Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society

Allure of Reflexivity at a Distance
Reveals its True Nature Once Ensnared

In my studies of the New Perspectives on Paul (NPP) (The New Perspective on Paul A Historical, Critical, Appraisal of a New Approach to Judaism and Paul. Chris Reeves.) I recognized the philosophical underpinnings of Reflexivity and its attendant Fertile Fallacies which I had previously discussed (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate and Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism). Americans tend to think in discrete boxes; however, as I previously discussed (Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview), Satan works multidimensionally weaving his tentacles of deceit into a reinforcing framework of thought legitimizing his cause: show God as the author of evil {Theodicy}. Continue reading “Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society”