil exists; however, it is not only accepted, because each person love’s themselves, but embraced as balance to the force(s) {Sorry Star Wars} (Ep 5:29). This is self-propaganda which is called one’s Worldview today. The essence of the Worldview is to define the World, and your place in the World, such that your thoughts, words and deeds are legitimate while demonizing those who either oppose you or are different. Today’s scientisms of psychology, psychiatry, education and sociology work together with information and media services to help you obtain the correct worldview. Thus, individual delusions mesh into family delusions into community delusions into national delusions and today into international delusions binding all peoples together under one overarching socialism of Control (2Th 2:3-12). But it begins with you rejecting God’s truth and building your truth apart from God’s Truth (Ro 1:18-32). However, it is not so easy to achieve inner peace through lies.

Personal Evil is NOT Me

Even when one is forced to admit their inner evil;
Evil is seen as external even to one’s inner self

Guilt is God’s guilt informing us that we are in danger of judgment which fulminates into great fear (1Jo 4:17-18). Thus, at the personal level one’s worldview is designed to eliminate guilt and fear which challenges your delusion of inner goodness (1Ti 4:1-2). People cannot escape their inner reality though they try hard primarily through drugs, legal and illegal, and philosophic-scientisms. Their evils are seen as external to their true nature even as it guides their delusional self-justifying worldview. While these worthless adjuncts encourage your delusion, your behavior sinks into greater depths of depravity and violence even if only in music, literature and visual mediums of entertainment. These do not cause violence, they are expressions of the violence already inherent to one’s inner sinfulness, evil, and increasingly breakout into real life actions (Ez 28:16; Jn 8:44; Ac 7:54-8:1). The foundation of one’s evilness is covetousness, the true essence of idolatry (Col 3:5). Covetousness drives one through the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life to obtain what one does not have by dispossessing others for your benefit (Ja 4:1-4; 1Jo 2:15-16). Truly, the more ensconced one becomes in one’s delusional worldview the more violent society becomes (2Ti 3:1-5).

Hagiazo Process Strips Away Delusional Worldviews

God’s Hagiazo Process Strips Away
The Delusional Worldview

How do you know you are saved in Christ? When confronted by the truth of one’s evilness, regardless of the source, you admit the truth to man and God and repent (2Sa 12:1-13). The Lost are dead in their sins (Ep 2:1-3). They do not and cannot willingly change to embrace the Truth of their sin and need for Christ’s salvation. The Christian who rejects his, her, sins calls Christ a liar and walks in self-delusion (1Jo  1:8-10). Christ’s Hagiazo {Sanctification} Process strips away our carefully crafted worldview. Christ, via the Spirit and His Word, replaces our delusion with His Truth (1Co 2:13-14). If this process is not happening in your life you need to ask if you are saved for He corrects all who are His (He 12:7-11). If you continually reject His discipline then you have no assurance of salvation and may be surprised at the moment of your death (Mt 7:21-23; Lk 16:19-31). God does not wish for any to perish and He calls you to repent and live (Is 1:18-20; Ez 18:32). Recognize and repent for the end is always near as death is inevitable, and then the judgment (He 9:27). Christian, if so you are, do not harden your heart but repent this day so you may not be ashamed and enter His rest (2Ti 2:14-19; He 4:6-12).

One thought on “Innocence of My Evil

  1. I can’t thank you enough for writing this. It is truly hard for most people to get, and most churches refuse to teach this important truth. God reminds me of this continuously, and the more I recognise it, the easier it is to discern what indeed is of God and what is only of man’s pride and hollow rags they call deeds.

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