Sin: Coveting Control

Schematic of Point of Control: Man

ALL Sin Focuses on One Element: Man
Center of this Creation Coveting Control

In our current series discussing Control, we have traced its negative influence from its inception through the primary relationship of socialization, the family, into marriage, the basic building-block relationship of society {God Offered Cain Control; Controlling Fear: Cain and AbelControl’s Slavery of PeaceMarriage: Training for Control ViolenceControl Wealth to Control PeoplePurpose of Governments: Control.}. One of the most salient posts, Essence of Sin is Control sans Power, is probably the most difficult to grasp as people conflate Control with Power; however, the two are very different. Power is inherent in the nature of God; it is not endemic to His created beings: Angels and Mankind. Sin is the struggle for Control without Power against God’s Control: Coveting Control (Ge 3:5; Is 14:12-17).

Satan rebelled against God’s Control in Heaven before this physical creation and incited at least one-third of the angels, demons, to follow him (Re 12:3-4, 9). Satan believed he could do a better than God; but, better at what? Before the angels there was simply the Trinity. What was the purpose for which angels, and thus Heaven, were created? Man as the crowning achievement of all His Creations. The Day-Star angel was the crowning achievement of angels; yet, he was created to reflect God’s glory and eventually serve Mankind (Job 38:4-7; Ps 8:3-8; Ez 28:12-19; ; 1Co 6:1-3; He 1:14; 2:5-18). Day-Star coveted his position as THE angel and believed he had control which he would relinquish in eternity future when Man became sons of God above the angels (Ro 8:18-19; Ga 3:25-26). Yet, in his rebellion, Satan became enslaved to sin and {second} death (Re 20:7-15). God does not save those who are not of mankind; i.e., angels. For all their grasping {coveting} for control, they are condemned to utter helplessness in the Lake of Fire prepared for them (Mt 8:28-29; 25:41). Satan, to thwart God’s plan for Man became the conduit for Man to follow him into sin and death by offering them the illusion of Control apart from God; i.e., to be as gods. However, this enslaved them to Satan, sin and death (Ro 6:15-23). Christ, through His sinless Death in the flesh, freed those people who become saved from the control of sin and death (1Co 15:50-57).

Anger over Lack of Control

Anger: Revelation You Do NOT Have Control
Depression: Mourning of Loss of Control

Man and Woman {Adam and Eve} evidenced depression when they realized they did not have control over God or even over themselves. They mourned their changed status and groveled in the dirt when God came searching for them. Cain evidenced the other side of the coin of no Control: his nature became enraged, following the path of violence of Satan, seeking to exert Control. Herein one displays the powerlessness of Control. Cain used force to enslave Abel to himself and when this failed he committed the ultimate act of Control, murder; the removal of those who will not bow to your control. However, since this removes the individual from Control, Murder is the ultimate expression of NO Control. Control demands those over which to rule (Pr 14:28). When there are no people over which to exert Control, one cannot rule. Murder demonstrates the absolute lack of Control even as the perpetrator claims ultimate Control! Depression is simply the realization one does not have control over self or others. Rather than repent and turn to God, the depressed person mourns his, her, lack of Control. King Ahab exhibited depression over his inability to Control Naboth (1Ki 21:1-16). Jezebel exerted Control over political lackeys to discredit then murder Naboth. At every strata of society, the coveting of Control drives the violence to exert Control and where this is thwarted depression ensures; i.e., hopelessness.

Matrix Revealed

Satan Delegates some Control to Elites
As He is Limited in the Physical Realm

Cain built cities since he was cut off from the sustenance of the Land (Ge 4:14-17). This action requires Control and regimentation to gather the materials, develop the plans, build the structures and have sinful people inhabit the close confines without destroying each other for dominance; there can only be one dominant. Cain’s descendants became the authors of civilization (Ge 4:18-24). This civilization justified violence to extend Control, personal and corporate, over everyone. Government is the application of Control through Violence for its own preservation at the expense of the masses, non-elites. America has used violence nearly non-stop since the end of World War Parts One and Two domestically and internationally.

Satan has pitted three major regional groups vying for Control against each other to elevate one group over all others. Russia and its hegemony; China and its hegemony; and Islam and its hegemony quietly vie for power against the revived Greco-Roman hegemony. One awaits for Africa to develop its hegemony and Zionism currently sides with the revived Greco-Roman hegemony. Satan has been developing and will directly control the revived Greco-Roman hegemony by indwelling his chosen human controller, The Antichrist and his religious ally the False Prophet (Da 2:31-45; 7; 8:15-26; Re 13). Behind each political hegemony is a group of financiers actually controlling governments, energy sources, information outlets and food sources to move the masses as desired. Violence is the major means of directing peoples while inciting hopelessness of resistance to the inevitable goal of globalization: World Control. The sole purpose of World Control is eliminating the truth of the Gospel that changes lives and exposes the works of the Devil (Mt 13:36-43; 1Jo 3:8-10).

Sin's Control Leads to Death

Control is Helpless Over Death
Ultimate Price for Rejecting God

Control apart from God is an illusion of Satan (2Th 2:3-12). When Man, who was given dominion over the Earth, succumbed to the illusion of Control; God began reducing His Control so Man could have the opportunity to exert Control and fail. When God confronted Job it was on the grounds of Control over Creation. If Man cannot control himself, and he could not as evidenced by Cain, how could he expect to control nature which stretched far into space (Ps 19:1-4; Ro 1:18-20)? This is the reason Creation groans because Man cannot exert Control (Ro 8:19-22). Man is limited to the empirical but Creation is built on non-empirical energies {Power} (He 11:3; 2Pe 3:3-10). Man’s foray into nuclear energy revealed his inability via radiation hazards and contamination from weapon usage. In addition, there are solar and galactic energies impacting Earth that are beyond the ability of man to comprehend let alone Control.

Creation and Earth’s environment reveal man’s inability of Control. Man’s sinful violence reveals his inability of Control even over self which often devolves into depression mourning over this lack of Control. Rather than repent, Man continues to build myths that explain self and Creation apart from God such as Evolution, Atheism, Gnosticism and other “isms”. Psychology is the use of scientism to assuage people’s consciences into accepting both their sin and their enslavement to their assigned hegemony. Drugs are given, controlled, to lower intellectual defenses making the Lie believable. The hope of Transhumanism is the carrot promising implantable nanotech to overcome the limitations of the flesh and even victory over death: Posthumanism. The stick of violence is used to control those rebellious minions and Believers in Christ who will not submit. But, Death cannot be postponed for at some point this Creation comes to an end. Even this aspect of Creation will end when Christ returns (Re 19) to establish His Millennial Kingdom (Ze 12:10; 13:1; 14:1-17; Re 19:11-21). The Control Satan and sinners Covet will vanish before the absolute Power and Control of God. His people will be with Him in the New Heaven and Earth {Creation} forever more (Re 21:1-7). The Lost will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire coveting Control and cursing God; unrepentant despite the Truth.

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