Government + Finances = Control: Socialism Slavery

Government+Finances=Control: Socialism Slavery – Truth Ignored for The Utopian Lie

Utopian Promise

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control, discussed God’s revelation to Man what governments do in the hands of sinful people. Since all people are conceived in sin, even the best intentioned will not be able to Control government; it Controls them for behind all governments stands the father of all sinners: Satan, the Accuser (Ps 51:5; Jn 8:44; Ro 3:23). The post briefly looked at the first three kings to discover if God’s warning was true; it was painfully true. Saul, desired, desired to be liked by the powerful men who voted him into power. Therefore, he pleased them rather than God; not a good plan. David, beloved, was the strongest king but he also compromised his values to expand his power; and used his son to correct his oversights. Solomon, peace, did not bring peace but division through his many compromises which were hidden behind the great wealth that came to the Jews under his leadership. In the end God’s warning was proved true in Rehoboam’s reign; the sins the father’s taught to their sons came to fruition in the third generation (Nu 14:18). This holds true today with a vengeance! Continue reading “Government + Finances = Control: Socialism Slavery”

Control Wealth to Control People

Control of Wealth is Control of Government
Unwise Spending Destroys Government

Americans are poorly taught, probably purposefully, about the relationship of money to wealth and of money to government control; i.e., to Control Wealth is to Control People. Samuel detailed to the early Israelites the dangers of wealth to government control (1Sa 8:9-22). God through Moses warned the Hebrews that government should not control too much wealth, military technology or entangling alliances; they were to be different from all other kingdoms evidenced by their submission to God (De 17:14-20). Solomon, who was supposed to be wise, ignored all warnings, overburdened the people as Samuel warned and caused the kingdom to be divided after his death (1Ki 10:23-11:13). This self-destruction of national sovereignty would plague empires in the ancient world and find disciples in the modern world who seek globalization via the control of wealth. Continue reading “Control Wealth to Control People”

Economics – Early Nation-State Control


Adam Smith Father of Modern Economics
Adam Smith Did Not Write of Economics

Adam Smith, considered by many as the founder, or father, of modern economics did not write about economics in the book featured in the above graphic, his most famous work; he actually wrote about how to develop a modern society so he was truly developing a philosophy of control to best direct a modern society, in his estimation. Continue reading “Economics – Early Nation-State Control”

Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries

Economics 101

Power of Control Ignored is
the Power to Control

As I was doing my series on ignorance I had an epiphany concerning economics. Nearly everyone I asked had the same reaction to economics as I; i.e., it is too difficult to understand and best left to the “experts”. Continue reading “Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries”